PyTorch implementation of paper Auto-Encoding Score Distribution Regression for Action Quality Assessment. [Project Website] [Paper]
The action quality assessment (AQA) of videos is a challenging vision task since the relation between videos and action scores is difficult to model. Thus, AQA has been widely studied in the literature. Traditionally, AQA is treated as a regression problem to learn the underlying mappings between videos and action scores. But previous methods ignored data uncertainty in AQA dataset. To address aleatoric uncertainty, we further develop a plug-and-play module Distribution Auto-Encoder (DAE). Specifically, it encodes videos into distributions and uses the reparameterization trick in variational auto-encoders (VAE) to sample scores, which establishes a more accurate mapping between videos and scores. Meanwhile, a likelihood loss is used to learn the uncertainty parameters. We plug our DAE approach into MUSDL and CoRe. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art on AQA-7, MTL-AQA, and JIGSAWS datasets.
MTL-AQA dataset was orignially presented in the paper What and How Well You Performed? A Multitask Learning Approach to Action Quality Assessment (CVPR 2019) [arXiv], where the authors provided the YouTube links of untrimmed long videos and the corresponding annotations at here. The processed MTL-AQA dataset(Frames) can be downloaded through the following links:
1.[Google Drive]
2.[Baidu Drive](Password:SEU1)
The whole data structure should be:
├── data
| └── frames
| └── info
JIGSAWS dataset was presented in the paper Jhu-isi gesture and skill assessment working set (jigsaws): A surgical activity dataset for human motion modeling (MICCAI workshop 2014), where the raw videos could be downloaded at here. The whole data structure is same as MTL-AQA. The processed JIGSAWS dataset(Frames) can be downloaded through the following links:
1.[Google Drive]
2.[Baidu Drive](Password:SEU1)
training DAE model:
$ python --log_info=DAE --num_workers=16 --gpu=0 --train_batch_size=8 --test_batch_size=32 --num_epochs=100
training DAE-MT model:
$ python --log_info=DAE-MT --num_workers=16 --gpu=0 --train_batch_size=8 --test_batch_size=32 --num_epochs=100