Script for automating Crimbo in Kingdom of Loathing
Until mafia issue with github are resolved this will not automatically install the dependencies. instead it you need to manually make sure you have them installed and up to date.
svn checkout
Run this command in the gCLI:
svn checkout
Will require a recent build of KoLMafia.
Run this command in the gCLI:
svn delete crimbo
A script for doing the Crimbo 2021 event.
Run this command in the gCLI:
crimbo21 X
Where X = number of adv you are willing to spend
Or you can click on it from the dropdown scripts menu to be asked how many adventures to spend in a popup.
You need to configure a custom combat script for fighting the enemies. My personal script (for sauceror) is:
[ default ]
if sauceror
skill curse of weaksauce
special action
skill micrometeorite
skill saucegeyser
It will not touch your Mood. so you can set it to whatever you feel is appropriate. It will maintain infinitely available non potion buffs automatically. For potions and limited buffs you should use moods when appropriate. (only use them when it can progress no further on the unlimited buffs).