- [FixturesBundle] fixed parser for array #1773 (@deZinc)
- [AdminListBundle] Interface instead class as argument type #1768 (@cv65kr)
- [RedirectBundle] update test to reflect fix for #1745 #1758 (@delboy1978uk)
- [NodeBundle] fixed error bubbling for URLChooser #1756 (@deZinc)
- [RedirectBundle] Fix duplicate records #1750 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] Fix security issues by updating outdated dependencies #1744 (@diskwriter)
- [AdminBundle] Make AbstractFormPagePart label non nullable and assert… #1739 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] Hide wrapping content of large value #1737 (@dbeerten)
- [FormBundle] Default file upload label required to false #1736 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] Fix styling of reset password form #1735 (@dbeerten)
- [MediaBundle] Include filters even if no results found #1734 (@delboy1978uk)
- [RedirectBundle] Ability to redirect for eg. /whatever/* to /somethin… #1731 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] version bump moment js #1728 (@FVKVN)
- [GeneratorBundle]: fix classes in fields.html.twig #1727 (@sandergo90)
- [MediaBundle] - Use JsonResponse to set headers instead of calling he… #1718 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AllBundles] Code style fixes #1692 (@acrobat)
- [SensiolabsInsight] - remove user .gitignore files #1686 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] Fix CKEditor windows line endings in CHANGES.md #1682 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AllBundles] - Method visibility public #1678 (@delboy1978uk)
- [SensiolabsInsight] Replace the usage of superglobals with the symfony request object #1675 (@acrobat)
- [Readme] Update badges in README.txt #1669 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle] Align counter in input-group #1668 (@dbeerten)
- [GeneratorBundle] Preffered locale #1662 (@cv65kr)
- [Docs] System requirements #1661 (@cv65kr)
- [AdminBundle] Update _input-range-slider.js #1653 (@sandergo90)
- [Docs] Update 06-04-config-bundle.md #1652 (@sandergo90)
- [Composer] update php minimum requirement to be able to install version 4 again #1650 (@Devolicious)
- [KunstmaanGeneratorBundle]: add default values while generating page #1643 (@sandergo90)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle] Fix adding image in WYSIWYG editor #1634 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AdminBundle] Fix docblock so child entities fluent setters wont break #1628 (@delboy1978uk)
- [Docs] fix markdown in upgrade guide #1626 (@svenluijten)
- [SensioGeneratorBundle] set limit in PageRepository stub #1625 (@svenluijten)
- [Docs] Fix the links in the contributing.md file #1624 (@NindroidX)
- [DOCS] Fix typos in documentation #1622 (@Devolicious)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle]: fix nested forms #1574 (@sandergo90)
- [MediaBundle] Don't show filesize if null #1568 (@dannyvw)
- [Docs] Update list of generated classes #1552 (@svenluijten)
- [NodeSearchBundle] Bugfix for indexing StructuredNodes and children #1550 (@treeleaf)
- [KunstmaanConfigBundle]: change typo #1546 (@sandergo90)
- [MediaBundle] Fix audio display if media type isn't soundcloud #1543 (@piszczek)
- [NodeBundle] Fix export pagetemplate #1542 (@piszczek)
- [AdminBundle] [NodeBundle] rewrite urlchooser in scalable manner #1537 (@Numkil)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Removed unused and invalid interface from TwigExtension #1535 (@wesleylancel)
- [Docs]: change documentation paths #1525 (@sandergo90)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle]: reinit modules javascript on nested forms #1521 (@sandergo90)
- [SeoBundle]: change meta length #1519 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle]: fix #1514 #1517 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminListBundle] Use getStringValue for adminlist view template #1507 (@wesleylancel)
- [AdminBundle] Fix MediaTokenTransformer with null values #1506 (@peterbxyz)
- [KunstmaanAdminBundle]: use addHtmlContent for domcrawler #1502 (@sandergo90)
- [DOCS]: add all doc information from bundles #1501 (@sandergo90)
- [AllBundles]: fix ckeditor media tokens #1492 (@sandergo90)
- [GeneratorBundle]: add replace_url by default #1491 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle]: fix fos user enabled state #1489 (@sandergo90)
- [ArticleBundle] Fix typo in translations #1486 (@pix-art)
- [AdminBundle]: fix permissionadmin for sf3 #1484 (@sandergo90)
- [AllBundles] Add form isSubmitted before isValid #1403 (@dannyvw)
- [AllBundles] Add missing translations #1400 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminBundle] Add missing translations for admin login #1398 (@dannyvw)