Releases: Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
Releases · Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
Please note that there were some small changes to new features introduced in 3.4.0. These changes were documented in
- [MediaBundle] Create web safe filenames #780 (@tentwofour)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] Added extra lead generation rule: on exit intent #778 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] Allow
to create items in main menu #777 (@mlebkowski) - [AdminBundle] Fix assigning groups to user in kuma:user:create command #776 (@denbatte)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Get Extra Multi Domain data twig extension #775 (@denbatte)
- [MediaBundle] Update required KnpGaufretteBundle version in MediaBundle #773 (@joker806)
- [AdminBundle] Update required Symfony version in AdminBundle #772 (@joker806)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] Improved in the documentation and twig demo templates + added debug configuration parameter #771 (@jockri)
- [Documentation] Add info for admin list configurator buttons from image to icon #770 (@aistis-)
- [DashboardBundle] Fix https render_esi() dashboard problem #769 (@jockri)
- [MediaBundle] fix remove percent sign from filename when uploading #768 (@bakie)
- [SeoBundle] Check for older bundles version #767 (@denbatte)
- [MenuBundle] Define a proper MenuItem entity class #766 (@aistis-)
- [Documentation] Added documentation for Social and Seo update #763 (@denbatte)
- [MenuBundle] Swap default options paramers #762 (@aistis-)
- [SeoBundle] Extra article seo meta tags #761 (@denbatte)
- [NodeBundle] fix slug refresh button behaviour #760 (@bakie)
- [SeoBundle] Improved ogUrl tag handling #759 (@denbatte)
- [SeoBundle] Add extra tags OG tags #758 (@denbatte)
- [AdminBundle] pp view block overflow clearfix fix #757 (@indrikenens)
- [MenuBundle] fix last PR mistakes in the menuBundle and corrected styling issues f… #756 (@denbatte)
- [AdminListBundle] Change image button image to icon #755 (@aistis-)
- [MenuBundle] Let define extra link classes to decorator #754 (@aistis-)
- [NodeBundle] Show publish button when editing a page #752 (@jockri)
- [All Bundles] PSR-1 fixes, Removed unused #751 (@wimvds)
- [SeoBundle] Seo and social tab update #750 (@denbatte)
- [All bundles] SensioInsights & code cleanup #748 (@wimvds)
- [MediaBundle] Refactor remote media types #747 (@wimvds)
- [AdminBundle] fix admin 404 (#169) #746 (@wimvds)
- [Tests] unit tests + small fixes #744 (@wimvds)
- [MenuBundle] Some refactoring of the menuBundle - Make it extendable #729 (@denbatte)
- upgrade doc v3.3 -> v3.4 #742 (@wimvds)
- [AdminBundle] Make PagePartEditor emit events on add, edit and delete #740 (@tarjei)
- [AdminBundle] Jquery is required before CKEditor #739 (@tarjei)
- [AdminBundle] Document what extending the editor may look like. #738 (@tarjei)
- [SeoBundle] Remove incorrect slash from image_src tag #737 (@waaghals)
- [AdminBundle] Fix admin sidebar when NodeBundle is not used #731 (@jockri)
- [TranslatorBundle] add missing use statement #728 (@piotrbelina)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle] Refactor DomainConfiguration #726 (@wimvds)
- [MediaBundle] Fixed image file extension #725 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminBundle] add div wrapper to tables #724 (@diskwriter)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] Handle type via request url as fallback #723 (@kimausloos)
- [AllBundles] revert bc breaks #722 (@piotrbelina)
- [FolderBundle] refactor reorderAction #721 (@piotrbelina)
- [MediaBundle] add parsing urls #720 (@piotrbelina)
- [FormBundle] fix view icon #719 (@piotrbelina)
- [MediaBundle] fix folder position saving via drag and drop #718 (@piotrbelina)
- [AdminBundle] Improve submenu caret alignment #717 (@wimvds)
- [AdminBundle] fix annotation autoloading for tests #716 (@piotrbelina)
- [All Bundles] removed deprecated notices #715 (@piotrbelina)
- [AdminBundle] fix JS undefined issue & add translations in permissions widget #714 (@wimvds)
- [SearchBundle] fixed typo in SearchConfigurationChain::getConfiguration #713 (@piotrbelina)
- [NodeSearch][SearchBundle] upgrade Elastica to 2.3 version #712 (@piotrbelina)
- [GeneratorBundle] fixed exception for top level search results #711 (@piotrbelina)
- [NodeBundle] performance fixes #710 (@wimvds)
- [GeneratorBundle] moved NodeTranslationTwigExtension to separate extension #708 (@piotrbelina)
- [NodeBundle] Set default weight for new subpage #707 (@mdxpl)
- [Nodebundle] [critical] Fix services.yml error in NodeBundle #706 (@jverdeyen)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Added host aliases support #704 (@yoshz)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] Add required type parameters as hidden form field #698 (@kimausloos)
- [AdminListBundle] Deprecated twig function my_router_params() #697 (@kimausloos)
- [Documentation] Fix upgrade to 3.3 command #696 (@kimausloos)
- [NodeBundle] don’t use session if not in request scope #637 (@mlebkowski)
- Clear translation cache without exec but with native unlink function #694 (@jverdeyen)
- [MenuBundle] use DomainConfigurationInterface instead of DomainConfiguration + depend on NodeBundle #693 (@jockri)
- [MenuBundle] Make it possible to move menu items up/down #692 (@jockri)
- [NodeBundle] Documentation fix #691 (@mdxpl)
- [RedirectBundle] remove double input info #687 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] Make it easier to append javascript/css/CKConfiguration #683 (@krispypen)
- [RedirectBundle] Add domain field when configuring redirects #682 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] Warning in collection when using media as type #680 (@yoshz)
- [PagePartBundle] Hide pagepart dropdown when there are no options configured #679 (@jverdeyen)
- [NodeBundle] Re-add nodemenu again in the rendercontext #678 (@krispypen)
- [MenuBundle] Refactor MenuBundle to use a MenuService #677 (@jverdeyen)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Cache root node #675 (@wimvds)
- [AdminBundle] Updated select2 to 4.0.0 #674 (@yoshz)
- [AdminBundle] Trigger change event for urlChooser and mediaChooser #673 (@yoshz)
- [DashboardBundle] Only allow super admin to configure the dashboard #672 (@yoshz)
- [FixturesBundle] Fix for fixtures populator entity array #671 (@virtualize)
- [PagePartBundle] Pageparts recursive regions #668 (@wesleylancel)
- [FixturesBundle] Allow adding "offline" structure nodes as a parent in fixtures. Incl … #667 (@jverdeyen)
- [FixturesBundle] Insights fix for fixtures #666 (@wesleylancel)
- [MenuBundle] Add option for activeClass on links for MenuBundle #663 (@wesleylancel)
- [FixturesBundle] Add option to set pagetemplate in fixtures #662 (@wesleylancel)
- [SEOBundle] Wrap cookbook information in block tag #661 (@jverdeyen)
- [AdminBundle] Wrap the login logo in a block tag #660 (@jverdeyen)
- [PagePartBundle] Translate context names #659 (@wesleylancel)
- [FixturesBundle] Make sure pagepart translations are saved in fixtures #658 (@wesleylancel)
- [FixturesBundle] Pass arguments to Faker provider #657 (@wesleylancel)
- [PagePartBundle] Translate PageTemplate and PagePart names #656 (@wesleylancel)
- [PagePartBundle] Added move up/down buttons for re-ordering pageparts #654 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] Fix CreateUserCommand with --group option #653 (@jverdeyen)
- [NodeBundle] Make it possible to configure internalName and weight for structure nodes #652 (@jockri)
- [MediaBundle] Show internal name field for media folders #651 (@krispypen)
- [AdminBundle] Allow custom ckeditor height #650 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] Fix js error in media chooser #649 (@jockri)
- [All Bundles] Sensiolabs Insight fixes #648 (@roderik)
- [AdminBundle] Update ckeditor to 4.5.3, allow custom configuration and extra plugins #647 (@diskwriter)
- [NodeBundle] Fix page edit tab logic #646 (@jockri)
- [NodeBundle] fix reorder method in case the node hasn't been translated #645 (@samuele-mrapps)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Fix host override warnings #644 (@wimvds)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Update the MultiDomainBundle documentation + remove extra parameters from request _route_params #643 (@jockri)
- [SeoBundle] Logical operators should be avoided #642 (@anvanza)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Fix host override #641 (@wimvds)
- [PagePartBundle] Make it possible to override the twig template for a custom PagePartWidget #635 (@jockri)
- [SearchBundle] Add the locale to the request context when populating the search index #634 (@jockri)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Add MultiDomainBundle #633 (@wimvds)
- [PagepartBundle] Fix alingment of pageparts #632 (@Sambego)
- [NodeBundle] Removed fallback logic for simple route loaders #630 (@jockri)
- [AdminBundle] nested form: don’t remove entities in many-to-many relation #629 (@mlebkowski)
- [AdminListBundle] Dispatch ADAPT_SIMPLE_FORM event in the AdminListController add action #628 (@dpk125)
- Fixed nested form second level #627 (@evgemar)
- [NodeBundle] Prevent add pagepart from blocking page #626 (@kimausloos)
- [NodeBundle] Refactor online template #520 (@denbatte)