ToCoonect Platform is a computerized system which helps the user to overcome their life issues with the help of a virtual counsellor in electronic format. ๐
It is made using PHP, MySQL, Ajax, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. โก
It saves time as the system is placed friendly. It even provides the user with their counselling sessions history. It can be helpful to those users also who are suffering from some issues but not comfortable to talk with the counsellor face-to-face. And even some times, a person (user) feels uncomfortable to tell their problem to the counsellor in face to face. In this type of case, ToConnect can play a major role. The main perspective is to create an interactive and friendly environment between the counsellor and the person (user). ๐ฎ
Others, Can follow a simpler route by using the URL given: ๐ ToConnect
To Register for the first time, the user has to provide their Name, email, password and retype to confirm password and gender. ๐
For verification, an email will be sent which the user has to click in order to initialize the application. ๐ง ๐
Once the user has signed up, The Login page will contain only 2 parameters i.e., emailID and the password.:new: :key: It will be rendered using server-side scripts.
After completing all these steps, the user will be directed to the Lobby. ๐
This is the redirection to homepage after successful login by the user.
- Front End: HTML , CSS , Javascript
- Font End Framework: W3.CSS
- Web designing language: PHP
- RDBMS(Back end): MySQL
- Microsoft windows or Linux
- PHP 5.0
- Network Connectivity
- User Login and Sign-up
- Interactive Chat Environment
- Automated Bot
- User history stored
Below is the screenshot of the home page of ToConnect
Ther are 4 things a user can do. Start a new session, see all his sessions records, give feedback or raise a problem and can do account settings. User can change the theme of the website as well.
If user clicks on New Session then a web page shows just like below
Before starting the session a user has to select the virtual consellor. There are two options. You can select one by clicking on. They will speak out their name. One is Dr Batla and the other one is Dr Karen
Options of the consellors
Allow your webpage's audio to talk with the virtual concellor via chat. Concellor will send messages as well as speak with you. You can turn off the audio if you don't like to listen the same thing which you are reading.
If you want to change the webpage's settings then click on the settings button or click on the button on the right top with your username written on it. A new popup settings modal comes in. You can change your password username and website's theme over there.
Below is the settings panel of the site
I hope that you like my project. Thanks for reading.