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AtmosphereFromGround RSS Settings

Clayell edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 1 revision

###Setup Place an AtmosphereFromGround subnode in your celestial body node in RealSolarSystem.cfg i.e. Kerbin { //blah.... AtmosphereFromGround { //stuff goes here } }

###Supported settings:

One of: outerRadius, outerRadiusAtmo, or outerRadiusMult

outerRadius: float. Set the outer radius of the AFG object to be this value in meters. (outerRadius = 6971000)

outerRadiusAtmo: float. Use the atmosphere's end as the outer radius (outerRadiusAtmo = true)

outerRadiusMult: float. Multiply celestial body's radius by this. (outerRadiusMult = 1.05)

One of: innerRadius, innerRadiusMult (as above, but no innerRadiusAtmo available for obvious reasons)

doScale: true/false. Should the AFG object's transformed be scaled up automatically?

If that is false, you can then set either

transformScale: float. The multiplier to scale the AFG object.


transformAtmo: if added, will use (body_radius+body_atmosphere_height) / body_radius as the multiplier.

invWaveLength: Color (as a 4-tuple, i.e. invWaveLength = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0). Sets the inverse wavelength color.

waveLength: Color (as above). Sets the atmosphere color.