Releases: Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
Releases · Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
- [PagePartBundle] Keep yaml array keys when merging multiple configs #2219 (@acrobat)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fixed broken composer.json #2213 (@Devolicious)
- [AllBundles] Add php-cs-fixer cache to gitignore #2202 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Only use session in toolbar listener if it was started before #2190 (@acrobat)
- [GeneratorBundle] update FE buildtools #2179 (@dbeerten)
- [Translations] New Crowdin translations #2173 (@KunstmaanLabs)
- [AdminBundle][AdminListBundle] Revert code changes for container access deprecation to make symfony 4 upgrade easier #2167 (@acrobat)
- [MediaBundle] Added image sizes to media chooser #2158 (@jordanmoon)
- [AllBundles] Style-ci setup #2152 (@acrobat)
- [MediaBundle] Folder types as constants (part 2) #2150 (@SpadXIII)
- [VotingBundle] [Test] fix namespace tests #2147 (@Numkil)
- [UtilitiesBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests and old mocks #2146 (@Numkil)
- [UsermanagementBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests #2145 (@Numkil)
- [TranslatorBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2144 (@Numkil)
- [TaggingBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests #2142 (@Numkil)
- [SitemapBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2141 (@Numkil)
- [SeoBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2140 (@Numkil)
- [SearchBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2139 (@Numkil)
- [RedirectBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2138 (@Numkil)
- [PagePartBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests and remove old mocks #2137 (@Numkil)
- [NodeSearchBundle][Tests] fix namespace tests #2136 (@Numkil)
- [NodeBundle] [tests] fix tests namespace and refactor mocks #2132 (@Numkil)
- [MultiDomainBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2131 (@Numkil)
- [MenuBundle] [Tests] fix tests namespace #2130 (@Numkil)
- [MediaPagePartBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2129 (@Numkil)
- [MediaBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2128 (@Numkil)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests #2127 (@Numkil)
- [MediaBundle] Folder types as constants #2125 (@SpadXIII)
- [AllBundles] Revert PR 2097 #2123 (@acrobat)
- [TranslatorBundle] Fix random failing test because of race condition #2122 (@acrobat)
- [DashboardBundle] Fixed duplicate service id and missing command in command services config #2121 (@acrobat)
- [GeneratorBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2114 (@Numkil)
- [FixturesBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2113 (@Numkil)
- [DashboardBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests #2112 (@Numkil)
- [ConfigBundle] [tests] fix namespace tests #2111 (@Numkil)
- [BehatBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests #2110 (@Numkil)
- [ArticleBundle] [Tests] fix tests namespace #2109 (@Numkil)
- [AdminBundle] [AdminListBundle] [Tests] fix namespace tests and refactor mocks, use codeception #2108 (@Numkil)
- [FormBundle] [Tests] Fix namespace + modernize old fashioned mocks and use codeception #2107 (@Numkil)
- [GeneratorBundle, FormBundle] add generator for form pageparts #2106 (@sandergo90)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle] check if command is not null on console error #2105 (@sandergo90)
- [MediaBundle] Fix issues with CreatePdfPreviewCommand #2100 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Added support for both symfony 3 and 4 for our overrides on the container access methods #2097 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Add php 7.2 to test matrix #2089 (@acrobat)
- [Translations] New Crowdin translations #2088 (@KunstmaanLabs)
- [NodeBundle] Add missing upgrade note for PR #2073 #2086 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Fix broken console exception tests #2080 (@Devolicious)
- [NodeBundle] Deprecate unused TemplateEngine constructor argument #2073 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Explicitly set the template path for user bundle templates #2069 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Support symfony/swiftmailerBundle 3 #2068 (@acrobat)
- [PagePartBundle] Add has_page_parts Twig function #2065 (@wesleylancel)
- [composer] readd swiftmailer bundle #2062 (@Numkil)
- [AdminBundle] Don't depend on monolog implementation of the logger #2060 (@acrobat)
- [MediaBundle] Add web_root configuration to support both web and public as the root dir for uploads #2058 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle][MultidomainBundle] Check if container has service before changing it #2053 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Add compatibility with the new symfony Role class #2046 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Fix BC break after upgrading to sensio/framework-extra-bundle 5.0 #2045 (@acrobat)
- [MediaBundle] fixed BackgroundFilterLoader issue #2040 (@deZinc)
- [AdminBundle] bump node version #2035 (@FVKVN)
- [NodeBundle] Split off logic of NodeAdminController in helper class #2027 (@treeleaf)
- [TranslatorBundle] add status field on translations for later use in rest api #2026 (@Numkil)
- [AllBundles] Remove unused symfony/swiftmailer-bundle #2025 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Remove unused sensio/distribution-bundle #2023 (@acrobat)
- [DashboardBundle] Deprecated service container usage in dashboard com… [#2022](
- [AllBundles] Changes for upcoming travis-ci infra migration #2180 (@acrobat)
- [Docs] Fix slack channel link #2178 (@diskwriter)
- [AllBundles] Backport styleci fixes to 5.0 #2175 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Fix icons ckeditor again #2174 (@dbeerten)
- [GeneratorBundle] fix gulp dependency #2172 (@diskwriter)
- [GeneratorBundle] Remove unnecessary roles on dom nodes #2170 (@diskwriter)
- [AdminListBundle] use datepicker for DateTimeType filters #2159 (@dbeerten)
- [TranslatorBundle] fix non-unique locales in TranslationAdminConfigurator #2156 (@treeleaf)
- [AllBundles] Disable styleci checks for 5.0 #2151 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] revert CKeditor to original version #2134 (@dbeerten)
- [NodeBundle] Revert "Fix bug in NodeChoiceType (#2115)" #2133 (@deZinc)
- [NodeSearchBunde] [SearchBundle] Add parameters for ES authentication and use them in version check #2120 (@wesleylancel)
- [AdminBundle] use full version of CKeditor #2119 (@dbeerten)
- [FormBundle] Show full path to file in form export #2118 (@waaghals)
- [NodeBundle] Node choice type fix #2115 (@wesleylancel)
- [AdminBundle] Fixed issue with locale in kuma:user:create command #2104 (@veloxy)
- [AdminBundle] Fixed issue when running kuma:user:create with --no-interaction flag #2103 (@veloxy)
- [AdminBundle] Fix icons CKeditor #2099 (@dbeerten)
- [NodeSearchBundle] Fix search index of childpages of a structured node #2091 (@acrobat)
- [NodeSearchBundle] check if params exist while building container #2078 (@Devolicious)
- [AdminList] Fix admin list empty url #2071 (@dannyvw)
- [NodeBundle] Remove unused vardumper use #2067 (@acrobat)
- [MediaBundle] Skip test if ghostscript is not installed #2066 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] #2050 Fixed issue in refreshing ck editor #2064 (@janb87)
- [AdminListBundle] fixed form options source in admin list controller #2056 (@mdxpl)
- [KunstmaanTranslatorBundle] export all translations, use correct locales #2055 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fix xpath for publish modal in behat tests #2052 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Remove id of nested form item containers #2049 (@SpadXIII)
- [AdminBundle] fixed BC break in CreateUserCommand #2043 (@deZinc)
- [AdminBundle] remove hardcopy of ckeditor #2041 (@FVKVN)
- [AdminBundle] added missing translations to main language #2038 (@Devolicious)
- [MediaBundle] Fixed BackgroundFilterLoader issue #2028 (@deZinc)
- [PagePartBundle] Refactor HeaderPagePart entity test #2024 (@Devolicious)
- [KunstmaanNodeSearchBundle] remove check for class #2009 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle] fixed create user command #1995 #1996 (@deZinc)
- [Docs] set correct paths #1990 (@sandergo90)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle] fix js for collections #1989 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle] Replace deprecated twig raw tag in scss file #1987 (@acrobat)
- [NodeBundle] Select correct root node for the urlchooser in a multidomain setup #1986 (@acrobat)
- [KunstmaanFormBundle] batchsize is not initialized #1976 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fix unquoted parameter in routing generator #1973 (@acrobat)
- [ConfigBundle] Set the correct configuration entity as active #1964 (@JZuidema)
- [FormBundle] Change form labels to required #1962 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminBundle] Messages are already translated by symfony #1954 (@acrobat)
- [AdminBundle] Update frontend packages #1946 (@diskwriter)
- [SensioInsights] adjust sensiolabs config #1945 (@Devolicious)
- [KunstmaanUtilitiesBundle]: assert bundle is only installed in dev #1942 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle]: toolbar should check if logged in in main firewall #1941 (@sandergo90)
- [UtilitiesBundle] Make parameter kunstmaan_utilities.cipher.secret op… #1939 (@treeleaf)
- [FormBundle] Change label required for choice pagepart #1934 (@dannyvw)
- [FormBundle] Update regex translation #1933 (@dannyvw)
- [MenuBundle] Change new window required #1932 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminListBundle][MediaBundle] remove duplicate pagination and broken switch pagination limit #1927 (@Numkil)
- [Composer][GeneratorBundle] Fixes for testing StandardEdition #1922 (@Devolicious)
- [AdminBundle] Update add new translation #1914 (@dannyvw)
- [Documentation] remove addition to upgrade guide that was merged in incorrectly #1911 (@Numkil)
- [AdminListBundle] avoid translations freakout when the key is true or false without escaping #1909 (@Numkil)
- [NodeBundle] save on (un)publish #1803 (@deZinc)
- [MediaBundle] Create runtime config hash using the original image path #1500 (@b-franco)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fix article generator for no-interaction #1912 (@Devolicious)
- [NodeBundle]: node data collector should go to node id #1891 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminListBundle] Start and end form using tab pane form view, if it exists #1890 (@mtnorthrop)
- [MultiDomainBundle]: host override should be set before getting default locale #1889 (@sandergo90)
- [FormBundle]: add batchsize to export list #1887 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle] Fix Bootstrap modals on smaller screens #1885 (@dbeerten)
- [Docs - 5.0]: move to readthedocs documentation #1880 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle] Change logic of page title #1874 (@treeleaf)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fixed limit in generated article repository #1871 (@jordanmoon)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle]: fix permissions #1869 (@sandergo90)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle]: access level for google should add groups #1868 (@sandergo90)
- [LeadGenerationBundle]: times should not be blank #1865 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle] Fixed bundle namespace in article generator pagepart config #1864 (@jordanmoon)
- [AdminBundle]: redirect to previous page when logging in with Google #1862 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle]: fixes for article generator #1860 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle] Make it possible to search in all PagePartChoosers #1854 (@NindroidX)
- [SeoBundle]: fields are not required #1851 (@sandergo90)
- [NodeBundle] Check for mapping exception when multiple entity manager… #1819 (@delboy1978uk)