- Discord login box
- Pinned Plugins/Themes plugin support
- BetterDiscord plugins list "Check for Updates" Icon
- BetterDiscord plugins list settings buttons underline hover
- BetterDiscord plugin success notice now has a different background color
- Overlay notifications area settings
- Server list and channel list box shadow line
- Games Feed and Game Preview news videos is now slightly brighter on hover
- Games Feed game splash art header is now blurred
- Games Feed guild icon hover
- Voice chat list user hover background
- Chat audio file attached
- User Profile mutual server/friend avatar slight shadowing
- User Profile/User Popout game description has slight text shadowing
- User Popout footer "Message @user" and "I'm new to Discord, say hi!"
- StatusEverywhere plugin support
- Character Counter 2.0 plugin support
- Settings Game Activity list smaller padding
- Settings Discord Nitro now uses the default icon
- Settings remove card button
- Settings My Account card color
- Settings toggle description color
- Server settings "Unsaved Changes Box" is slightly transparent
- BetterDiscord settings toggles title/description is more like default discords margins
- Connected voice channel icon is now brighter
- Voice channel selected/active background
- Voice channel limited/max users channels
- Voice chat user hover background
- Incoming call popup is slightly transparent
- Call user background blur
- Call screen share menu
- Chat user avatar hover
- Chat invite to game and image background
- Chat auto completion box text
- Chat file attached icon is now dark
- Chat file attached download button brighter icon and size on hover
- Chat embed vertical line size
- Chat @mentioned background and border
- Games Feed news header
- Games Feed Quick Launcher hidden header text and game shortcuts now center
- Games Feed hovering over overflow menu now makes it slightly bigger
- Games Feed hovering over User ID makes the text white for better readability
- Games Feed What's New game news text now has shadowing
- Games Feed rich presence game icon and description
- User Popout and User Profile transparent avatars now has a dark background
- User Popout streaming background brightness
- User Popout add role button is now visible again
- User Popout Playing A Game text color now matches the other header text colors
- User Popout streaming text have more line spacing for easier reading
- User Profile reddit icon now uses default whitescale icon
- User Profile ask to join and spectate is now better positioned (still not perfect)
- User Profile spectate game button can be hovered over even when disabled
- User Profile and Popout online status line
- User Profile game icon size
- User Profile scroller size
- User list and DM's list application rich presence icon
- Search results menu and expanded messages does not get blurred
- Recent mentions formatting and jump/close button background and position
- Channel list create new channel button
- Channel list hover muted channel text color too bright
- Channel list category text and collapse button margin
- Search results menu message margins
- Server list
- DM's searchbar
- Chat background, chatbox, new message/date divider and edit message
- Chat "You must be a member for at least X" box
- Chat call/pinned icons, reactions, messages and avatar margins
- Chat add reaction/message options buttons and menu
- Chat @mention highlight
- Chat code formatting
- Chat NSFW channel enter notice
- Chat box phone verification requirement and verify phone window
- Call leave call, mute, settings bar
- Video call screen share scroller
- Incoming call popup
- Join server green button hover color
- Connected voice channel background hover
- Voice connected UI buttons placement
- Voice chat user margins
- Titlebar height when in a call
- DM's User Online Status position
- Add Friend To DM group button window
- RTC Connection Info Popout Window
- Friends list hover avatar margin
- Invite friends to server searchbox
- Notifications settings separation lines
- Settings plugins setting text area background
- Settings Discord Nitro selected text color
- Settings row icon behaving weird when hovering on row above selected
- User list user selection/hover animation transition
- User list user background hover effect border outline
- Pinned Messages/Mentions box messages background
- Game Preview game not detected button and no image backup slash art
- Game Preview no news backup splash art changing contrast on hover
- Games Feed online status border
- Games Feed Now Playing together in voice channel text and icon
- User Profile spectate game button
- User Profile verified server icon
- User Profile headers and tab buttons inconsistency
- User Profile avatar box shadow
- User Profile playing on xbox live margin
- User Popout rich presence game time elapsed text color
- User Popout names going outside margins sometimes
- Server role overflow menu
- Server permissions settings toggle buttons
- Server permissions settings default role background color
- Emoji menu search bar & diversity selector dropdown width
- Avatar typing indicator position fix
- Modal window notification settings scroller
- Help Window