- Pessimistic
- Nihilistic
- Self Destructive
- Apathetic
- Self Fulfilling
99% of the time can be found indoors
90% of the time is in his room using a computer
20% of the time God knows what he's doing
Favorite game #1: Cyberpunk 2077
Favorite game #2: Hollow Knight
Favorite game #3: Life is Strange 2
Can't take constructive criticism for the life of him
Enjoys being online even though it's destroyng his life
What's the feeling when you don't feel anything?
- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka
- Elliot Alderson
- Truman Burbank
- Johnny Silverhannd
Doesn't use many social medias
But has a select few

- Currently working on: electris.net
- Some of his work: TWAOS: Chapter One Teaser | Ayanokoji Edit - Comics
- Currently working on: Ayanokoji Edit - Digital Silence | Eighty-Six Edit - Alien Blues
- Currently working on: A Private Project
- Some of his work: Whispers of The Storm | That Guy
- Currently working on: Heart of Nothing (Album) | Little World, Big Rain (Single)