A client SDK for the Data Attribute Recommendation service on SAP Cloud Platform. Part of SAP AI Business Services.
Goals of this SDK:
- Enable easy consumption of the Data Attribute Recommendation service
- Provide convenient higher-level abstraction on top of the service APIs
- Serve as reference implementation for other programming languages
- Tutorials on Data Attribute Recommendation - Free Trial Available
- Data Attribute Recommendation documentation
- Blog Articles on Data Attribute Recommendation
- Documentation for this SDK
To use the SDK, you will need a recent version of Python. We actively support
and test Python 3.5 up to Python 3.8. We aim to support all officially supported
Python version. This includes any Python version not
listed as end-of-life
in the
Python Developer's Guide. You can check
the Travis builds to see which environments are actively tested.
Additionally, the pip
and virtualenv
tools should be installed. See
the installation instructions.
To use the SDK, you will need to have a service instance of the Data Attribute Recommendation service. For existing users of the SAP Cloud Platform, please see the Initial Setup.
If you are new to SAP Cloud Platform and Data Attribute Recommendation, consider one of the following options:
- Free Trial via Tutorials on Data Attribute Recommendation
- SAP Store
- Contact your Sales Representative
The SDK is installable from the Python Package Index (PyPI). The easiest way
to install the SDK is via pip and virtual environments. With a virtual environment
), the installation process is isolated to a single directory and will
not influence any other projects you may have.
If you are familiar with Python and associated tooling, simply execute:
$ python3 -m virtualenv dar-sdk-venv
$ source dar-sdk-venv/bin/activate/
(dar-sdk-venv) $ pip install data-attribute-recommendation-sdk
In case you prefer more detailed instructions, please see step-by-step instructions below.
The following instructions assume a Linux or macOS environment. For Windows, the process is similar, but the commands may differ slightly. If in doubt, refer to the Python documentation.
First, create a working directory in your home directory.
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir data-attribute-recommendation-python-sdk/
$ cd data-attribute-recommendation-python-sdk/
Now, create a virtualenv named dar-sdk-venv
$ python3 -m virtualenv dar-sdk-venv
If you receive a message command not found: python3
, then try using the python
command instead. If you still receive a message about command not found
, please
ensure that python is installed.
If you observe No module named virtualenv
error messages, make sure that virtualenv
is installed.
Now, activate the newly created environment:
$ source dar-sdk-venv/bin/activate
(dar-sdk-venv) $
The name of the virtualenv is now part of your shell prompt.
Finally, install the SDK and its dependencies:
(dar-sdk-venv) $ pip install data-attribute-recommendation-sdk
If you receive an error message command not found: pip
, then refer to
installing pip.
Congratulations! You have sucessfully installed the SDK. You may now import the SDK package as a first test:
(dar-sdk-venv) $ python3
>>> from sap.aibus.dar.client.data_manager_constants import DataManagerPaths
To use the SDK, please refer to the SDK documentation. In particular, consider the SDK security guide.
For issues with the SDK itself, such as installation problems, please file an issue in Github.
For issues experienced using the service, please refer to Getting Support in the main documentation on the SAP Help Portal.
Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file and all other files in this repository are licensed under the Apache License, v 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.