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Centralized workflow exercise

Exercise to practice collaborative centralized workflow. On the way to a pull request and code review we will meet and discuss a number of typical pitfalls.

Before we start

  1. Participants add their usernames to a shared document.
  2. Instructor adds participants as collaborators to this project.

After participants have been added as collaborators

1. Clone this repository

2. Step into the newly created directory

$ cd centralized-workflow-exercise

3. Create a file with a unique name, e.g.: yourusername.txt

In this file share your favourite cooking recipe or haiku or Git trick or whatever.

4. Stage and commit the change

$ git add yourusername.txt
$ git commit

5. Try to push the change to the upstream repository

$ git push origin master

By "upstream" we mean here the repository which we have cloned. Imagine "upstream" being closer to the main development and your local clone to be "downstream".

6. Stop here and discuss why push for most participants was rejected

You probably see something like this:

$ git push
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected
Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.  See the
'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details.

It will work only for one participant. Why?

The natural reflex is now to git pull first but what happens if we git pull origin master?

7. Pull updates from the upstream repository

$ git pull origin master

8. Stop here and discuss why we obtained a merge commit locally

Ideas? What happened under the hood? Discuss git fetch as an alternative to git pull. Discuss git pull --rebase as an alternative to avoid merge commits.

9. Try to push again

It will work for one more person.

10. Create a branch yourname/somefeature pointing at your commit

First find out the hash of your commit, then create a branch "in the past" pointing to that hash:

$ git branch yourname/somefeature [hash]

11. Push your change as a new branch

$ git push origin -u yourname/somefeature

Can we leave out the -u?

12. Submit a pull request

Submit a pull request from your branch towards the master branch. Do this through the web interface.

Finally also discuss {{ site.centralized_workflow_exercise_url }}/network.


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