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Practical Introduction into Federated Learning with NVFlare

This introduction to federated learning with NVFlare is part of the practical course Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing, Data Management and Analytics within the winter semeser 2023/24 at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). The goal was to understand the theory behind federated learning and used to NVFlare by transforming an existing machine learning workflow into a federated learning paradigm.

As a machine learning use case a brain tumor image classifier was chosen, containing a convolutional neural network with 5 layers and 3.6 million parameters. The data consists of 4600 labeled x-ray images. In this use case the CNN was trained such that it can detect a tumor on an image with an accuracy of 97%. The parameters for this training contain:

  • Batch size of 32
  • 15 epochs of training
  • Learning rate of 0.001

The code of the use case was transformed into an FL workflow using the provided instructions within the NVFlare repository.

How to use

To run this federated workflow on a local machine, the packages shall be installed first:

git clone Practical-Introduction-into-Federated-Learning-with-NVFlare
cd  Practical-Introduction-into-Federated-Learning-with-NVFlare
pip install -e .

To run the code, a virtual environment like venv is recommended. The dataset is not contained within this repository but can be downloaded under and should be placed within the main folder. The path for the dataset is defined in as DATASET_PATH In this code a private MLFlow instance was used. To avoid errors the link should be changed to a local MLFlow instance or an own private server instance within jobs/decorator/app/config/config_fed_server.conf in the last section of components with the id "mlflow_receiver_with_tracking_uri" When uing a MLFlow server instance which is protected with a login, the credentials need to be exported within the terminal with

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME='username'  
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD='password'  

To run the code now, first start the virtual environment and then run a NVFlare simulator command

source folder/to/venv/bin/activate
nvflare simulator -n 2 -t 2 ./jobs/decorator -w decorator_workspace
  • -n: indicates the amount of sites within the project. This number should align with the number of sites within the config files and within the main code
  • -t: indicates the amount of threads

There are more parameters available which can be looked up in the official repository of NVFlare. After running the code the folder decorator_workspace will be created with different log and config files.

For changing the splitting method of the dataset the argument --split_method needs to be changed to either uniform, linear, square or exponential. This can be done under jobs/decorator/app/config/config_fed_server.conf

For changing the amount of sites, an additional change within tumorDetection is necessary. In the beginning of the main function, when calling the createSplit method the parameter site-num needs to be align with the amount of sites used.

By combining different splitting methods with different FL algorithms and a different number of sites, different real world scenarios can be reproduced.

Structure of this project

├──                   <- The top-level README for developers using this project
├── requirements.txt            <- Necessary modules for this repository
├── code
│   ├──             <- Makes <your-model-source> a Python module
│   ├──           <- Module to load the data and split it for the given amount of sites based on a JSON File
│   ├──      <- Module for tracking the experiment with MLFlow
│   ├──                  <- The convolutional neural network
│   ├──   <- Module for splitting the data based on the given splitting method
│   └──       <- Main file of the federated learning workflow
├── job_configs                 <- folder with different FL algorithms to use for this project
│   ├── fedavg                  <- config files and main code for using fedavg as FL algorithm
│   ├── fedopt                  <- config files and main code for using fedopt as FL algorithm
│   ├── fedprox                 <- config files and main code for using fedprox as FL algorithm
│   └── scaffold                <- config files and main code for using scaffold as FL algorithm
├── jobs/decorator              <- folder with configs and code that will be used
└──output                       <- output folder for the JSON file defining the data split


Theoretical references:

Technical references:


NVFlare applied on an existing CNN project






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