Releases: Kephson/paste_reference
Readded styling for references in content elements in backend
Re-added styling for references in content elements in TYPO3 backend without CSS, only with backend classes, thanks to @ulrichmathes andn @DavidBruchmann
Readded styling for references in content elements in backend
Re-added styling for references in content elements in TYPO3 backend without CSS, only with backend classes, thanks to @ulrichmathes and @DavidBruchmann
[BUGFIX] fix eventHandler to show modal window for moving elements
Bugfix release for TYPO3 13, fixes broken eventHandler scripts when using "move" instead of "copy".
Thanks to @DavidBruchmann.
[BUGFIX] fix eventHandler to show modal window for moving elements
Bugfix release for TYPO3 12, fixes broken eventHandler scripts when using "move" instead of "copy".
Thanks to @DavidBruchmann.
First release for TYPO3 version 13
First release for TYPO3 v13. Thanks for updating to @DavidBruchmann.
Thanks to all other supporters and contributors @sbuerk @zoranilic @simonschaufi @PKuhlmay
Fixed translation handling when pasting references
[CHG] included pull request from @zoranilic and fixed problems with translations when pasting a reference, see issue #63
Thanks to all contributors!
Initial release for TYPO3 12.4
Initial release for TYPO3 12.4.
Many thanks for contributing and testing to
- @DavidBruchmann
- @sbuerk
- @simonschaufi
- @PKuhlmay
and all others that helped!
Fixed problems with inserting a reference
New release with features and bugfixes
Included bugfix of deprecated backend JavaScript
[BUG] fixed a problem with deprecated top.rawurlencode(), updated documentation, thanks to @taieb123