python library intended to live in install of python for easy importing
- randcolor
- returns random color in hex
- ReadableColors
- returns color with a higher contrast
- TCC (text color correction)
- returns black or white based on how dark or light given color is
- invert
- returns inverted hex color from given hex
- hex2rgb
- returns rgb color coverted from given hex
- rgb2hex
- returns hex color coverted from given rgb
- rgb2hsv
- returns hsv color coverted from given rgb
- hsv2rgb
- returns rgb color coverted from given hsv
- rgb2cmyk
- returns rgb color coverted from given cmyk
- cmyk2rgb
- returns rgb color coverted from given cmyk
- rgb2hsl
- returns hsl color coverted from given rgb
- hsl2rgb
- returns rgb color coverted from given hsl
- hsv2hwb
- returns hwb color coverted from given hsv
- hwb2hsv
- returns hsv color coverted from given hwb
python port of dev.twitch example message parser and heavy modification
- ascii_change
- can change a-z A-Z 0-9 and a bunch of symbols
- cut_convert
- converts time from given datetime object to default Eastern Standard Time
- dict_replace
- replace multiple items in a string
- genaric_header
- returns dict based on input dict
- is_int
- returns int or input
- is_float
- returns float, int or input
- base42
- encode or decode strings in base 64
- more_than_one
- returns plural (defaults to s) if amount above 1 or equal to 0
- ordinal
- ordinal_suffix
- return ordinal suffix of given integer (st, nd, rd, th)
- to_ordinal
- return an integer n (+ve or -ve) to ordinal version.
- from_ordinal
- return an a ordinal version of a number back to a integer
- ordinal_suffix
- pi
- returns x decimals of pi
- time_stamp
- returns current time. default 12 hour format
- time_amount
- return string with 'Weekday, Month, Day & ordinal, Year, 12-hour, Minute, Second'
- time_since
- return amount of time since given datetime object to end_time defaults to current time returned by
- unicode_replace
- makes translation table usable for str.translate(TranslateTable). and returns the translated input
- replaces homoglyph character with normal ascii from a-zA-Z sourced from
- url_request
- Open the given url with given headers(dict), data(must be encoded), method and SSL context