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trying to fix the mess that i made when i started writing docs
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pasq-cat committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent e6c0128 commit ce5bd9f
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 0 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tutorials/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@

``` @meta
CurrentModule = LaplaceRedux

## Libraries

Import the libraries required to run this example

``` julia
using Pkg; Pkg.activate("docs")
# Import libraries
using Flux, Plots, TaijaPlotting, Random, Statistics, LaplaceRedux

## Data

We first generate some synthetic data:

``` julia
using LaplaceRedux.Data
n = 300 # number of observations
σtrue = 0.30 # true observational noise
x, y = Data.toy_data_regression(n;noise=σtrue)
xs = [[x] for x in x]
X = permutedims(x)

## MLP

We set up a model and loss with weight regularization:

``` julia
data = zip(xs,y)
n_hidden = 50
D = size(X,1)
nn = Chain(
Dense(D, n_hidden, tanh),
Dense(n_hidden, 1)
loss(x, y) = Flux.Losses.mse(nn(x), y)

We train the model:

``` julia
using Flux.Optimise: update!, Adam
opt = Adam(1e-3)
epochs = 1000
avg_loss(data) = mean(map(d -> loss(d[1],d[2]), data))
show_every = epochs/10

for epoch = 1:epochs
for d in data
gs = gradient(Flux.params(nn)) do
l = loss(d...)
update!(opt, Flux.params(nn), gs)
if epoch % show_every == 0
println("Epoch " * string(epoch))
@show avg_loss(data)

## Laplace Approximation

Laplace approximation can be implemented as follows:

``` julia
subset_w = :all
la = Laplace(nn; likelihood=:regression, subset_of_weights=subset_w)
fit!(la, data)
plot(la, X, y; zoom=-5, size=(400,400))


Next we optimize the prior precision $P_0$ and and observational noise $\sigma$ using Empirical Bayes:

``` julia
optimize_prior!(la; verbose=true)
plot(la, X, y; zoom=-5, size=(400,400))

loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 104.78561546028183
Log likelihood: -70.48742092717352
Log det ratio: 41.1390695290454
Scatter: 27.45731953717124
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 104.9736282327825
Log likelihood: -74.85481357633174
Log det ratio: 46.59827618892447
Scatter: 13.639353123977058
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 84.38222356291794
Log likelihood: -54.86985627702764
Log det ratio: 49.92347667032635
Scatter: 9.101257901454279

loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 84.53493863039972
Log likelihood: -55.013137224636
Log det ratio: 51.43622180356522
Scatter: 7.607381007962245
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 83.95921598606084
Log likelihood: -54.41492266831395
Log det ratio: 51.794520967146354
Scatter: 7.294065668347427
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 83.03505059021086
Log likelihood: -53.50540374805591
Log det ratio: 51.574749787874794
Scatter: 7.484543896435117

loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 82.97840036025443
Log likelihood: -53.468475394115416
Log det ratio: 51.17273666609066
Scatter: 7.847113266187348
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 82.98550025321256
Log likelihood: -53.48508828283467
Log det ratio: 50.81442045868749
Scatter: 8.186403482068298
loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 82.9584040552644
Log likelihood: -53.45989630330948
Log det ratio: 50.59063282947659
Scatter: 8.406382674433235

loss(exp.(logP₀), exp.(logσ)) = 82.94465052328141
Log likelihood: -53.44600301956443
Log det ratio: 50.500079294094405
Scatter: 8.497215713339543


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