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Proving two definitions of a factor agree
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sxhya committed Jan 30, 2025
1 parent cc524e7 commit 3c800a6
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 2 deletions.
51 changes: 49 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/Group/QuotientProperties.ard
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univ_hom (in~ x) ==< idp >== f x `qed)

{- | Let G and H be groups, and $f \colon G \to H$ be a homomorphism. -}
\class TheoremA \extends QuotientUnivProperty {
| N => f.Ker
| p => SubGroupMeetSemilattice.<=-refl

{- | The image of $f$ is isomorphic to the quotient group $G/Ker(f)$ -}
\func statement : Iso {_} {G // f.Ker} {f.Im.struct} univ_img => univ_img.asIso
(\lam {a a' : SubGroup.LeftCosetSet {f.Ker}} p => \case \elim a, \elim a', p \with {
| in~ b1, in~ b2, p2 => ~-equiv {G} b1 b2 (GroupHom.same-images-test (pmap (\lam x => x.1) p2))
}, univ_map_surj)

{- | In particular, if $f$ is surjective then $H$ is isomorphic to $G/Ker(f)$. -}
\func statement' (p : isSurj f) : Iso {_} {G // f.Ker} {H} (( {f}) ∘ univ_img) =>
Iso.composite statement ( p)

{- | The quotient groups $SN/N$ and $S/(S \cap N)$ are isomorphic.-}
{- | Let $G$ be a group. Let $S$ be a subgroup of $G$, and let $N$ be a normal subgroup of $G$. -}
\class TheoremB (G : Group) (S : SubGroup G) (N : NormalSubGroup G) {
\func SN : SubGroup G => S *F N

{- | $N$ can be considered as a normal subgroup of $SN$. -}
\func N-as-sbgp-SN : NormalSubGroup SN.struct => *F.sbgp-N S N

{- | Morphism S -> SN -> SN/N -}
{- | Morphism f : S -> SN -> SN/N -}
\func f : GroupHom S.struct N-as-sbgp-SN.QuotientGroup => (NormalSubGroup.quotient {N-as-sbgp-SN}) ∘ *F.embedS {G} {S} {N}

{- | f is surjective -}
\lemma f-surj : isSurj f =>
\lam y => \case \elim y \with {
| in~ (x, inP (s, n, p)) => inP (s,
\let | A0 : N (inverse s.1 * x) => rewrite (p, inv *-assoc, inverse-left, ide-left) n.2
\in (~-pequiv {SubSet.S {N-as-sbgp-SN}} {(~) {SubGroup.leftAdjacency {N-as-sbgp-SN}}}) A0)

{- | One has $Ker(f) = S \cap N$ -}
\lemma Kerf=S-cap-N : f.Ker = S ∩.as-sbgp-1' N => SubGroup.normal-subgroup-eq {S.struct}
(\lam s => (\lam p => (s.2, NormalSubGroup.quotient.Ker->contains {N-as-sbgp-SN} (*F.embedS {G} {S} {N} s) p),
\lam p => NormalSubGroup.quotient.contains->Ker {N-as-sbgp-SN} (s.1, inP (s, N.struct.ide, inv ide-right)) p.2))
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\func statement : Iso {_} {S.struct // f.Ker} {N-as-sbgp-SN.QuotientGroup} (( {f}) ∘ thmA.univ_img ) =>
TheoremA.statement' {thmA} f-surj

{- | The quotient groups $SN/N$ and $S/(S \cap N)$ are isomorphic -}
\func statement' : Iso {_} {S.struct // (S ∩.as-sbgp-1' N)} {SN.struct // N-as-sbgp-SN} =>
transport (\lam Q => Iso {_} {S.struct // Q} {SN.struct // N-as-sbgp-SN}) Kerf=S-cap-N statement

{- | Let $G$ be a group, and $N$, $K$ be normal subgroups of $G$ such that $N \subseteq K$. -}
\class TheoremC (G : Group) (N : NormalSubGroup G) (K : NormalOverGroup { | G => G | H => N }) {
\func N-as-sbgp-K : NormalSubGroup K.struct => SubGroup.subgroup-res-normal N K (\lam x => K.isOvergroup x.1 x.2)

\func K/N : NormalSubGroup (G // N) \cowith {
| SubGroup => GroupHom.sbgp-image {NormalSubGroup.quotient {N}} K
| isNormal (in~ g) {in~ h} (inP (_, c, p)) =>
inP (conjugate g h, K.isNormal g (rewrite (inv *-assoc, inverse-right, ide-left) in
contains_* c (isOvergroup {K} _ (NormalSubGroup.quotient.Ker->contains {N} _ (GroupHom.same-images-test p)))), idp)

-- two obvious definitions of K/N agree
\func K/N-def-compatible : Iso {GroupCat} {NormalSubGroup.QuotientGroup {N-as-sbgp-K}}
{SubGroup.struct {GroupHom.sbgp-image {NormalSubGroup.quotient {N}} K}} \cowith {
| f => \new GroupHom {
| func x => \case \elim x \with {
| in~ (x : G, c) => (in~ x, inP (x, c, idp))
| ~-equiv x y r => ext (path (~-equiv x.1 y.1 r))
| func-* {x} {y} => \case \elim x, \elim y \with {
| in~ a, in~ a1 => ext idp
| hinv => \new GroupHom {
| func x => \scase \elim x \with {
| (in~ x1, inP (x, c, p)) => in~ (x, c)
| (~-equiv x y r i, inP (x1, c, p)) => in~ (x1, c)
| (in~ x, truncP (inP (x1, c1, p1)) (inP (x2, c2, p2)) i) => ~-equiv _ _ (Quotient.equalityEquiv _ (p1 *> inv p2)) i
| func-* {x} {y} => \case \elim x, \elim y \with {
| (in~ x, inP (x1, c, p)), (in~ y, inP (y1, d, q)) => unfold (SubGroup.struct.*) ({?})
| hinv_f => {?}
| f_hinv => {?}

\func univ : GroupHom G ((G // N) // K/N) => K/N.quotient ∘ N.quotient

\lemma univ_surj : isSurj univ => isSurj.comp (NormalSubGroup.quotient.surj {N}) (NormalSubGroup.quotient.surj {K/N})
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| inP (x, c, p) => rewrite (inv *-assoc, inverse-right, ide-left) in contains_* c (OverGroup.isOvergroup {K} _
(rewrite NormalSubGroup.quotient.quotient-Ker in GroupHom.same-images-test p))
}, \lam c => inP (g, c, idp))) }

\func statement_normal : QEquiv {NormalSubGroup (G // N)} {NormalOverGroup {| G => G | H => N }} \cowith {
| f Q => \new NormalOverGroup {
| OverGroup => TheoremD.statement.f Q
| isNormal g h-in-Q => \let | q => NormalSubGroup.quotient {N} \in
unfold conjugate (rewrite (func-* {q}, func-* {q} {g}, GroupHom.func-inverse {q}) (NormalSubGroup.isNormal {Q} (in~ g) h-in-Q))
| ret Q => TheoremC.K/N {\new TheoremC G N Q}
| ret_f Q => ext NormalSubGroup { | SubGroup => statement.ret_f Q}
| f_sec Q => ext NormalOverGroup { | OverGroup => statement.f_sec Q}

{- | Now we apply all of these universal properties to the case when $N = \ker f$ and we get the first isomorphism theorem in the end-}
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