Releases: Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
Releases · Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
- [MediaBundle] Only allow redirects to the same domain, or relative urls #218 (@krispypen)
- [AdminListBundle,FormBundle] Fix broken FormSubmissions export #214 (@wimvds)
- [AdminListBundle] Fixed the exception when you delete the only item of a page #196 #206 (@woutervandamme)
- [FormBundle] Only export formsubmissions of the same language (aka NodeTranslation) #203 (@Lisje)
- [AdminBundle] Use an invisible password prompt in the create user command #195 #198 (@arneruy)
- [UtilitiesBundle] Silence iconv errors for illegal characters in the slugify method #197 (@samuele-mrapps)
- [AdminBundle] Fixes syntax error created by commit: b72a8f9 (Do not prefix database when using SQLite). #186 (@Lisje)
- [GeneratorBundle] New FormPage generator #185 (@mennowame)
- [AdminBundle,MediaBundle,NodeBundle,PagePartBundle] Made indices unique by prefixing entity name #183 (@WouterJ)
- [Travis] Speed up travis builds #182 (@WouterJ)
- [MediaBundle] Check if the file actually exists and add a constraint on the file field #181 (@umeku)
- [AdminBundle] Setting disabled=disabled on the "Save as draft" button prevents submitting the "saveasdraft" parameter #180 (@umeku)
- [NodeBundle] Fix typo in 15f0490 #179 (@umeku)
- [NodeBundle] Fix infinite recursion problem in NodeTranslationListener #178 (@umeku)
- [UtilitiesBundle] changed iconv transliteration setting in the Slugifier #177 (@umeku)
- [NodeBundle] PageCreatorService should not fail without KunstmaanSeoBundle #176 (@umeku)
- [NodeBundle] Fix node translations not getting a URL set when using structure nodes #175 (@JoakimLofgren)
- [AdminBundle] Do not prefix database when using SQLite #170 (@WouterJ)
- [AdminListBundle] Make it possible to have no item actions for some records #169 (@jockri)
- [NodeBundle] Fix if statement in queries to support SQLite #168 (@WouterJ)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fixed generated datafixtures to use correct textcase #167 (@WouterJ)
- [Documentation] Improve the installation chapter #164 (@WouterJ)
- [AdminBundle] Change the file permissions of the widget.html.twig for the TabsTwigExtension to 644 #163 (@samuele-mrapps)
- New frontend #161 (@indrikenens)
- [LiveReloadBundle] Change the check_server_presence property to checkServerPresence #153 (@jrobeson)
- [LiveReloadBundle] require framework-bundle only, not symfony/symfony #152 (@jrobeson)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fix layout of labels in form by adding default classes #149 (@mennowame)
- added italian translation - fixed colon issue in en translation #143 (@samuele-mrapps)
- Bugfix for render_pagetemplate() #142 (@tentwofour)
- fix form submissions #137 (@wimvds)
- allow submenu in Modules top menu #136 (@jockri)
- Editing the top media folder results in an error #59 (@wimvds)
- Can't add new user group from the admin interface #58 (@wimvds)
- Imagick must be installed prior to installation, even if you don't plan to use KunstmaanMediaBundle #24 (@wimvds)
- fix more dropdown tab in nav if necessary #134 (@dbeerten)
- Moved if block location so imageurl is available to the click listener #133 (@tentwofour)
- make it possible to define a custom list of bundles for which the TranslatorBundle should be used #132 (@jockri)
- fix issue #91 and reduce flush #131 (@samuele-mrapps)
- add extra security measures to prevent session hijacking #130 (@jockri)
- Fix redirect add admin action and possible others. #127 (@Maff-)
- Use relative asset paths in stylesheets and asset() twig function #126 (@Maff-)
- Added imagine_filter call in chooser widget thumbnails #111 (@tentwofour)
- added DisableButtonsOnSubmit function #108 (@bobhuf)
- retina filter toggle #107 (@bobhuf)
- fix live reload bundle script injector #105 (@wimvds)
- Update NodeAdminController.php #103 (@tentwofour)
- add tag fix #102 (@konstantinsp)
- missing char and string to lower case #101 (@konstantinsp)
- Rename nodes_search table #100 (@kimausloos)
- Fix for issue when namespace depth > 1 in KunstmaanGenerateCommand #97 (@tentwofour)
- Update AbstractAdminListConfigurator.php #96 (@tentwofour)
- Add bulk actions #93 (@jockri)
- Fix dbal adminlist exports #92 (@jockri)
- added missing dependency #90 (@konstantinsp)
- added missing letters to slygifier #86 (@konstantinsp)
- Remove unused repo call #83 (@kimausloos)
- Add Symfony 2.6, remove 2.4 #82 (@roderik)
- private to public method change #81 (@konstantinsp)
- tags field default options #79 (@konstantinsp)
- admin route names changed to lowercase #78 (@konstantinsp)
- added estonia and swedish country codes #77 (@konstantinsp)
- convert russial letters to translit #76 (@konstantinsp)
- fix failing translation fixtures #75 (@krispypen)
- fix for forms which are nodes and not implement haspageparts interface, ... #73 (@krispypen)
- pageparts should not depend on HasNodeInterface, but on HasPagePartsInte... #70 (@krispypen)
- menu items in the backend should not always have a link, so now you can ... #69 (@krispypen)
- Upgrade CKEditor to 4.4.6 to fix Safari under Yosemite issues #67 (@roderik)
- fix add translation #66 (@wimvds)
- Make slugrouter configurable #65 (@kimausloos)
- fix translation import #64 (@wimvds)
- Fix/support multiple databases in adminlists #63 (@wimvds)
- add useful node repository helper functions #62 (@wimvds)
- fix for wrong highlighting in admin tree / page title / breadcrumbs... #61 (@wimvds)
- entity interface added #60 (@wimvds)
- fix elastica host configuration #57 (@krispypen)
- added estonian and new swedish codes #54 (@konstantinsp)
- german translations #51 (@virtualize)
- fix wrong parameter fetch from container #49 (@Devolicious)
- Feature/make upgrade easier #48 (@Devolicious)
- Fix travis path #47 (@kimausloos)
- Generator cleanup for article bundle #45 (@virtualize)
- fix kunstmaan_admin parameters #43 (@wimvds)
- check if pdf files still exists before transforming + do not fail on rem... #42 (@Devolicious)
- Fix for paging : perform full search to fetch number of results if needed... #40 (@wimvds)
- Feature/refactor search #39 (@wimvds)
- Feature/modify admin paths #36 (@wimvds)
- Allow to reorder the nodes in Backoffice's sidebar's jstree #33 (@T4m)
- Added note about browser support on the README file #31 (@sebastien-roch)
- MediaBundle: Implemented moving a media through drag-and-drop #30 (@sebastien-roch)
- fixed deprecated for generate commands #29 (@virtualize)
- Fixed path to analytics JS file #28 (@sebastien-roch)
- Fixed demosite db prefixes #27 (@virtualize)
- Load uglifyjs2 and uglifycss as vendors through NPM to avoid local installation #26 (@sebastien-roch)
- use Finder instead of glob #22 (@wimvds)
- fix copying assets #20 (@wimvds)
- implement mime type guesser factory (so it can be modified on a per proj... #18 (@wimvds)
- add created and updated timestamps to node translations #16 (@wimvds)
- clean up generator bundle / improve page & pagepart generator #15 (@wimvds)
- quickfix: prevent enforcing admin locale in previews #14 (@wimvds)
- bugfixes for admin list orderBy/orderDirection #13 (@wimvds)
- Fix issue with getting order direction from query string #11 (@lucian-v)
- Insight fixes #9 (@roderik)
- More insight fixes #8 (@roderik)
- Move to minimum-stability: "dev" like symfony/symfony #7 (@roderik)
- Some insight fixes #6 (@roderik)
- Moving all bundles to 3.0-dev and depend on ~3.0.0 #2 (@roderik)