Webinterface for XenServer
- Multi server/pool support
- Using xe-automator, provision network, hostname, ssh-key, password and puppet-certs
- Filtered by tag(s)
- Start/Stop/Restart/Edit/Destroy VM's
- Set static IP for VM
- Set static IPv6 for VM (limited)
- Select template (only ubuntu 12.04 LTS for now)
- Select network
- Select host (if in pool)
- Set Memory amount
- Set vCPU amount
- Set SSH key for user root
- Select if you want backups (Using XenBackup)
- Set Tags
- Set customfields
- Description
- Memory Size
- vCPU amount
- Name
- Description
- Vlan
- Name
- Description
git clone https://github.com/Japje/gridomatic.git
cd gridomatic
mkvirtualenv gridomatic
pip install -r req.txt
After this you can create the gridomatic_web/local_settings.py with the settings needed for your server/pool
./manage.py runserver
See: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/master/getting-started/brokers/rabbitmq.html
brew install rabbitmq
On Ubuntu:
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Start Server for dev:
sudo rabbitmq-server
Sync DB:
./manage.py syncdb
Run worker:
./manage.py celery worker
See: https://github.com/Japje/xenserver-automater
Once these scripts are installed you are able to use all the auto-deployable functionality of the grid-o-matic
Unfortunately, the xenapi has no grouping for tags and/or customfields. This means i had to come up with a way to see which tags/fields excist in a hacky way: For each tag you want available for a pool, you should SET the tag on the pool object. for each custom field you want available, you sould fill in the custom field on the pool object with the text 'not set'
To reduce the amount of work while creating a VM i have removed gateway, subnet and DNS from the creation form.
These will now be pulled from the network object itself via a custom field.
For each network you want to use set the following customfields:
network.ipv4 network.ipv6 network.dns
Syntax for the network information is | (pipe) seperated:| (gateway|netmask) or for IPv6 2001:db8:1337::1|64
The syntax for the DNS is space seperated: