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FeorgeGeorge committed Sep 8, 2024
1 parent fad74bc commit 627328b
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Showing 3 changed files with 131 additions and 101 deletions.
80 changes: 33 additions & 47 deletions src/Category/Topos/Presheaf.ard
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Expand Up @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@

\func bprod-at-point (X Y : Presheaf C) (c : C) (p : Product.apex {Bprod {PresheafCatComplete C} X Y} c)
: Product.apex {Bprod {SetBicat} (X c) (Y c)}
=> {?}
-- \func bprod-at-point (X Y : Presheaf C) (c : C) (p : Product.apex {Bprod {PresheafCatComplete C} X Y} c)
-- : Product.apex {Bprod {SetBicat} (X c) (Y c)}
-- => {?}
-- Product.apex {product}

Expand All @@ -106,47 +106,33 @@
\open YonedaEmbedding
\open PrecatWithBprod

\instance PresheafCartesianClosed (C : SmallPrecat) : CartesianClosedPrecat
| CartesianPrecat => PresheafCatComplete C
| exp P => RightAdjointCoreflection.toAdjointCounit (\new RightAdjointCoreflection {
| C => PresheafCatComplete C
| D => PresheafCatComplete C
| L => bprodFunctorRight P
| coreflection Q => \new Coreflection {
| Coreflected => coreflected P Q
| corefl-map => \new NatTrans {
| trans c p => {?}
| natural => {?}
| isCoreflection => {?}
\where {
\func coreflected (P Q : PresheafCatComplete C) : PresheafCat C =>
\new VPresheaf {
| F => Comp (VPresheaf.F {hom-presheaf Q}) (Functor.op {Comp (bprodFunctorRight P) (YonedaEmbedding {C})})

\instance PresheafTopos (C : SmallPrecat) : ToposPrecat
| FinCompletePrecat => PresheafCatBicomplete C
| CartesianClosedPrecat => PresheafCartesianClosed C
| subobj-classifier => {?}
| true-map => {?}
| char-map => {?}
| char-pullback => {?}
| char-unique => {?}

--\instance SubobjectLocale (C : BicompleteCat) (c : C)
-- : Locale (SubobjectPoset c)
-- | MeetSemilattice => SubobjectMeetsemilatice C c
-- | Join J => {?}
-- | Join-cond => {?}
-- | Join-univ => {?}
-- | Join-ldistr>= => {?}
-- \where {
-- }

--\instance SubPresheaveLocale (C : SmallPrecat) (obj : PresheafCat C)
-- : Locale (SubPresheave C obj) => SubobjectLocale (PresheafCatBicomplete C) obj
--\instance PresheafCartesianClosed (C : SmallPrecat) : CartesianClosedPrecat
-- | CartesianPrecat => PresheafCatComplete C
-- | exp P => RightAdjointCoreflection.toAdjointCounit (\new RightAdjointCoreflection {
-- | C => PresheafCatComplete C
-- | D => PresheafCatComplete C
-- | L => bprodFunctorRight P
-- | coreflection Q => \new Coreflection {
-- | Coreflected => coreflected P Q
-- | corefl-map => \new NatTrans {
-- | trans c p => {?}
-- | natural => {?}
-- }
-- | isCoreflection => {?}
-- }
-- })
--\where {
-- \func coreflected (P Q : PresheafCatComplete C) : PresheafCat C =>
-- \new VPresheaf {
-- | F => Comp (VPresheaf.F {hom-presheaf Q}) (Functor.op {Comp (bprodFunctorRight P) (YonedaEmbedding {C})})
-- }

--\instance PresheafTopos (C : SmallPrecat) : ToposPrecat
-- | FinCompletePrecat => PresheafCatBicomplete C
-- | CartesianClosedPrecat => PresheafCartesianClosed C
-- | subobj-classifier => {?}
-- | true-map => {?}
-- | char-map => {?}
-- | char-pullback => {?}
-- | char-unique => {?}
143 changes: 90 additions & 53 deletions src/Category/Yoneda.ard
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Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
\import Paths.Meta
\import Set.Category

-- Every precategory has a fully faithful functor into the category of Presheafs

\func YonedaEmbedding {C : Precat} : FullyFaithfulFunctor
| Functor => functor {C}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,19 +44,16 @@
| trans _ f => Func {F} f p
| natural _ => exts (\lam _ => unfold $ rewrite (Func-o {F}) idp)
| ret_f nf => exts (\lam B => exts (\lam f =>
| ret_f nf => exts (\lam _ => exts (\lam f =>
\let | nat-nf => natural {nf} f
| nat-nf-app => path (\lam i => nat-nf i (id A))
unfold at nat-nf-app $ inv nat-nf-app *> rewrite id-left idp))
| f_sec p => rewrite (Func-id {F} {A}) idp
| f_sec _ => rewrite (Func-id {F} {A}) idp

-- Every presheaf is a colimit of representable presheaves
-- The diagram of the colimit is given by the following category

\instance category-of-elements {C : Precat} (P : PresheafCat C) : Precat
\instance Precategory-of-elements {C : Precat} (P : PresheafCat C) : Precat
| Ob => \Sigma (c : Precat.Ob {C}) (p : P c)
| Hom x y => \Sigma (u : Hom x.1 y.1) (x.2 = Func {P} u y.2)
| id (c, p) => (id c, unfold $ rewrite (Func-id {P}) idp)
Expand All @@ -67,15 +62,15 @@
| id-right => exts id-right
| o-assoc => exts o-assoc
\where {
\func projection : Functor (category-of-elements P) C
\func projection : Functor (Precategory-of-elements P) C
| F (x, _) => x
| Func (f, _) => f
| Func-id => idp
| Func-o => idp

\func functorial {C : Precat} (P F : PresheafCat C) (nat : Hom P F)
: Functor (category-of-elements P) (category-of-elements F)
: Functor (Precategory-of-elements P) (Precategory-of-elements F)
| F (c, p) => (c, nat c p)
| Func {(c, p)} {(c', p')} (h, eq) => (h, rewrite eq $ path (\lam i => (natural {nat} h) i p'))
Expand All @@ -86,7 +81,7 @@
\open YonedaEmbedding

\func presheaf-colimit {C : Precat} (P : PresheafCat C) :
Colimit (Comp (functor {C}) (category-of-elements.projection {C} {P})) => \new Limit {
Colimit (Comp (functor {C}) (Precategory-of-elements.projection {C} {P})) => \new Limit {
| apex => P
| coneMap (c, p) => \new NatTrans {
| trans _ h => Func {P} h p
Expand All @@ -104,7 +99,6 @@
run {
repeat {3} unfold,
-- weird error sometimes occures here, it works fine if other fields are not implemented
rewriteI ch,
repeat {3} unfold,
rewrite id-right,
Expand All @@ -120,7 +114,7 @@
| limUnique eq => exts (\lam X =>
exts (\lam p =>
\let | elem : category-of-elements P => (X, p)
\let | elem : Precategory-of-elements P => (X, p)
| eq-app => eq (X, p)
| eq' => path (\lam i => (eq-app i) X)
| eq'' => path (\lam i => (eq' i) (id X))
Expand All @@ -129,72 +123,115 @@
\where {
\func diagram-functor => Comp (functor {C}) (category-of-elements.projection {C} {P})
\func diagram-functor => Comp (functor {C}) (Precategory-of-elements.projection {C} {P})

\open category-of-elements
\open Precategory-of-elements

\func embedding-universal {C : SmallPrecat} {E : CocompleteCat \levels (\suc \lp) _}
(A : Functor C E)
: \Sigma (L : Functor (PresheafCat C) E) (A = Comp L YonedaEmbedding) =>
(L-Functor, exts (\lam x => inv $ image-of-rep-eq x, {?}))
(L-Functor, Equiv.ret {FunctorCat.univalence {A} {Comp L-Functor YonedaEmbedding}} functors-iso)
\where {
\func functors-iso : Iso {FunctorCat {C} {E}} {A} {Comp L-Functor YonedaEmbedding}
| f => nat
| hinv => NatTrans.iso {nat} (\lam {X} => image-of-rep-iso X)
| hinv_f => exts (\lam _ => unfold $ unfold $ Iso.hinv_f)
| f_hinv => exts (\lam _ => unfold $ unfold $ Iso.f_hinv)
\where {
\func nat : Hom A (Comp L-Functor YonedaEmbedding) =>
\new NatTrans {
| trans x => image-of-rep-iso x
| natural {X} {Y} f =>
unfold $ Iso.adjoint' $ rewrite o-assoc $ inv $ Iso.adjoint $
limUnique {L-limit (hom-presheaf X)}
(\lam p0 => \case\elim p0 \with {
| (Z, p) =>
| x-cone => image-of-representable X
| p1 : Precategory-of-elements (hom-presheaf Y) => (Z, unfold $ f ∘ p)
| cone-help => L-Functor.cone-in-induced {C} {E} {A} {hom-presheaf X} {hom-presheaf Y} (Func {YonedaEmbedding} f)
| lim' => limBeta {L-limit (hom-presheaf X)} cone-help (Z, p)
| help : Func {L-Functor} {hom-presheaf X} (Func {YonedaEmbedding} {X} f) ∘ coneMap {L-limit (hom-presheaf X)} (Z, p) = coneMap {L-limit (hom-presheaf Y)} p1
unfold (Func {L-Functor}) $ unfold L-Functor.induced-map $ unfold Limit.transFuncMap $
unfold at lim' $ rewrite lim' $ rewrite id-left idp
run {
rewrite {2} o-assoc,
rewrite (limBeta {L-limit (hom-presheaf X)} {A X} x-cone (Z, p)),
unfold (coneMap {x-cone}),
rewrite o-assoc ,
rewrite help,
rewrite (limBeta {L-limit (hom-presheaf Y)} {A Y} (image-of-representable Y) p1),
rewrite (Func-o {A}),

\func diagram-functor (P : PresheafCat C) => Comp A (projection {C} {P})

\func image-of-representable (x : C) : Colimit (diagram-functor (hom-presheaf x)) { | apex => A x }
| coneMap p0 => \case\elim p0 \with {
| (c, p) => Func {A} p
| coneCoh {i} {j} h =>\case\elim i, \elim j, \elim h \with {
| (c, p), (c', p'), (f, eq) => repeat {4} unfold $ rewriteI (Func-o {A}, eq) idp
| limMap {z} cone => coneMap {cone} (x, id x)
| limBeta {z} cone j => \case\elim j \with {
| (c, p) => coneCoh {cone} {x, id x} {c, p} (p, inv id-left)
| limUnique coh => unfold at coh $ \let | coh-app => coh (x, id x) \in rewrite (Func-id {A}, id-right, id-right) at coh-app $ coh-app

\func image-of-representable-iso (x : C)
=> Iso.op {Limit.lim_iso {_} {_} {Functor.op {diagram-functor (hom-presheaf x)}} (L $ hom-presheaf x) (image-of-representable x)}

\func image-of-rep-eq (x : C) : Limit.apex {L (hom-presheaf x)} = A x
=> E.univalence.ret $ image-of-representable-iso x

\func L (P : PresheafCat C) => E.colimit (diagram-functor P)
| coneMap p0 => \case\elim p0 \with {
| (c, p) => Func {A} p
| coneCoh {i} {j} h =>\case\elim i, \elim j, \elim h \with {
| (c, p), (c', p'), (f, eq) => rewriteI (Func-o {A}, eq) idp
| limMap cone => coneMap {cone} (x, id x)
| limBeta cone j => \case\elim j \with {
| (c, p) => coneCoh {cone} {x, id x} {c, p} (p, inv id-left)
| limUnique coh => unfold at coh $ \let | coh-app => coh (x, id x) \in rewrite (Func-id {A}, id-right, id-right) at coh-app $ coh-app

\func image-of-rep-iso-op (x : C) : Iso {E.op} {A x} {L-limit (hom-presheaf x)} =>
Limit.lim_iso {_} {_} {Functor.op {diagram-functor (hom-presheaf x)}} (L-limit $ hom-presheaf x) (image-of-representable x)

\func image-of-rep-iso (x : C) : Iso {E} {A x} {L-limit (hom-presheaf x)} =>
Iso.reverse {Iso.op {image-of-rep-iso-op x}}

\func image-of-rep-eq (x : C) : A x = Limit.apex {L-limit (hom-presheaf x)} => E.univalence.ret $ image-of-rep-iso x

\func L-limit (P : PresheafCat C) => E.colimit (diagram-functor P)

\func L-Functor : Functor (PresheafCat C) E
| F P => L P
| Func {X} {Y} f => induced-map f
| F P => L-limit P
| Func f => induced-map f
| Func-id {X} =>
Limit.limUniqueBeta {L X} {L X} (\lam p0 => \case\elim p0 \with {
| (c, p) => repeat {2} unfold $ rewrite (id-right, id-left {_} {_} {L X}) $ idp
Limit.limUniqueBeta {L-limit X} {L-limit X} (\lam p0 => \case\elim p0 \with {
| (c, p) => repeat {2} unfold $ rewrite (id-right, id-left {_} {_} {L-limit X}) $ idp
| Func-o {X} {Y} {Z} {g} {f} =>
unfold_let $ Limit.limUniqueBeta {L X} {L Z} (\lam j => \case\elim j \with {
unfold_let $ Limit.limUniqueBeta {L-limit X} {L-limit Z} (\lam j => \case\elim j \with {
| (c, p) => repeat {6} unfold
$ id-right *> (
| limBeta1 => limBeta {L X} (cone-in-induced f) (c, p)
| limBeta2 => limBeta {L Y} (cone-in-induced g) (c, f c p)
| limBeta1 => limBeta {L-limit X} (cone-in-induced f) (c, p)
| limBeta2 => limBeta {L-limit Y} (cone-in-induced g) (c, f c p)
unfold at limBeta1 $ rewrite (o-assoc, limBeta1, id-left) $
unfold at limBeta2 $ rewrite (limBeta2, id-left) idp)
\where {
\func induced-map {X Y : PresheafCat C} (f : Hom X Y) =>
Limit.transFuncMap (L X) (L Y) (Functor.op {functorial X Y f}) $ (\new NatTrans {
| trans (q, a) => id (A q)
| natural g => repeat {4} unfold $ rewrite (id-left, id-right) idp
\func induced-natural {X Y : PresheafCat C} (f : Hom X Y) :
NatTrans (Comp (Functor.op {diagram-functor Y}) (Functor.op {functorial X Y f})) (Functor.op {diagram-functor X})
| trans (q, a) => id (A q)
| natural _ => repeat {4} unfold $ rewrite (id-left, id-right) idp

\func induced-map {X Y : PresheafCat C} (f : Hom X Y) : Hom (L-limit X) (L-limit Y) =>
Limit.transFuncMap (L-limit X) (L-limit Y) (Functor.op {functorial X Y f}) $ induced-natural f

\func cone-in-induced {X Y : PresheafCat C} (f : Hom X Y) =>
Limit.transFuncMap.cone {_} {L X} {L Y} {Functor.op {functorial X Y f}}
{\new NatTrans {
| trans (q, a) => id (A q)
| natural g => repeat {4} unfold $ rewrite (id-left, id-right) idp
Limit.transFuncMap.cone {_} {L-limit X} {L-limit Y} {Functor.op {functorial X Y f}}
{induced-natural f}

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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/Order/PartialOrder.ard
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
\import Category
\import Category.Functor
\import Function.Meta ($)
\import Logic
\import Paths.Meta
Expand All @@ -9,7 +10,6 @@
| \infix 4 <= : E -> E -> \Prop
| <=-refl {x : E} : x <= x
| <=-transitive \alias \infixr 9 <=∘ {x y z : E} : x <= y -> y <= z -> x <= z

| Ob => E
| Hom => <=
| id _ => <=-refl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,13 @@
\func IsMeet (x y m : E) => \Sigma (m <= x) (m <= y) (\Pi (m' : E) -> m' <= x -> m' <= y -> m' <= m)

\func monotone-map {P G : Preorder} (f : P -> G) (is-monotone : \Pi {a b : P} -> a <= b -> f a <= f b)
: Functor P G f
| Func => is-monotone
| Func-id => exts
| Func-o => exts

\class Poset \extends Preorder, Cat (\lp,\lp) {
| <=-antisymmetric {x y : E} : x <= y -> y <= x -> x = y
| univalence => Cat.makeUnivalence \lam (e : Iso) => (<=-antisymmetric e.f e.hinv, prop-pi)
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