To install ZCM correctly (with --use-all
flag), you should make some preparations with you system
- Install packages
sudo apt-get install cython3 python3-dev python3-pip python-dev cython openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk libelf1 libelf-dev npm nodejs gcc-5 g++-5
- Build and install ZeroMQ
cd <your workspace directory>
wget --no-check-certificate
tar -xvzf zeromq-4.1.6.tar.gz
cd zeromq-4.1.6/
make -j6 # Instead of "6" you should set your number of CPU cores
sudo make install
- Build and install ZeroCM
cd <your workspace directory>
git clone -b release --recursive
cd zcm
sudo su
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
CXX=/usr/bin/g++-5 CC=/usr/bin/gcc-5 ./waf configure --use-all --use-third-party
CXX=/usr/bin/g++-5 CC=/usr/bin/gcc-5 ./waf build
CXX=/usr/bin/g++-5 CC=/usr/bin/gcc-5 ./waf install
If you need to install zcm on other target, you should change your architecture
# example: arm64
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-arm64
Before next command you should check you current directory. It has to be <your workspace directory>/zcm
pip3 install zcm/python
If you see an setuptools
error - execute the next command and repeat the command above
pip3 install setuptools
- Check your installation:
4.1 Python
4.2 Java
python3 import zero_cm as zcm
If you see azcm-logplayer-gui -u ipc
error - please set your runtime java version to 8 instead of 11update-alternatives --config java
ZCM is a micro-framework for message-passing and data-marshalling, designed originally for robotics systems where high-bandwidth and low-latency are critical and the variance in compute platforms is large.
ZCM is a publish/subscribe message-passing system with automatic message type-checking and serialization. It provides bindings for a variety of programming languages, and generates language-specific message serialization routines. Using a ZCM message feels natural in each language.
ZCM is transport-agnostic. There is no required built-in transport. Every transport is first-class. This is achieved by defining strict blocking and non-blocking transport APIs. As long as a transport implementation conforms to this API, it should work flawlessly with ZCM. This design allows ZCM to work well on anything from a high-end posix-based compute cluster with thousands of nodes to a low-end real-time embedded-system with no operating system.
ZCM is a derivation of the LCM project created in 2006 by the MIT DARPA Urban Challenge team. The core message-type system, publish/subscribe APIs, and basic tools are ported directly from LCM and remain about 95% compatible. While there are a handful of subtle differences between the two, the core distinguishing feature is ZCM's transport agnosticism. LCM is designed completely around UDP Multicast. This transport makes a lot of sense for LAN connected compute clusters (such the original 2006 MIT DGC Vechicle). However, there are many other applications that are interesting targets for ZCM messaging. These include: local system messaging (IPC), multi-threaded messaging (in-process), embedded-system peripherals (UART, I2C, etc), and web applications (Web Sockets). By refusing to make hard assumptions about the transport layer, ZCM opens the door to a wide set of use-cases that were neither possible nor practical with LCM.
To learn more about what ZCM tries to be, and its guiding principles, check out the Project Philosphy.
To dive, in and see some examples, check out the Tutorial.
If you have previously used LCM, check out From LCM to ZCM.
To learn how you can contribute to this project, check out Contributing
- Project Philosphy
- Tutorial
- From LCM to ZCM
- ZCM Type System
- Transport Layer
- Embedded Applications
- Web Applications (coming soon)
- Dependencies & Building
- Tools
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Continuous Integration
- Contributing
- Type-safe and version-safe message serialization
- A useful suite of tools for logging, log-playback, and real-time message inspection (spy)
- A wide set of optionally built-in transports including UDP Multicast, IPC, In-Process, Serial, and ZeroMQ
- A well-defined interface for building custom transports
- Strong support for embedded applications. The core embedded code is restricted to C89.
- Only one true dependency: A modern C++11 compiler for the non-embedded code.
- Platforms
- GNU/Linux
- Web browsers supporting the Websocket API
- Any C89 capable embedded system
- Languages
- C89 and greater
- C++
- Java
- MATLAB (using Java)
- NodeJS and Client-side Javascript
- Python
- Platform Support
- Windows
- OS X
- Any POSIX-1.2001 system (e.g., Cygwin, Solaris, BSD, etc.)
- Consider porting the rest of the LCM languages
- C#
- Lua
- Explore alternative messaging paradigms using ZCM Types (e.g. those found in ZeroMQ)
- Break from the original LCM APIs to improve API consistency
- Goal for v2.0
- v1.0 will always strive for API compatibility
ZCM is approximately 95% API compatible with LCM. Porting existing Unix-based LCM
programs to ZCM is very easy in many cases. A quick sed -i 's/lcm/zcm/g'
works for
most applications. ZCM uses the same binary-compatible formats for UDP Multicast, Logging,
and ZCMType encodings. Thus LCM and ZCM applications can communicate flawlessly. This
allows LCM users to gradually migrate to ZCM.
is not supportedzcm_handle_timeout()
is not supported- Any applications using GLib via LCM may have build errors
- ZCM does not depend on GLib
- ZCMType drops support for the LCMType-style enums