== TODO ==
- Faster startup
- Cleanup for Archive: Admin, DB schema, interactions, editing/adding, text editor
- Weekly problems
# Search for all: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://brilliant.org/weekly-problems*
# 2018 archive (the rest are stored separately)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210609154329/https://brilliant.org/weekly-problems/2018-12-17/basic/
# 2x elements of each difficulty ; find same attribute in html of problem, need to scrape it out to json and map in file
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-solvable]')[0].attributes['data-solvable']
- Separate potw from problem as a separate component (similar to Comment, Discussion, etc.) ?
- Problems Of The Week Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210610052908/https://brilliant.org/community/home/weekly-problems/#2017-02-06
- Typesense: consider indexing/searching body; if so how do we display that in search? will it affect performance?
- Typesense client api key rate limiting
- Cache busting include css/js
- Serve css/js -> public/ folder, SASS, Babylon
- Production: strip out parts of css/js that aren't needed, tree shaking
- Laravel caching https://laracasts.com/series/laravel-8-from-scratch/episodes/10
- Template sections of html (header file, footer file, etc.) for shared html
- Hover question to see preview
- Think about popularity -- score field on problem document? Can run a worker to mass-update when we update equation
- CSS Links, buttons
- Text CSS cleanup: http://brilliant.laravel:8000/brilliantexport/discussions/thread/recursive-subsets-of-mathbbn-and-finite-model/recursive-subsets-of-mathbbn-and-finite-model.html
- Merge/zip/unzip discussions for faster scp -> server
- Webworkers for parsing?
- Microsoft Edge rendering issue on buttons
- Webpack cleanup: cache busting css/js, strip vendor, tree shaking, etc.
- cache busting: need to store all js/css in resources and specify for building?
- Problem JSON -> HTML -> inject Tailwind classes into elements rather than using app.css
- Laravel packages: Fortify (authentication)? Socialite (OAuth); Sanctum; Telescope
- FIXME: Check tableCell rework (as container) is fine
- FIXME: external img src http://brilliant.laravel:8000/problem/106736
- BUG: "View Solutions" -- don't say "YOu guessed ."
- ReCaptcha v3
- Interactable check response from server (Throttled -> show error popup?)
- Security
- <form> includes non-input elements (are those getting sent over?)
- XSS attack via manual submission? -- titles/solutions?
- Throttling posts on success vs. failed (eg. post -> fail validation -> try to fix -> fail again -> repeat until throttled)
- AJAX request throttled -> dialog
- Email verification
- Materialize+CSS -> Tailwind
- Mobile view, responsive
- Slow cold boot load (app.js + app.css getting beefy)
- Discussion parser
- Profile page: click user and see list of problems
- Vue cleanup: Add $ref to element to reference from inside Vue component; emit custom events from child -> caught by parent component + validation; provide/inject props from parent -> child component; v-bind:value vs. v-model
- BUG: large solutions http://brilliant.jbud.me/brilliantexport/problems/10th-problem-2016/10th-problem-2016.html
- Inflate/Deflate: Merge sequential text paragraphs w/ \n
- BUG: Heading level: http://brilliant.jbud.me/brilliantexport/problems/2015-countdown-problem-20-a-cubic-expansion-in-a/2015-countdown-problem-20-a-cubic-expansion-in-a.html
- BUG: Katex spacing http://brilliant.laravel:8000/problem/280
- Answer question component
- "High quality" question (set by moderators)
- Override Rules (eg. Password rule)
- Typesense
- Dig deeper into Scout
- "searchableAttributes" ??
- Compare Scout driver against Database (instead of Typesense) to see if its just as fast (maybe typesense not necessary)
- Queue Driver for Scout https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/queues + enable .env SCOUT_QUEUE
== Install ==
# Setup Composer
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '906a84df04cea2aa72f40b5f787e49f22d4c2f19492ac310e8cba5b96ac8b64115ac402c8cd292b8a03482574915d1a8') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" composer
# Install laravel, typesense
# NOTE: You may need `php composer.phar` instead
composer create-project laravel/laravel brilliant
cd brilliant
composer require laravel/scout php-http/curl-client typesense/typesense-php typesense/laravel-scout-typesense-driver nesbot/carbon
#composer require devloopsnet/laravel-typesense
# Install nvm/npm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm use v12.18.3
nvm alias default 12.18.3
# Git clone
git clone https://github.com/Jbudone/brilliant brilliant.temp
rsync -a brilliant.temp/ ./
rm -r brilliant.temp
# Setup env
create database: brilliant
npm install
vim .env
composer update
# Build DB, seed
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
# Mix assets
npm run dev
# localserver server host
php artisan serve --host=brilliant.local
# live server, edit .htaccess to redirect to public
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^public
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]
# Typesense
nohup ./runtypesense & # update .env with TYPESENSE host (host changes when you restart AWS)
php artisan typesense:run # will create typesense key, update .env with client key, and import \App\Models\Problem
# NOTE: You should run this locally since it might be slower from webserver
== Troubleshooting Typesense ==
# does key work?
curl -H 'x-typesense-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXX' https://typesense-brilliant.glitchy.me/collections
# use admin key to check if it exists in key list
curl -H 'X-TYPESENSE-API-KEY: XXXXXXXXXXXX' "https://typesense-brilliant.glitchy.me:443/keys" | jq .
# manually create a key
curl -H 'X-TYPESENSE-API-KEY: XXXXXXXXXXXX' "https://typesense-brilliant.glitchy.me:443/keys" -d '{"description":"Test Manual Key","actions": ["collections:get", "collections:list", "documents:search"], "collections": ["title"]}'
== Local Startup ==
update .env configs for TYPESENSE
php artisan serve --host=brilliant.local
npm run watch
docker run -p 8108:8108 -v/tmp/data:/data typesense/typesense:0.22.2 --data-dir /data --api-key=XXXXXXXXXXXX --enable-cors --allowed-origins="http://brilliant.local:8000"
php artisan typesense:run # NOTE: first startup will update the TYPESENSE_CLIENT_KEY in .env
== Update ==
scp -R [/local/path/to/brilliant.parsed] [login]:~/brilliant/
git pull
source ~/.bashrc
npm install
# FIXME: migrate/seed but w/out deleting current docs
npm run dev
rm nohup.out
nohup php artisan migrate:fresh --seed &
rm nohup.out
php artisan migrate # fulfill outstanding migrations
nohup php artisan archive:update & # update problems from brilliant.parsed
Listed problems for parser http://jbud.me/playground/brilliant/problems/15-points/15-points.html http://jbud.me/playground/brilliant/problems/1088-2/1088-2.html http://jbud.me/playground/brilliant/problems/108th-problem-2016/108th-problem-2016.html https://brilliant.org/problems/113th-problem-2016/?ref_id=1236678#post-146424 https://brilliant.org/problems/0-and-1-in-exponents/ http://brilliant.local/problems/1-in-5-americans-2/1-in-5-americans-2.html http://brilliant.local/problems/the-kingdom-of-chemithia-part-6/the-kingdom-of-chemithia-part-6.html http://brilliant.local/problems/117th-problem-2016/117th-problem-2016.html http://brilliant.local/problems/1614/1614.html http://brilliant.local/problems/1-5/1-5.html http://brilliant.local/problems/100-gold-coins/100-gold-coins.html http://brilliant.local/problems/11-is-really-lovely-well-bring-it-everywhere/11-is-really-lovely-well-bring-it-everywhere.html http://brilliant.local/problems/0-and-1-in-exponents/0-and-1-in-exponents.html http://jbud.me/playground/brilliant/problems/0-and-1-in-exponents/0-and-1-in-exponents.html http://brilliant.local:8000/problem/41242
References https://web.archive.org/web/20210617023042/https://brilliant.org/community/home/problems/popular/all/all/?no_js=true https://web.archive.org/web/20210617031230/https://brilliant.org/discussions/thread/simpler-solution-of-mechanics-warmups-level-4/ https://www.commonsense.org/education/website/brilliant