This repository contains the code for the paper Efficient Data Source Relevance Quantification for Multi-Source Neural Networks (LINK).
The work proposes a Forward Relevance Propation approach to compute source-wise relevevances values within the neural network forward pass.
This repository has been tested under Python 3.9.12
in a unix development environment.
For a setup, clone the repository and cd
to the root of it.
Create a new environment and activate it, for instance, on unix via
python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Then install the needed packages via the requirements.txt
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Further, for working with the SEN12MS
data set, the configurations for the data set have to be set in config/
The folder code contains Jupyter Notebooks to reproduce the experiments and to explore the approach on the Multi-Source MNIST data set.
MNIST Playground
The notebookcode/01_MNISTPlayGround.ipynb
provides a pipeline to explore the different Multi-Source MNSIT setups, train networks and evaluate the relevance values. -
Regression Example
The notebookcode/02_RegressionExample.ipynb
provides an example of the Forward Relevance Propagation applied to a regression task. -
Evaluation MNIST
The notebookcode/11_Evaluate_MNIST.ipynb
provides a pipeline for the evaluation of the MNIST experiments presented in the paper.
- Evaluation SEN12MS
The notebookcode/12_Evaluate_SEN12MS.ipynb
provides a pipeline to apply Relevance Forward Propagation to pre-trained networks provided by the authors of the data set.
The pretrained networks can be found here.
The original (clear) can be found here.
The cloudy Version can be found here and here.
To use the provided scripts, the config file code/config/
has to be adjusted by setting the following variables:
: path to the pre-trained network heredata_dir_sen12ms_cfg
: path to the root folder of SEN12MSdata_dir_sen12mscr_cfg
: path to the root folder of SEN12MSCRlabel_split_dir_cfg
folder containing the sample split fiels (see here)
- Evaluation of ADVANCE
For the advance data, the original authors repository can simply be adapted by applying adjusting the framework provided by the authors. For the basic case, the script has to be adjusted to only consider the MSE, loss and dropping the Scene loss. The RFP reperensetation can be applied straight forward by using the functionalities in this repo (code/
BibTeX format:
title={Efficient Data Source Relevance Quantification for Multi-Source Neural Networks},
author={Gawlikowski, Jakob and Gottschling, Nina Maria},
journal={British Machine Vision Conference 2024},