This repository contain node application deployed through Docker in vm instance. It contain all the necessary package to run docker app in docker environment. We have added docker compose to run multiple docker image using config file.
This demo also contain the information of docker swarm , which is used to scale docker container in large environment.
Use the package manager Docker to install the dependencies. And run below command as per your needs.
# 1. create docker image
docker build . -t "test"
# 2. run docker image
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -d --name webApp test
# 3. get running container list
docker ps
# 4. run multiple docker image using docker compose - run multiple services
docker compose up -d
# 5. check docker images in local system
docker image ls
# 6. stop docker compose
docker compose stop
# 7. check docker container logs
docker logs --follow docker-web-1
# 8. check docker image info
docker image inspect ffd287e43d20
# 9. pull image from docker =hub & run in local
docker pull nginx
# 10. stop docker container
docker stop webApp
# 11. visit into a docker container
docker exec cid
# 12. login into docker hub - we can also make own registery for storing docker container image
docker login
# 13. push changes in docker hub
docker login -u lalitdemo -p
commit docker container image - docker container commit fb8a61784fdb lalitdemo/node-app:latest
push docker image to docker hub - docker push lalitdemo/node-app:latest