Please cite this paper if you are using this code into your project as it was developped for it.
title={OutCast: Single Image Relighting with Cast Shadows},
author={Griffiths, David and Ritschel, Tobias and Philip, Julien},
journal={Computer Graphics Forum},
organization={Wiley Online Library}
Unet using residual blocks and residual chains without any normalization layer. Example of cfg to instanciate the network:
from omegaconf import DictConfig
cfg = DictConfig(
"feat": 32, #Number of features at the highest resolution
"in_feat": 3, #Number of input channels
"out_feat": 3, #Number of output channels
"down_layers": 5, #Number of downsamplings
"identity_layers": 3, #Number of residual blocks before and after bottleneck. Meaning for a value of 3, we have 6 residual blocks at each level with two convolutions each
"bottleneck_layers": 6, #Number of residuals blocks for bottleneck
"skips": True, #Skip connections
"act_fn": "relu",
"out_act_fn": "none", #Activation after the final layer, usually none
"max_feat": 256, #We doubles features when downsampling but cap it to this value
"script_submodules": True, #Scripting for faster more efficient network
"dim": 2, #Should be 2 or 3, for a 2D or 3D Unet