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GRILLRILLA is a real time Food Ordering website made with Node JS and Express Js. Mongodb is used as the database.

To run this app in your PC you have to follow these Steps.


Main Page

App Screenshot 1

Menu (All the dishs are directly from Database)

App Screenshot 2

App Screenshot 3


App Screenshot 4

Admin Page (Only for ADMINS)

App Screenshot 5

Tech Stack

Client:, TailwindCSS, EJS Server: Node, Express


You need to download these in your PC before you move on with other steps.

Clone Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory


Run these following comaands to run Project

  1. To set suitable npm version
  npm install -g [email protected]
  1. To Install Node Modules
  npm install

Dependencies used

  1. Express

  2. EJS Engine

  3. Nodemon

  4. Tailwind CSS

  5. Mongo db

  6. Mongoose

  7. Axios

  8. Noty

  9. Passport

  10. Bcrypt


  12. Stripe

  13. Larwel Mix

Further Steps

Before running app you need to do some more steps.

Go to file .env.example file rename file to .env


You will find something like this after renaming file to .env just write something here. in COOKIES_SECRET you can write anything like This is Cookie

In MONGO_CONNECTION_URL fill the address of your database. For this if you are locally on your PC just go to Mongo Compass and make a database let it be GRILLRILLA make a collection menu and insert Menu content by uploading file. You have a Menu.json file just upload there. After making database add mongodb://localhost/GRILLRILLA make sure your database name is GRILLRILLA.

In STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY you have to write Stripe key for this you have to sign in link is given above in Pre-requists. This Private key is available on Steps to get your Private Key is SignIn > Developers [You will se Dashboard, On Left Side in Navbar] > API Keys > Secret Key [Reveal Test Key] copy it and paste there.


That's it you have to go to local check in terminal on which port your app is running. Mostly it is http://localhost:3000/