Available from Pimoroni:
Python Library & Examples
Here you'll find everything you need to start lighting up your Unicorn HAT or pHAT using python.
Python users should probably ignore most of this repository and just:
Full install ( recommended ):
\curl -sS https://get.pimoroni.com/unicornhat | bash
Install for Python 3:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
sudo pip3 install unicornhat
Install for Python 2:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
sudo pip install unicornhat
Install from Github clone
git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/unicorn-hat
cd unicorn-hat/
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools
cd library/rpi-ws281x
sudo python setup.py install
cd ../..
cd library/UnicornHat
sudo python setup.py install
cd ../..
Then proceed to examples.
###Using with idle/idle3:
needs root access to function. Please make sure you start LXTerminal and run idle or idle3 with the "sudo" command like so:
sudo idle
###Documentation & Support
- Getting started - https://learn.pimoroni.com/tutorial/unicorn-hat/getting-started-with-unicorn-hat
- Function reference - http://docs.pimoroni.com/unicornhat/
- GPIO Pinout - http://pinout.xyz/pinout/unicorn_hat, http://pinout.xyz/pinout/unicorn_phat
- Get help - http://forums.pimoroni.com/c/support
###Based Upon rpi_ws281x
is based upon a modified, Pi 2/3 compatible version of the RPi ws281x Library by Jeremy Garff.
The library was modified by Richard Hirst.
- Modified version: https://github.com/richardghirst/rpi_ws281x
- Original: https://github.com/jgarff/rpi_ws281x
Note: unicornhat
is no longer based upon this library, but this information is included for posterity.
was previously based upon a modified version of the ws2812 C driver from: https://github.com/626Pilot/RaspberryPi-NeoPixel-WS2812