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fix(plugins): Fixed the stale header cache that causes a break in grpc-web & grpc-gateway plugins #74

fix(plugins): Fixed the stale header cache that causes a break in grpc-web & grpc-gateway plugins

fix(plugins): Fixed the stale header cache that causes a break in grpc-web & grpc-gateway plugins #74

Workflow file for this run

name: Backport v2
types: [closed, labeled] # runs when the pull request is closed/merged or labeled (to trigger a backport in hindsight)
contents: write # so it can comment
pull-requests: write # so it can create pull requests
actions: write
name: Backport
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.pull_request.merged
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Create backport pull requests
uses: korthout/backport-action@924c8170740fa1e3685f69014971f7f251633f53 # v2.4.1
id: backport
github_token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
pull_title: '[backport -> ${target_branch}] ${pull_title}'
merge_commits: 'skip'
copy_labels_pattern: ^(?!backport ).* # copies all labels except those starting with "backport "
label_pattern: ^backport (release\/[^ ]+)$ # filters for labels starting with "backport " and extracts the branch name
pull_description: |-
Automated backport to `${target_branch}`, triggered by a label in #${pull_number}.
## Original description
copy_assignees: true
copy_milestone: true
copy_requested_reviewers: true
experimental: >
"detect_merge_method": true
- name: add label
if: steps.backport.outputs.was_successful == 'false'
uses: Kong/action-add-labels@81b0a07d6b2ec64d770be1ca94c31ec827418054
labels: incomplete-backport