This repo contains the code needed for our POC project - controlled mushrooms growing environnment. The code is in two parts :
- .ino for arduino code
- .py for raspberry pi code
In order to get the projet working, you need to :
- Wire all the components together according to the wiring_diagram.png
- Upload the .ino code to the arduino using Arduino software and a computer
- Run raspbian on the raspberry, replace the PORT variable in the file by the accurate value for your setup, and finally run the file with python3.
Arduino Code
The Arduino Code contains four major parts :
- functions to retrieve data from the sensors
- functions to calculate the command using PI blocks
- functions to apply command to the actuators
- a routine to handle serial communication with the raspberry pi
Raspberry pi code
The raspberry pi code contains a library of functions that can be used to communicate with the arduino, parametrize it and retrieve metrics. It also contains a little example script that runs all the functions.