Laflux is a Hybrid Platform built with Laravel 5.3. This is the Banner component for Laflux.
Banner component is used for displaying banners on the front end.From the backend there is a CRUD option to View, Add, Edit, Publish/Unpublish, Trash banners. You can create as many as banner categories. Click here for the Demo. Default Username : [email protected], Password : 123456.
Laflux platform : Checkout the demo of Laflux: Front end demo, Back end demo
The default Laflux platform includes all the necessary packages including this one. This component has been added as a submodule in the Laflux.However, you can install this component separately via two methods.
1.) Download the component as zip and upload directly into the system via Laflux Extension manager component.
2.) Manual Installation (Via git clone)
Clone the repository in to the Directory, root directory/packages/ExtensionsValley/ . After cloning, run the following commands.
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan migrate
composer dumpautoload -o
If you add this repository as a submodule, you can automatically update the repository, whenever there is a new update.To add this repository as a submodule, go to the root directory of Laflux and run the following command:
git submodule add packages/ExtensionsValley/Banners/
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan db:seed --class=BannerSeeder
composer dumpautoload -o
This banner component is completely ready for deployment. Installation is all you have to do.
- Jobin Jose - Initial work - Jobin Jose
- Jinto Antony - Initial work - Jinto Antony
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Laflux platform Documentation - Documentation
- Updates - Pull this repository for latest updates
- Premium Version of Laflux - Premium Version
- 100% Upgrade Guaranteed
- Laravel 5.2 or 5.3 to Kick Start
- User Management
- User Groups Management
- Powerful Access Control Logic (ACL)
- Inbuilt Data Tables Support
- Easy CRUD Management
- Extension Manager for integrating many packages
- Data Export options for all Tables
- Rapid Customization Options
- Full Admin Theme
- Clean and Professional UI
- Inbuilt CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap Support
- Free Lifetime Updates
- Comparable with All-Modern-Browsers
- Multiple Icon Fonts
- Retina-Ready Design
- etc.