Utils is a C# class library. It provides several utilities that may be useful in Windows Forms applications. These include info, warning, error, and exception dialogs, and a C# replacement for MessageBox, which is a native application. The class library has versions for .NET 5 and for .NET Framework 4.7. Utils.dll is found in one of the bin/Release directories. Use the version appropriate to the Target Framework you are using in your application by adding it as a reference for your project.
See https://kenevans.net/opensource/Utils/Help/Overview.html
This repository has a C# solution with the class library Utils project and a Winforms demo project Utils Demo that demonstrates the usage of the classes in the library.
More Information
Utils is hosted at https://github.com/KennethEvans/VS-Utils.
More information and FAQ are at https://kennethevans.github.io as well as more projects from the same author.
Licensed under the MIT license. (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)