Salsa Engine is a C++ 3D Engine project developed for the Master's degree Advanced Programming for AAA Video Games.
Download the last Release from here and run the .exe file you will find inside the .zip.
- Double-click on title bar to collapse window.
- Click and drag on lower corner to resize window\n(double-click to auto fit window to its contents).
- Click and drag on title bar to move window.
To be available to move around the Scene, the window must be selected.
- Click anywhere in the Scene window to select it.
- Move the view around using the mouse.
- The WASD keys to move left/right/forward/backward, and the Q and E keys to move up and down.
- The Arrow keys to rotate left/right/forward/backward.
- Hold down Shift to move faster.
- Mouse Wheel to zoom Scene contents.
- Alt+Right Click Mouse to orbit around the object in the Scene.
Drag and Drop files inside the Engine.
For Model objects, only the ASSIMP supported formats can be loaded."); For Textures, only the DevIL supported formats can be loaded.
- Visual Studio 2017 - For coding purposes
- GLEW - OpenGL Management
- SDL 2.0 - Window and input Management
- MathGeoLib - Math Management
- Dear ImGUI - UI Creation and Management
- DevIL - Textures loader
- ASSIMP - Model Loader
- IconFontCppHeaders - Import to be able to use icons
- FontAwesome - Icons font
Pull requests are not allowed for academic purposes but forks are welcome. For any idea of improve changes, please open an issue first to discuss the idea.