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The Nuxt 3 module adds a flexible, customizable ColorPicker component


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Nuxt Color Picker

A module that adds a convenient, customizable ColorPicker component to select colors in your application.

This module works with Nuxt 3 only



  • Easy connection
  • Full component customisation
  • Two use cases (as color-picker and as color-picker-block)
  • EyeDropper support
  • Color selection history
  • Initial color display
  • Alpha range availability


Install the module:

npm install nuxt-color-picker


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ["nuxt-color-picker"]


  • ColorPicker

The component is a wrapper for any html block, to implement its own ColorPicker menu disclosure button.

type Props = {
  modelValue?: string;
  storageKey?: string;
  withAlpha?: boolean;
  withInitialColor?: boolean;
  withEyeDropper?: boolean;
  withHexInput?: boolean;
  withRgbInput?: boolean;
  withColorsHistory?: boolean | number;
  immediateEmit?: boolean;
type Emits = {
  (e: 'update:modelValue', v: string): void;
  (e: 'change', v: ModuleColorMultiType): void;
  (e: 'close'): void;
type Slot = {
  color: Ref<string | undefined>;
  hide: () => void;
  show: (event: MouseEvent) => void;
<script lang="ts" setup>
  const refVariable = ref('#000');

    v-slot="{ color, show }"
    @change="console.log('New color:', $event)"
    @close="console.log('ColorPicker is closed')"
    Current color: {{ color }}
    <button @click="show">OPEN</button>
  • ColorPickerBlock

The component is the main block of the Color Picker. It is always open and can be integrated as a block, anywhere in the application.

type Props = {
  modelValue?: string;
  storageKey?: string;
  withAlpha?: boolean;
  withInitialColor?: boolean;
  withEyeDropper?: boolean;
  withHexInput?: boolean;
  withRgbInput?: boolean;
  withColorsHistory?: boolean | number;
  immediateEmit?: boolean;
type Emits = {
  (e: 'update:modelValue', v: string): void;
  (e: 'change', v: ModuleColorMultiType): void;
<script lang="ts" setup>
  const refVariable = ref('#000');

  Current color: {{ refVariable }}
    @change="console.log('New color:', $event)"

Components configuration


Name Type Default Description
modelValue string #000000 v-model variable that adds two-way communication
storageKey string history A modifier key in the storage to save the color history
withAlpha boolean false It includes an alpha spectrum block and the ability to work with the alpha range of colors
withInitialColor boolean false Enables the display of the initial color with which the block was originally opened with the possibility of rolling back
withEyeDropper boolean false Includes the EyeDropper block (if supported), which allows you to use color copying
withHexInput boolean false Includes a block for manually entering the hex value color. When WithAlpha is enabled, the alpha range is added
withRgbInput boolean false Includes a block for manually entering the rgb color value. When WithAlpha is enabled, the alpha range is added
withColorsHistory boolean | number false Includes the color history block. Specifying a number - sets the number of colors to display (1<=n<=9). Specifying true sets the maximum possible number of colors. When withAlpha is turned off, the maximum number of colors is 8
immediateEmit boolean false Enables calling a color change event when mounting a component


Name Type Description
update:modelValue string v-model system event for updating the value
change ModuleColorMultiType Called when the color changes and returns a new color in rgba, hsv and hex values
close void Called when the ColorPicker window is closed


Name Type Description
color Ref<string | undefined> Current, selected, reactive color
hide () => void The function that closes the ColorPicker window
show (event: MouseEvent) => void The function that opens the ColorPicker window (requires MouseEvent to calculate the position of the window)


type ModuleRGB = {
  r: number;
  g: number;
  b: number;
type ModuleRGBA = ModuleRGB & {
  a: number;
type ModuleHSV = {
  h: number;
  s: number;
  v: number;
type ModuleHEX = string;

type ModuleColorMultiType = {
  rgba: ModuleRGBA;
  hsv: ModuleHSV;
  hex: ModuleHEX;

Configuration examples

all-off all-on hex-4colors-without-alpha
Equipment Basic Full Only HEX with 4 colors
Properties with-alpha
only-alpha rgba-initial without-alpha
Equipment Only alpha RGBA with initial All without alpha
Properties with-alpha with-alpha


  • Run npm run dev:prepare to generate type stubs.
  • Use npm run dev to start playground in development mode.


Deploy the application on the Edge with NuxtHub on your Cloudflare account:

npm run deploy

Then checkout your server logs, analaytics and more in the NuxtHub Admin.

You can also deploy using Cloudflare Pages CI.


MIT License