Last night, it was hard for me to sleep, so I created this little Tetris. I'll soon add an Artificial Intelligence able to play alone or vs a human player.
Game preview:
$> git clone
$> cd MinimaTetris/ && make install
$> ./bin/MinimaTetris
Be aware that install will install the following packages:
- libsdl2-dev
- libsdl2-ttf-dev
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
The game start directly after the launch, then:
- ← : move current tetromino left
- → : move current tetromino right
- ↓ : move current tetromino down
- ↑ : rotate current tetromino
- space: fast placing, current tetromino will move down until it encounter another tetromino
- : increase sound volume
- : decrease sound volume
After a game over, a new game will start automatically.
- ANN as player 2
- ANN able to play alone
- Change game preview to add screen of score history