Task switching between interference/incongruent oddball selection and n-back congruent oddball selection/recall
in octave
or matlab
with PTB
. Use arrow keys to respond. For MRI and MEG hostnames hard coded in private/getSettings.m
, use glove/buttonbox keys, keyboard numbers 1-3.
nBMSI subjname 3
subj='subjname' % subjectname for matfile
runtype=3 % 1=nback,2=interference,3=cong, >=4 mixed, >= 10 mix without nback
in matlab see help nBMSI
, same as top of nBMSI
# get task
git clone https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/MMY4.git
cd MMY4
rsync -nrhi /mnt/usb/MMY4/ ~/src/MMY4 --size-only
ls /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Switch_MMY4/MR/1*/20*/*mat|perl -lne 'print $& if m/_-?\d_/'|sort |uniq -c
42 _-1_
76 _1_
43 _-2_
76 _2_
43 _-3_
76 _3_
76 _4_
76 _5_
76 _6_
76 _7_
76 _8_
76 _9_
negative block numbers are "practice"
from nBMSI.m
% nBMSI 12345 congr
% nBMSI 12345 nback practice % run nback, show extended instructions
% nBMSI 12345 -1 % same as above
% nBMSI 12345 congr practice Admin_PC % force MR computer, show more instructions
% block type can be given as a string or number
% 1 - nback,nb, blue;
% 2 - interference, int, red;
% 3 - congruent, cong, green;
% 4 - mix (mix1,mix2,mix3,mix4);
% negative numbers are practice of the positive number (imply 'practice')
% - practice has sounds
% - will stop early if accuracy is good
from private/blockName2Num.m
case {'mix1','mix2','mix3',...
from private/getSettings.m
% number trials;
s.events.nTrl = 60; % 40 if cog+incog only (no nback); 35 for pure block
s.time.Nback.wait=1.5; s.time.Nback.cue=.5;
s.time.Interfere.wait=1.3; s.time.Interfere.cue=.5;
s.time.Congruent.wait=1; s.time.Congruent.cue=.5;
s.time.ITI.max=Inf; s.time.ITI.min=1; s.time.ITI.end=12;
% fixation time should be about equal to task time
s.time.ITI.mu = mean([s.time.Nback.wait;
s.time.Congruent.wait]) ...
+ s.time.Nback.cue;
from output mat files:
mat_info <- function(f) {
x <- R.matlab::readMat(f)
data.frame(dur=(x$endtime - x$res[[1]][[1]][,,1]$idealonset)/60,
id=stringr::str_extract(f, '\\d{5}_-?\\d'))
mats <- Sys.glob('/Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Switch_MMY4/MR/1*/20*/*mat')
d_info <- lapply(mats,\(x) tryCatch(mat_info(x),error=\(e) NULL)) |> bind_rows()
d_info |>
separate(id,c('id','block')) |>
mutate(block_trials=paste0(block,"_",ntrial)) |>
group_by(block_trials) |>
summarise(n(), mean(dur),sd(dur))
block | trials | n() | mean(dur) | sd(dur) |
1 | 35 | 80 | 2.39 | 0.0111 |
2 | 35 | 76 | 2.28 | 0.00986 |
3 | 35 | 76 | 2.09 | 0.0249 |
4 | 60 | 76 | 3.72 | 0.00926 |
5 | 60 | 76 | 3.73 | 0.0149 |
6 | 60 | 76 | 3.73 | 0.0146 |
7 | 60 | 76 | 3.73 | 0.0184 |
8 | 60 | 76 | 3.73 | 0.0163 |
9 | 60 | 76 | 3.73 | 0.0120 |
MR for 2 only (cog/incog, no n-back)
xx GOOD JOB @ 148.853
t=zeros(3,10); % inf, cog, mix
s = getSettings('init','Admin_PC'); % for MR timing
for i = 1:length(t),
[e, emat] = genEventList(2) ;x=[e.onset]; t(1,i)=x(end)+12;
[e, emat] = genEventList(3) ;x=[e.onset]; t(2,i)=x(end)+12;
[e, emat] = genEventList(11);x=[e.onset]; t(3,i)=x(end)+12;
[min(t,[],2), mean(t,2), max(t,[],2)]
133.5735 135.3606 136.4175
122.2277 125.2909 126.5234
145.4405 147.3289 148.3090
iti=zeros(s.events.nTrlNoNbk+1,100); for i = 1:length(iti), iti(:,i) = genITI(s.events.nTrlNoNbk,s.time.ITI.mu,s.time.ITI.min); end
max(abs(sum(iti) - s.time.ITI.mu*(s.events.nTrlNoNbk+1)))
2025-03-21 installed newest psychopy (2024.2.4) into psychopy3 and got newest lncdtask
git clone [email protected]:LabNeuroCogDevel/lncdtask.git
cd lncdtask
/c/Program\ Files/PsychoPy3/python.exe -m pip install -e .
# cf old python install
# /c/Program\ Files/PsychoPy/python.exe --version # 3.8
# cat /c/Program\ Files/PsychoPy/CHANGELOG.txt # PsychoPy 2022.1