Releases: KONA-DEVS/kernel_xiaomi_sm8250
Releases · KONA-DEVS/kernel_xiaomi_sm8250
Quantic Kernel for AOSP
- Fixed a major bug that caused slowdowns on UI (Jitter more than 32ms) when magisk were flashed, due to issues related on focaltech touchscreen drivers (fts)
- Switched to Simple Low Memory Killer by @kerneltoast to solve by kernel the AOSP issues related to the apps getting closed aggressively
- Hotspot Bug not present anymore
- Rebased kernel over CLEAN CAF LA.UM.8.12.r1-10600-sm8250.0, with debloated xiaomi changes to achieve the best OSS kernel base
- Fixed Memory leak on camera-kernel
- Switched to sleep2idle to achieve fast unlock latency and to achieve efficiency on idle energy consumption
- Shipped with custom dtbo.img instead of prebuilt dtbo.img from MIUI Binary Source
- Enabled kcal as feature requested.
- Switched to DEVFREQ_BOOST and CPU_INPUT_BOOST with pretuned values (this can be changed on FK Manager but not recommended)
- Nuked CPU_BOOST driver by CAF and msm_performance init parameters.
- Fixed crypto warnings detected by clang.
- drm: sde: fix a race condition
- kgsl driver improvements by @kerneltoast
- ufs driver improvements by @kerneltoast
- msm_bus improvements by @kerneltoast
- Upstreamed DTC scripts
- Disallow usage of external DTC
- Ship GZIP Compressed kernel image
- Ship concatenated dtb on kernel binary.
Current BUGS:
- Kernel takes up to 30s to pass POCO splash screen
- When rebooting or turning off magiskhide has to be disabled, when reboot or boot is successful then enable again magiskhide
- Disable magiskhide (In case magisk is present or in case it's activated)
- Restore stock boot.img and dtbo.img
- Flash Quantic
- Flash maigsk
- Reboot to system
- Enable magiskhide (if you needed)
First beta release of Quantic Kernel
Hello, I'm happy to announce the release of my project, Quantic Kernel.
- Upstreamed CAF to: LA.UM.8.12.r1-10600-sm8250.0
- Fixed Camera not working on AOSP ROMs
- Reduced logging events
- Performance Improvements on scheduler
- Enabled ZRAM up to 2GB with lz4 compressor
- Upstreamed lz4 compressor
- readahead optimizations
- Android Binder tweaks
- Optimized memory allocations
- Reduced kernel weight
- Deactivated CAF CPU Boost following MIUI stock kernel parameters
- FIX CPU Capacity issues
- Hostpot may be broken
- This kernel works only on ROMS with firmware
- This kernel could NOT work on EvoX rom, maybe with camera broken.
- This kernel won't work on my AICP ROM, but it will be shipped with it next Update