A list of neat projects made in Russia
# Using npm
npm install --save made-in-russia
# Using yarn
yarn add made-in-russia
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- VimL
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4449 | @sergeche/emmet-sublime | Emmet for Sublime Text | |
2820 | @VodkaBears/Vide | Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds. | |
2094 | @VodkaBears/Remodal | Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking. | |
1981 | @zloirock/core-js | Standard Library | |
340 | @ealeksandrov/NodeAPI | Simple RESTful API implementation on Node.js + MongoDB. | |
327 | @VodkaBears/Interdimensional | Spatial scrolling for your web pages. | |
267 | @sergeche/eclipse-zencoding | Native Zen Coding plugin for Eclipse | |
252 | @sgrebnov/jqmobile-metro-theme | My attempt to implement Metro theme for jQuery Mobile | |
240 | @sergeche/xmlview | Powerful XML viewer for Google Chrome and Safari | |
228 | @Sannis/node-mysql-libmysqlc… | Asynchronous MySQL binding for Node.js | |
215 | @sergeche/codemirror-movie | A plugin for CodeMirror for code demos | |
209 | @veged/xjst | Extensible JavaScript Transformations | |
204 | @lahmatiy/component-inspector | Component DOM inspector | |
174 | @artzub/GitHubVisualizer | Visualization the history of repository changes based on data from GitHub | |
159 | @sergeche/tx-content-assist | Content assist for textarea | |
153 | @artpolikarpov/scrollyeah | Puts floats in single line. | |
108 | @VodkaBears/galereya | Responsive, easily customizable gallery with a masonry layout | |
101 | @koistya/gulp-csscomb | CSScomb plugin for Gulp.js. Formats CSS according to a pre-defined coding style. | |
95 | @veged/krasota.js | Syntactic transformations of JavaScript code, with taking care of whitespaces and comments. | |
71 | @artpolikarpov/Flags | Flag icons in sprite | |
68 | @artzub/blackhole.js | Library for dinamyc visaulization such as code_swarm. Sandbox: | |
64 | @VodkaBears/MotionDetector.js | JS library for motion detection. | |
62 | @artpolikarpov/fuckyeah | $('#sexy').slideDown('slow').fuckYeah(); | |
58 | @VodkaBears/another-one-fucking-… | Yes, another one JS boilerplate. | |
52 | @artpolikarpov/upyachka.js | Reserve the place where responsive images are going | |
41 | @outpunk/postcss-each | PostCSS plugin to iterate through values | |
37 | @lahmatiy/postcss-csso | PostCSS plugin to minify CSS using CSSO | |
35 | @koistya/demos | Demo projects and code recipes featuring React, Redux, Relay... | |
35 | @mishanga/bem-vcard | Yandex Staff Visiting Card | |
32 | @lahmatiy/es6-promise-polyfill | ES6 Promise polyfill | |
31 | @sergeche/jsdt-docs | Some JSDoc files for Eclipse JSDT for popular libraries: underscore.js, Zepto, Node.js etc. | |
31 | @sgrebnov/cordova-plugin-backg… | ||
30 | @sergeche/grunt-frontend | CSS and JS minifier that respects source modification | |
29 | @arikon/npm2debian | Utility to convert npm packages to Debian packages | |
29 | @dvv/underscore-data | data querying and validating tools based on underscore.js | |
27 | @koistya/git-push | Use git-push to deploy your website to Azure, Heroku, GitHub Pages or any another hosting provider supporting Git-based deployments. | |
27 | @artpolikarpov/stickyeah | Makes blocks stick to the top of the screen while scrolling down the page | |
26 | @arikon/mocha-istanbul | ||
25 | @sergeche/webkit-css | Hack to display CSS rule line number in Safari/Webkit/Chrome Web Inspector | |
24 | @Sannis/node-ubjson | Universal Binary JSON packer/unpacker for Node.js | |
23 | @outpunk/gulp-evil-icons | Gulp plugin to use Evil Icons in your project | |
22 | @koistya/gulp-render | Pre-render React components at compile time. E.g. SomePage.jsx -> some-page.html | |
21 | @brainfucker/nodejs.ru | open source web site | |
21 | @Mithgol/phido | Fidonet browser with a GUI. | |
21 | @sergeche/rocon | Fast cross-browser library for rounded corners creation | |
21 | @sgrebnov/jqmobile-wp8-theme | ||
20 | @voischev/bem-full-stack | express bem bemtree bemhtml project stub | |
19 | @VodkaBears/colormotion | Nice looking motion detection with an experimental HTML5 getUserMedia API. | |
18 | @dvv/stereo | A naive multi-core node application controller | |
18 | @Panya/tinymce_pasteimage | Плагин для вставки картинок из буфера обмена | |
17 | @lahmatiy/open-in-editor | Open file in editor | |
16 | @Mithgol/nwglobal | Node.js globals for node-webkit's HTML5 | |
16 | @Sannis/node-mysql-benchmark… | Benchmarks for MySQL client modules for Node.js | |
16 | @dvv/farm | haproxy + stud made easy, socket.io ready | |
14 | @sergeche/ant-tools | Набор Ant-задач для сборки веб-проектов | |
13 | @brainfucker/node-comet | Comet client and server libraries for Node.js | |
13 | @veged/shmakowiki | Yet another wiki dialect, inspired by WackoWiki and WikiCreole | |
13 | @outpunk/grunt-evil-icons | Grunt plugin to use Evil Icons in your project | |
12 | @SamuraiJack/Shotenjin | Post-modern javascript templating system | |
11 | @dvv/luvit-app | A simple framework | |
11 | @voischev/posthtml-retext | PostHTML Retext plugin | |
11 | @sergeche/xsl-tracer | Service for tracing XSL transformations | |
10 | @SamuraiJack/KiokuJS | Persistence layer for Joose, mostly targeting NoSQL backends (port of KiokuDB to Joose) | |
10 | @voischev/posthtml-textr | Textr for PostHTML | |
10 | @koistya/graphql-express-mong… | A minimalistic GraphQL server example built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB Native Driver, and ES2015 async/await syntax via Babel | |
10 | @Mithgol/node-fidonet-jam | Fidonet JAM echomail base access for Node.js | |
9 | @mishanga/serp | Simple Yandex SERP based on BEM (bem-bl) | |
9 | @lahmatiy/express-open-in-edit… | Express extension to open file in editor | |
9 | @veged/ometa-highlighter | Code highlighter based on Ometa/JS (little inspired by Pygments) | |
9 | @andreyvit/majority.js | Master election protocol for master-slave cloud services in Node.js | |
9 | @xboston/phalcon-users-auth | ||
8 | @Mithgol/FGHI-URL | Fidonet Global Hypertext Interface — Uniform Resource Locators | |
8 | @dvv/socket.io-context | An updatable JS object over socket.io connection | |
8 | @artpolikarpov/jquery.formyeah.js | Persist form’s data locally | |
8 | @veged/bem-components-react | EXPERIMENT, DO NOT USE | |
8 | @andreyvit/plist-to-json | A tiny command-line tool to convert (xml) .plist files to JSON format | |
8 | @SamuraiJack/Task-Joose-NodeJS | Joose, packaged with NodeJS flavour | |
8 | @dvv/schema2form | Given a JSON schema and optionally the data, render an HTML form | |
8 | @koistya/git-repository | A Promise-based JavaScript wrapper library for working with Git CLI | |
8 | @veged/yajsh | Yet Another JavaScript Highlighter | |
7 | @dvv/simple-geoip | barebone GeoIP, see https://github.com/dvv/simple-geoip/wiki for details | |
7 | @VodkaBears/sensitive-particles | HTML5 experiment with motion detection and particles. | |
7 | @sergeche/emmet.chocmixin | Emmet mixin for Chocolat editor | |
7 | @dvv/sockjs-luvit | WebSocket emulation - Luvit server | |
7 | @dvv/underscore.query | Language to declaratively operate on arrays/hashes of objects | |
7 | @Sannis/wikimapia-api-client… | Bunch of clients for Wikimapia API | |
7 | @artpolikarpov/audiofade | Набор плагинов для плавного включения и выключения аудио | |
7 | @Mithgol/simteconf | Simple text configuration reader (for Node.js) | |
7 | @SamuraiJack/Syncler | Real-time, optimistic replication backend for KiokuJS, based on Socket.IO | |
7 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Role-Paramete… | Implementation of parameterized roles for Joose | |
7 | @dvv/luvit-engine.io | Engine.IO made in Luvit | |
7 | @veged/tinyjira | Tiny interface for Atlassian JIRA based on JSON-RPC | |
7 | @Mithgol/node-singlebyte | Supports more 1-byte encodings than Node.js Buffer | |
7 | @dvv/meta-fs | Higher level filesystem utilities for Node.js | |
6 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Namespace-Dep… | Dependencies handling implementation, integrated with Joose3 | |
6 | @mishanga/bem-form | Form widgets based on jz-forms and BEM tech | |
6 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-CPS | Some syntax sugar for 'Continuation Passing Style' in Joose | |
6 | @SamuraiJack/JSON2 | json2 / native JSON normalizer for Joose | |
6 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Attribute | Additional features for Joose attributes | |
6 | @Sannis/node-pinba | Pure node.js Pinba client | |
6 | @mishanga/bemchan | Image board BEM-based engine | |
6 | @dvv/u-gotta-luvit | experimental http stack for luvit | |
6 | @voischev/bem-mail | bem-mail | |
6 | @artpolikarpov/grunt-gh-release | Create relases on GitHub from Grunt task. | |
5 | @dvv/ua | Dirt cheap User-Agent: parser | |
5 | @vpavlenko/pastegraph | Share graph plots | |
5 | @Mithgol/node-fidonet-fidohtm… | Makes HTML code out of a Fidonet message. | |
5 | @artzub/clearspending | Для конкурса ГосЗатраты | |
5 | @sgrebnov/Html5ImageEditor | Demo application for Devcon12 | |
5 | @lahmatiy/css-parser | CSS parser | |
5 | @Mithgol/node-uue | UUE decoder and encoder for Node.js | |
4 | @SamuraiJack/ExtX.Layout | Collection of layouts for ExtJS | |
4 | @VodkaBears/vodkabears.github.co… | http://vodkabears.github.io | |
4 | @dvv/luvit-sockjs | SockJS server in Luvit | |
4 | @kovaldn/magazinorehov | Nuts store | |
4 | @SamuraiJack/joosex-bridge-ext | Bridge from Joose to Ext3 | |
4 | @koistya/csscomb-loader | CSScomb loader for Webpack. Allows to format CSS coding style at a build time and/or lint your CSS | |
4 | @brainfucker/manager | manager for daemons | |
4 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Observable | Observable pattern as Joose role | |
4 | @zloirock/dtf | Date formatting | |
4 | @outpunk/adaptive-evil-blocks | Adaptivity support for Evil Blocks | |
4 | @SamuraiJack/ShareBoard | Collaborative sketching | |
4 | @artpolikarpov/responsivr.js | A small piece of JavaScript that makes sites more responsive even if they are completely fixed | |
4 | @artpolikarpov/grunt-example | Простой пример конфигурации Гранта для склейки стилей и скриптов | |
4 | @arikon/bower-npm-install | Run npm install on every bower dependency | |
4 | @veged/jscreole | JavaScript Creole 1.0 Wiki Markup Parser | |
4 | @arikon/tpl-cli | Project template for the command line COA-based applications. | |
4 | @andreyvit/grunt-typescript-exp… | Concat .d.ts from multiple files to provide an implicit module declaration for a npm package implemented in TypeScript | |
4 | @dvv/connection | WebSocket messaging made easy | |
3 | @arikon/samurai | Samurai build platform | |
3 | @artzub/Downloader-Chrome-Ex… | ||
3 | @SamuraiJack/HTTP-Request-Provide… | Cross-platform HTTP request implementation | |
3 | @dvv/luvit-checkit | A simple test runner | |
3 | @sgrebnov/incubator-cordova-wp… | Mirror of Apache Cordova WP8 | |
3 | @artzub/minfin | minfin | |
3 | @andreyvit/tarantsov.com | ||
3 | @sgrebnov/cordova-plugin-ev3 | Apache Cordova plugin to control Lego EV3 via Bluetooth | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/JooseIt | Joose.it website, business card of Joose project | |
3 | @Panya/reflow-tests | Автоматические тесты рендеринга (reflow/repaint) страниц | |
3 | @kovaldn/form | ajax form on bootstrap with serverside email validate | |
3 | @Mithgol/fido2rss | Makes RSS feeds out of Fidonet echomail. | |
3 | @kovaldn/counter-7days | counter is reset every 7 days | |
3 | @Mithgol/node-abstract-syntax… | An implementation of AST (abstract syntax tree) for Node.js. Can be used to build renderers of markup languages. | |
3 | @kovaldn/dz-port | ||
3 | @voischev/bem-font | Fonts lib in bem methodology | |
3 | @lahmatiy/knockout-data-flow | Experimental basis.js data flow adaptation for knockout | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-SimpleRequest | Simple XHR request abstraction | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/KiokuJS-Backend-Batc… | Batching backend for KiokuJS | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/KiokuJS-Backend-Couc… | CouchDB backend for KiokuJS | |
3 | @lahmatiy/clap | Command line argument parser and staff | |
3 | @mishanga/bem-jz-forms | BEM-wrapper for jz form validation framework | |
3 | @VodkaBears/Sop | Small library for parsing stringified properties or converting properties to the string representation. | |
3 | @sergeche/codemirror-codecompl… | Code Complete abstract layer for CodeMirror2 | |
3 | @veged/jquery.hashhistory | jQuery hash change event | |
3 | @sergeche/html-transform | Streamed transform of HTML documents on DOM level | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Meta-Lazy | Role to make metaclass 'lazy' | |
3 | @SamuraiJack/Data.UUID | Provides RFC4122v4 complaint UUIDs | |
3 | @artemeff/yam | Yet Another Music Player / Yandex.Music Desktop Client | |
2 | @Mithgol/fidorest | Fidonet RESTful API | |
2 | @veged/ometa-js-old | Fork http://www.tinlizzie.org/~awarth/svn/ome… | |
2 | @veged/json4xml | Yet another JSON to XML convention | |
2 | @VodkaBears/jquery-expandingForm | Expanding form widget for jquery | |
2 | @veged/odessajs-bem | My talk for OdessaJS 2015 | |
2 | @sgrebnov/phonegap-plugins-wp7 | Temporary place for facebook connect and twitter plugins for Windows Phone | |
2 | @koistya/jest-sandbox | ||
2 | @voischev/bem-blog | Blog in expressjs / mongo / bem full stack | |
2 | @arikon/q-wrap | Utility library to wrap async functions with last callback argument to promise returning functions | |
2 | @outpunk/gulp-rails-assets | Rails assets manifest management for Gulp | |
2 | @veged/touchide | Programming on iPhone | |
2 | @artzub/olyspace | Visualization statistics of the Olympic Games named "Space of Olympic Games" | |
2 | @veged/bem-i18n | BEM internationalization | |
2 | @andreyvit/autoesc.js | Error Short Circuiter (ESC) function decorator | |
2 | @sergeche/state-machine | A very simple and basic state machine implementation, inspired by Machina.js | |
2 | @Panya/durilka | Simple tool for making data URIs from images in CSS files | |
2 | @Mithgol/npmtree | Outputs the tree of dependencies of a given npm package in Markdown form. | |
2 | @brainfucker/skdy | ide experiment on top of node.js and bespin | |
2 | @Mithgol/node-large-split | A collection of methods that split large Buffers and files. | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/ExtX-Shotenjin | Shotenjin templates for ExtJS components | |
2 | @Mithgol/agedays | Reports a given file's age (in days). | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/Raphael | JSAN-compatible distribution of the Raphael library | |
2 | @dvv/simple-example | proof of concept for 'simple' | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/Request.flXHR | JSAN wrapper for flXHR project | |
2 | @dvv/o4epegb | A proto for socket.io new wave broadcasting. Name mimicks translit for russian "очередь" (queue) | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/digest-md5 | digest md5 | |
2 | @dvv/irclog | IRC logging bot | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/ExtX-Reference-Slot | ExtJS extension for accessing components hierarchy with mnemonic names | |
2 | @dvv/wscomm | real-time shared context between browser and node | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/extjs4 | ||
2 | @dvv/express-mimic | Derive accepted MIME from URI extension | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/Task-Joose-Stable | Stable Joose distribution, required only for bootstraping purposes | |
2 | @dvv/banka | RESTful mongodb server with RQL support | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/Scope-Provider | Cross-platform (browser/NodeJS) JavaScript scope provider | |
2 | @Mithgol/node-gamayun | A server that serves answers. | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/JooseX-Class-SimpleC… | A trait for class, making the 'new' keyword optional during instantiation | |
2 | @lahmatiy/fixed-width-string | Ansi-aware string padding/ellipsing function | |
2 | @miripiruni/rit2012-schedule | Unofficial mobile version schedule of RIT++ 2012 conference. | |
2 | @SamuraiJack/Johnny-Mnemonic | Yet another ajax back button implementation, on Joose3, with the test suite and no required page markup at this time |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2292 | @Prototik/HoloEverywhere | NO LONGER MAINTAINED. DEVELOP FOR 4.X+ DUDE. | |
1217 | @johnkil/Android-AppMsg | In-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article by Cyril Mottier (http://android.cyrilmottier.com/?p=773)… | |
1186 | @thest1/LazyList | Lazy load of images in Android | |
993 | @antonkrasov/AndroidSocialNetwork… | Library for easy work with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google on Android | |
772 | @johnkil/Android-ProgressFrag… | Implementation of the fragment with the ability to display indeterminate progress indicator when you are waiting for the initial data. | |
681 | @johnkil/Android-RobotoTextVi… | Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts. | |
328 | @antonkrasov/AndroidProgressLayou… | Android View to simplify working with ProgressBar | |
327 | @johnkil/SideNavigation | Implementation of "Side Navigation" or "Fly-in app menu" pattern for Android (based on Google+ app) | |
248 | @amaembo/streamex | Enhancing Java 8 Streams | |
159 | @shipilev/java-object-layout | Low-level Java object layout dumpers | |
144 | @johnkil/Print | A lightweight Android library for use iconic fonts. | |
125 | @thest1/Android-VKontakte-SD… | Android SDK for vkontakte.ru social network | |
117 | @johnkil/Android-CollapsibleS… | Implementation of the SearchView is compatible with Android below 3.0. This library allows developers to easily integrate search menuItem in an Android application. | |
73 | @sviperll/adt4j | adt4j - Algebraic Data Types for Java | |
54 | @amaembo/huntbugs | Java bytecode static analyzer | |
42 | @abashev/vfs-s3 | Amazon S3 driver for Apache commons-vfs (Virtual File System) project | |
38 | @4ntoine/JavaFxDialog | Standard Dialogs for JavaFX 2 | |
34 | @barancev/webdriver-extensions | ||
34 | @ivmai/JCGO | Java source to C code translator (JCGO) | |
32 | @shipilev/jdk8-lambda-samples | JDK8 Lambda Samples | |
32 | @johnkil/SpySMS | Interceptor sms for android | |
31 | @fomkin/adt-maven-plugin | Adobe AIR SDK adt tool runner. Build air, apk and ipa packages with your maven! | |
29 | @4ntoine/Firmata | Firmata pure Java implementation | |
26 | @peterarsentev/java-courses | Практический Java курс. Бесплатно. | |
19 | @illuzor/Android-Sharing-Exte… | Android ANE for sharing text and images | |
18 | @samolisov/spring-vs-ejb-vs-cdi… | The JMH-based benchmark of Spring MVC vs EJB vs CDI RESTful web-service implementations | |
17 | @Frostman/trident-cassandra | Cassandra state implementation for Twitter Storm Trident API | |
16 | @shipilev/timers-bench | Timers bench | |
15 | @johnkil/Android-JSONCompare | Comparison of JSON parsers performance on Android | |
12 | @fewizz/NotEnoughIDs | Extends hardcoded ID limits | |
12 | @sviperll/static-mustache | Template engine for java with statically checked and compiled templates. Compilation is performed alone with java sources. | |
11 | @johnkil/MockGPS | The application to emulate the location | |
11 | @kuksenko/quantum | "Quantum Performance Effects" demo | |
10 | @johnkil/RecipeBook | Recipe Book for Android | |
10 | @shipilev/cikrf-spider | Spider/Parser for gathering the election data from Russian Election Committee website | |
10 | @Frostman/dropbox4j | Dropbox API Java implementation | |
9 | @peterarsentev/Spring-Security-Acl-… | This project implements the Spring Security ACL mechanism. It uses the MongoDB as persistent store | |
9 | @samolisov/samolisov-demo | Some small demos for my blog | |
9 | @shipilev/article-method-dispa… | Code for Method Dispatch article | |
8 | @ternsip/Placemod | Fast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API | |
8 | @Vany/bcut | mod for minecraft | |
7 | @illuzor/Android-Communicatio… | Android ANE. Phone, SMS, Email functionality. | |
7 | @abashev/spring-workflow | Updating spring-workflow for Spring 3 and fix some bugs | |
7 | @johnkil/Android-ProgressFrag… | The sample project that uses Android-ProgressFragment via Gradle. | |
7 | @johnkil/CookApp | Android application of cooking | |
7 | @johnkil/Metro | Modern subway maps of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. | |
6 | @sviperll/ozymandias | Collection of maven plugins, extensions and other generally useful artifacts | |
6 | @johnkil/Steganography | Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity. | |
6 | @zstudent/JavaFall2015_01 | ||
6 | @ternsip/Placemod-1.7.10 | Fast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API | |
6 | @sviperll/writejava4me | Simple and easy Java code-generator | |
5 | @shipilev/dedup-estimator | FS Deduplication/Compression Offline Estimator | |
5 | @udalov/settlers | ||
5 | @illuzor/Android-File-Extensi… | Android ANE for open local files in native app. | |
5 | @4ntoine/protobuf-ble-rpc | Android protobuf rpc implementation over BLE | |
5 | @ternsip/Placemod-1.8 | Minecraft mod that spawns various structures taken from schematics during world generation | |
5 | @sviperll/chicory | Simple Java library to cover the shortcommings of JDK | |
4 | @shipilev/disrupting-fjp | Disruptor vs ForkJoinPool playground | |
4 | @illuzor/Android-Notification… | Android ANE. Toast, alert dialog, list dialog | |
4 | @sviperll/multitasking4j | Java multitask programming library | |
4 | @shipilev/article-compress-me | Benchmarks for "Compress Me ..." talk | |
4 | @abashev/videojs-for-gwt | GWT wrapper for video-js library | |
4 | @johnkil/DoubleBackExample | Example: double back to exit | |
4 | @fewizz/BetterMining | ||
4 | @VladRassokhin/intellij-annotations… | IntelliJ IDEA annotations instrumenter maven plugin | |
4 | @t3hk0d3/SpoutLayout | XML Layouting library for wonderful Spout framework | |
4 | @illuzor/NotificationExtentio… | Android AIR native extention for show Alert and Toast | |
3 | @shipilev/article-exception-be… | Exception benchmarks for the exceptions performance article | |
3 | @sviperll/repository4j | Java code-driven (no annotations) ORM. | |
3 | @VladRassokhin/eclipse-from-idea-de… | Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA for painless Eclipse plugins development | |
3 | @barancev/testng_samples | Samples fot TestNG training | |
3 | @4ntoine/ServiceDiscovery-jav… | Simple service discovery framework (Java) | |
3 | @4ntoine/Stalker-robot | Project repository | |
3 | @johnkil/GeocoderExample | Example of a geocoder to Android | |
3 | @VladRassokhin/CMake-runner-plugin | CMake support for TeamCity | |
3 | @shipilev/jmm-benchmarks | Benchmarks for JMM talk | |
3 | @samolisov/spring-4x-demos | My demos of Spring Framework leveraging and optimization | |
3 | @shipilev/article-java-scala-d… | ||
2 | @abashev/logback-newrelic-app… | Logback appender for sending error messages directly to NewRelic monitoring | |
2 | @sviperll/maven-profiledep-ext… | Moved to ozymandias project https://github.com/sviperll/ozymandias | |
2 | @Prototik/HoloEverywhere-Addon… | Roboguice addon for HoloEverywhere library | |
2 | @barancev/junit_samples | Samples for JUnit training | |
2 | @barancev/selen-confetqa-2013 | ||
2 | @kuksenko/quantum2 | ||
2 | @ternsip/StabilizerMod | Minecraft IC2 BuildCraft power converter | |
2 | @ternsip/Placemod-1.9 | Fast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API | |
2 | @Frostman/jadecife | Distributed computing experiments for my coursework | |
2 | @Frostman/storm-wordcount | ||
2 | @barancev/webdriver-junit-arch… | Archetype for a Maven project that can be used as a start point to develop tests in Java with WebDriver and JUnit | |
2 | @Frostman/kindlepush | ||
2 | @barancev/webdriver-testng-arc… | Archetype for a Maven project that can be used as a start point to develop tests in Java with WebDriver and TestNG | |
2 | @fewizz/AT | [1.9.4] | |
2 | @udalov/settlers-web | ||
2 | @zstudent/metrics | ||
2 | @barancev/webdriver-factory | An utility to manage WebDriver instances | |
2 | @shipilev/benchmarks-scratch | Scratch throw-away benchmarks | |
2 | @4ntoine/CoffeeCatchDemo | Test project for coffeecatch lib |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
176 | @Maxx53/SCMBot | Steam Community Market auto-buying bot | |
125 | @controlflow/resharper-postfix | ReSharper Postfix Templates plugin | |
103 | @chromealex/Unity3d.UI.Windows | Unity 3D UI (uGUI) Windows Extensions | |
78 | @controlflow/resharper-heapview | ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin | |
57 | @Athari/CsCss | CSS parsing library for C# based on Mozilla Firefox code [MPL] | |
56 | @nicloay/Node-Inspector | Unity graph editor extension. | |
37 | @nicloay/colorus | Unity3d ColoringBook web/ios | |
34 | @Maxx53/NoCableLauncher | Rocksmith 2014 Launcher for playing without RealTone cable (nocable fix) | |
28 | @nicloay/unity-spine-importer | Bring data from spine (EsotericSoftware) in to the unity3d | |
23 | @controlflow/resharper-gotoword | ReSharper Go to Word navigation plugin | |
19 | @Athari/XnaConvert | Utility for converting XNA XNB files (Texture2D to PNG images) [New BSD] | |
17 | @Konard/LinksPlatform | Holistic system for storage and transformation of information based on associative model of data. Целостная система для хранения и обработки информации основная на ассоциативной модели данных. | |
15 | @Athari/Alba.Jaml | JAML = WPF XAML − XML.verbosity + JSON.elegance [Simplified BSD] | |
10 | @jeanfabre/PlayMaker--Unity--UI | PlayMaker | |
9 | @jeanfabre/PlayMakerCustomActio… | PlayMaker Custom Actions for Unity 4, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort | |
8 | @Athari/Alba.Framework | Framework for private projects [Public Domain + other] | |
7 | @roman-yagodin/R7.Documents | Redesigned version of DNN Documents module | |
6 | @jeanfabre/PlayMaker--UnityLear… | ||
6 | @jeanfabre/PlayMakerCustomActio… | PlayMaker Custom Actions for Unity 3, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort | |
5 | @ForNeVeR/CyclopsChat | WPF-based XMPP chat application. | |
5 | @nicloay/atlasToCube | Unity3d utility to put any texture from atlas to different faces of cube | |
5 | @chromealex/ME.Macros | Unity 3D Macros System | |
5 | @controlflow/Parse.Sharp | Yet another C# parser combinator library | |
4 | @Athari/CsConsoleFormat | .NET C# library for advanced formatting of console output [Apache] | |
4 | @xakepru/x14.05-coding-decapt… | Пример приложения для расшифровки капчи на базе Tesseract OCR и FANN | |
4 | @roman-yagodin/R7.University | Modules and base library for DNN Platfrom designed to present and manage various assets (e.g. divisions, employees, educational programs, documents) for high school educational organization website, compatible with obrnadzor.gov.ru microdata requirements. | |
3 | @ForNeVeR/hell-api | Miranda IM managed plugin API adapter for .NET. | |
3 | @roman-yagodin/R7.DotNetNuke.Extens… | A library for DNN Platform extensions development | |
3 | @controlflow/resharper-checker | ReSharper.Checker MSIL weaver that emit null checks from [NotNull] annotations | |
2 | @ForNeVeR/TankDriver | Simple game in XNA. | |
2 | @roman-yagodin/R7.Epsilon | Highly customizable, multiportal, responsive skin for DNN Platform | |
2 | @roman-yagodin/R7.News | News subsystem for DNN Platform | |
2 | @ForNeVeR/BetterFuck | Brainfuck language compiler for CLR. | |
2 | @intagger/SerializersRace | A performance testing tool for .NET serializers. | |
2 | @jeanfabre/PlayMakerBetaActions… | PlayMaker Beta Actions, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort | |
2 | @Maxx53/IzickLanCoop | Lan Cooperative for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth | |
2 | @ForNeVeR/ImapSlack | Integrate Slack with IMAP email server. | |
2 | @nicloay/persistentSingleton | Unity plugin which store/read properties from/to singleton to UserPrefs | |
2 | @roman-yagodin/R7.DnnLocalization | Localization of DNN Platform static resources (language pack) - русский перевод DotNetNuke |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3 | @tsergeytovarov/gulp-project | Базовый шаблон проекта на Gulp | |
2 | @tsergeytovarov/grunt-project | Базовый каркас проекта |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
11 | @spalt08/TweenSprite | Sprite animation plugin for TweenMax.js |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
212 | @nekromant/esp8266-frankenstein | Alternative firmware for ESP8266 modules | |
191 | @nekromant/antares | antares uC buildsystem | |
59 | @tony2001/pinba_extension | Pinba PHP extension | |
46 | @LongSoft/PMPatch | Utility to patch UEFI BIOS PowerManagement module to be compatible with MacOS X SpeedStep implementation | |
37 | @rtsisyk/msgpuck | A simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file | |
36 | @tony2001/ngx_http_pinba_modul… | Pinba module for nginx | |
32 | @akalend/amqp-rest | the light HTTP gate (rest) for amqp broket | |
28 | @moteus/lua-lluv | Lua binding to libuv | |
22 | @illarionov/sqlite3-unicodesn | SQLite unicode full-text-search tokenizer with Snowball stemming | |
17 | @leshak/i5700-leshak-kernel | Linux kernel 2.6.29 for Samsung Spica i5700 with Android 2.x | |
16 | @astarasikov/iconia-gnu-kernel | Port of Iconia A500 to chromium and vanilla linux | |
16 | @akalend/click-server | the light HTTP server for accounting clicks (using in banner system) | |
15 | @nekromant/scam-o-matic | A tool to salvage usable space from crappy memory cards. | |
14 | @tony2001/rfc5766-turn-server | [SVN copy of..] High-performance free open source TURN and STUN Server implementation. VoIP media traffic NAT traversal and gateway. | |
13 | @nekromant/pl2303gpio | PL2303HX Userspace GPIO control tool | |
12 | @moteus/lua-AesFileEncrypt | A simple file encryption library | |
10 | @nekromant/linux-rlx-upstream | Initial effort to port upstream linux kernels to MIPS RLX variant used in RTL8196/RTL8198 | |
10 | @LongSoft/FD44Copier | Utility to copy BIOS data from one ASUS BIOS image file to another | |
10 | @akorotkov/pgsphere | ||
9 | @tony2001/eaccelerator | eAccelerator fork | |
9 | @nofearnohappy/android_device_xiaom… | ||
9 | @rtsisyk/mininb | Mini NoSQL Benchmark | |
8 | @infofarmer/hashtypes | sha1, md5 and other data types for PostgreSQL | |
8 | @tony2001/pidgin-libnotify | libnotify plugin for Pidgin | |
7 | @nekromant/tinypowerswitch | Firmware source for attiny2313-based power switcher | |
7 | @LongSoft/InsydeImageExtractor | Utility for extracting UEFI image from InsydeFlasher executable file | |
6 | @tony2001/leptonica | PHP bindings for Leptonica library | |
6 | @nekromant/usniffer | Necromant's UART sniffer | |
6 | @illarionov/rdr2netflow | Cisco SCE RDRv1 to Netflow v5 converter | |
6 | @leshak/i5700-leshak-kmodule… | Kernel modules for i5700 with Android 2.x | |
6 | @tony2001/arrr | PHP extension embedding R language | |
5 | @vm03/android_kernel_lge_m… | ||
5 | @akorotkov/postgres | ||
5 | @LongSoft/UBU-helpers | Set of helper utilitites for UEFI BIOS Updater project | |
5 | @tony2001/memtrack | ||
5 | @moteus/lua-odbc | ODBC Library for lua | |
5 | @cfr/assimp-ios | Open Asset Import Library (iOS) | |
4 | @moteus/lua-luq | Light userdata queue | |
4 | @astarasikov/device_kovsky | HTC Kovsky device tree for CyanogenMod | |
4 | @nofearnohappy/custom_kernel_hermes | ||
4 | @astarasikov/libARMCopro | A library to disassemble ARM architecture coprocessor access instructions | |
4 | @illarionov/SpatiaLite | SpatiaLite 4.0.0 mirror | |
4 | @illarionov/sirfdump | Sirf binary dumper | |
4 | @LongSoft/AddrInfo | Utility to find addresses of different data structures in ASUS BIOS image files and to store them in INI-formated file | |
3 | @illarionov/des21xx | D-Link DES-2108/2110 console management utility. | |
3 | @astarasikov/mkbootimg-mtype-hack… | A patched version of android's mkbootimg to allow patching mtype | |
3 | @akalend/mtserver | the example multithreading server by libev | |
3 | @akalend/ngx_http_stat_module | The ngx_http_stat_module is addon for nginx HTTP server. The addon send data to stat daemon by UDP. The stat daemon collection, accumulation and processing statistics. | |
3 | @illarionov/sirfmemdump | Sirf GPS chipset memory dumper | |
3 | @tony2001/libspindle | Small library providing thread pooling capabilities | |
3 | @nekromant/aura | Universal RPC library for interfacing with your favourite hardware | |
3 | @tony2001/funcprof | PHP extension to help function profiling | |
3 | @astarasikov/uboot-bn-nook-hd-fas… | U-boot for B&N Nook HD+ that boots directly to fastboot ignoring EMMC/SD | |
3 | @illarionov/OpenRRCP | OpenRRCP is an open-source cross-platform RRCP-based toolset, that is able to configure and fetch status from such ethernet switches. | |
3 | @akalend/hhvm-msgpack | The native HHVM msgpack (msgpack.org) module, It hasn't any dependencies | |
3 | @illarionov/ourfa | Open source implementation of URFA (UTM Remote Function Access) protocol | |
2 | @nekromant/servomatic | proof-of-concept: attiny2313 controlling 13 servos | |
2 | @nekromant/agilia-files | My ABUILDs for Agilia linux | |
2 | @astarasikov/samsung-xmm6260-fw-l… | Code for loading firmware to the modem on I9100 and I9250 (see libsamsung-ipc) | |
2 | @astarasikov/l4re-snapshot | ||
2 | @nekromant/antares-examples | Example projects for use with antares | |
2 | @moteus/luasqlite3 | fork from http://lua.sqlite.org | |
2 | @akalend/sophiaDb | The SophiaDb is memcached port to the key/value storage API Sophia (http://sphia.org/) based on the Fractional Cascading ideas. | |
2 | @rtsisyk/time-bench | time_bench: time() / gettimeofday() / clock_gettime() benchmark | |
2 | @nofearnohappy/Custom_kernel_hermes… | ||
2 | @tony2001/php-libevent | PHP libevent extension | |
2 | @nekromant/ampe-sw-switch | Kernel module for controlling usb host vbus lines on Allwinner A10 devices | |
2 | @tony2001/rrd | PHP bindings to rrd tool system | |
2 | @szastupov/ustl | ustl mirror (see no-exceptions branch) | |
2 | @Nazg-Gul/fm | A GNU/Linux console-based file manager | |
2 | @tony2001/rabbitmq-c | AMQP client library |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
340 | @ddemidov/vexcl | VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA | |
163 | @lisitsyn/tapkee | A flexible and efficient С++ template library for dimension reduction | |
67 | @ddemidov/amgcl | C++ library for solving large sparse linear systems with algebraic multigrid method | |
57 | @Nerei/kinfu_remake | Optimized and reworked version of Kinfu | |
13 | @CODeRUS/libaxolotl | axolotl implementation in Qt | |
12 | @ddemidov/gpgpu_with_modern_cp… | LaTeX source for "Programming CUDA and OpenCL: A Case Study Using Modern C++ Libraries" | |
5 | @tinybit/cocaine-fastcgi-prox… | Cocaine FastCGI Proxy | |
5 | @ddemidov/mba | Scattered data interpolation with multilevel B-Splines | |
4 | @CODeRUS/android-notification… | Simple daemon adding sound (IM category), led and icon on lockscreen for android notifications. | |
4 | @tinybit/lsd | Psycodelic persistant message queue and cocaine balancer | |
4 | @ddemidov/ev3dev-lang-cpp | C++ language bindings for http://ev3dev.org | |
3 | @tinybit/generic-quadtree | easily extensible quadtree, by default works with triangles, lines and axis aligned boxes | |
3 | @lisitsyn/formatting | [Deprecated] A simple C++ formatter that resembles SLF4J and Python format | |
2 | @CODeRUS/powermenu | Powermenu - fancy menu and configuration for power key actions | |
2 | @intelfx/Homework_2011 | A toy virtual machine implementing a custom machine language and an ahead-of-time translator to x86_64. | |
2 | @CODeRUS/aliendalvik-control | DBus daemon for controlling aliendalvik and sending commands |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
19 | @mayakwd/as3-eaze-tween | Eaze Tween: smart, fast, chainable and compact Flash AS3 tweening library | |
13 | @DmitriyYukhanov/XFLTool | Tool designed to help with optimization, cleaning and overall maintenance of the Adobe Flash Professional projects | |
10 | @mayakwd/as3-vanilla-ice | Extract strongly typed Objects from dynamic objects without writing a single line of code! | |
6 | @mayakwd/as3-json-formatter | JSON Formatter | |
5 | @DmitriyYukhanov/fpresent | Fast-written slideshow engine | |
3 | @kirillrybin/Unity-Flash-Socket-C… | Sample projects for Unity and Flash aka Client-Server via Sockets | |
2 | @zlumer/as3-dataobject | AS3 ORM | |
2 | @mayakwd/as3-rest | Basic REST-Service framework |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
5635 | @tonsky/FiraCode | Monospaced font with programming ligatures | |
2144 | @tonsky/datascript | Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS | |
141 | @Flamefork/fleet | Templating System for Clojure | |
129 | @tonsky/datascript-chat | Sample SPA using DataScript and core.async | |
90 | @tonsky/net.async | Network commucations with clojure.core.async interface | |
49 | @Flamefork/node-webkit-cljs | ClojureScript wrapper for node-webkit Native UI API | |
38 | @tonsky/datascript-todo | DataScript ToDo Sample Application | |
32 | @tonsky/41-socks | Simple match game in cljs+om+react | |
31 | @tonsky/datascript-transit | Transit handlers for DataScript database and datoms | |
30 | @tonsky/clojure.unicode | Unicode symbols for Clojure | |
21 | @tonsky/cljs-skeleton | Skeleton CLJS client/server app with WS, Transit, Rum | |
18 | @tonsky/bloknote | Fast online notepad | |
13 | @tonsky/katybot | Campfire bot written in Clojure | |
12 | @tonsky/boot-anybar | A boot task reporting build status to AnyBar | |
10 | @Flamefork/widje | Templating for ClojureScript | |
9 | @tonsky/clojure-future-spec | A backport of clojure.spec for Clojure 1.8 | |
6 | @tonsky/tongue | Do-it-yourself i18n library for Clojure/Script | |
4 | @tmeits/99-clojure-exercises | C-99: Ninety-Nine Clojure Problems | |
3 | @antonlogvinenko/jacket | Jacket, yet another LISP on the JVM | |
2 | @zahardzhan/leica | Downloader writen in lisp | |
2 | @ostronom/clj-googl | Google URL shortener API implementation. | |
2 | @netvl/odh-exporter | Org -> Docbook -> Habr markup translator |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
29 | @KirillTemnov/node-pocket | API bindings to getpocket.com | |
22 | @KirillTemnov/node-ocr | ocr wrapper for abbyy finereader cloud api | |
12 | @KirillTemnov/strack | Project/bug tracking system | |
3 | @nikita-volkov/Fury | A platform independent library of higher order functions for function composing, overloading and asynchronicity in JavaScript and CoffeeScript | |
2 | @karudo/nodedbadmin | nodeDBAdmin - mysql and MongoDB (and other databases in future) database administration tool | |
2 | @nikita-volkov/FuellSys | Fuell library extension of system utilities for node.js | |
2 | @nikita-volkov/Fuell | A platform-independent library for purely declarative functional programming in CoffeeScript/JavaScript with support for async actions and such niceties as function composing, overloading and memoization | |
2 | @nikita-volkov/Robusta | A CoffeeScript transcompiler that introduces a packaging system and support for convenient import statements | |
2 | @KirillTemnov/bm-generator | create bookmarklet project from shell command | |
2 | @KirillTemnov/market-req |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3179 | @nsf/gocode | An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language | |
1527 | @nsf/termbox-go | Pure Go termbox implementation | |
838 | @disintegration/imaging | Simple Go image processing package | |
772 | @disintegration/gift | Go Image Filtering Toolkit | |
365 | @nsf/godit | A very religious text editor | |
180 | @grafov/m3u8 | Parser and generator of M3U8-playlists for Apple HLS. Library for Go language. | |
102 | @temoto/robotstxt | The robots.txt exclusion protocol implementation for Go language #golang | |
87 | @nsf/gothic | Tcl/Tk Go bindings | |
79 | @nsf/gollvm | LLVM bindings for the Go programming language | |
61 | @nsf/gotris | A classic tetris game written in Go programming language | |
48 | @grafov/streamsurfer | Software for monitoring of HTTP video streams. | |
47 | @temoto/heroshi | Heroshi – open source web crawler. | |
44 | @nsf/gogobject | GObject-introspection based bindings generator | |
39 | @grafov/bcast | Broadcasting library for Go. Broadcast message of any type on a set of channels. | |
39 | @bolknote/go-gd | Go bingings for GD (http://www.boutell.com/gd/) | |
34 | @disintegration/quiet | Photo hosting web application in Go | |
28 | @nsf/gocovgui | A simple GUI wrapper for the gocov coverage analysis tool | |
22 | @temoto/dlock | Distributed lock manager | |
20 | @nsf/bin2go | Binary to Go source file converter | |
15 | @grafov/autograf | Another way for building Grafana dashboards. | |
12 | @nsf/tulib | Termbox Utilities Library | |
12 | @disintegration/charmap | Character encodings in Go | |
10 | @nsf/gortfm | Documentation generator for the Go programming language | |
10 | @nsf/libtorgo | BitTorrent Go library | |
10 | @nsf/sexp | S-expressions parser in the Go programming language | |
8 | @nsf/torgo | BitTorrent client and a tool written in Go | |
7 | @nsf/jsondiff | JsonDiff library | |
6 | @nsf/gomandel | Go mandelbrot demo program | |
5 | @grafov/websocket-utils | Simple utils for testing websocket connections. | |
5 | @grafov/shift-shift | Simple Xorg keyboard switcher. Lshift for group1. Rshift for group2. | |
5 | @nsf/sqlrace | SQL Race condition demo | |
5 | @bolknote/MakeCorner | Переписываю свою утилиту MakeCorner на Go | |
4 | @nsf/shebang | Shebang scripting language | |
3 | @lanior/upc | Universal Problems Converter | |
2 | @dragon/dragonhome_test1 | ||
2 | @grafov/kiwi | Strange logger & context keeper for Go language | |
2 | @grafov/mpegts | Mpegts stream decoder | |
2 | @nsf/sx | Sx file format | |
2 | @nsf/goal | Go makefile templates system | |
2 | @nsf/vulkangen | Vulkan C++ wrapper generator | |
2 | @grafov/wtfm | Where's the fucking manual? (ok, let Write the Fabulous Manual) |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
202 | @anton-k/ru-haskell-book | учебник по Haskell | |
44 | @qrilka/xlsx | Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer | |
21 | @l29ah/muesli | An alternative apporach to Soylent | |
19 | @anton-k/processing-for-haske… | Graphics for kids and artists. Processing implemented in Haskell | |
17 | @qnikst/imagemagick | haskell imagemagick bindings | |
10 | @graninas/GraphServer | GraphServer for Haskell code visualization | |
10 | @graninas/The-Amoeba-World | The Amoeba World game | |
8 | @qnikst/okasaki | solutions for book C. Okasaki purely functional data structures | |
6 | @qnikst/numeric-ode | Haskell numerical ODE solvers | |
5 | @graninas/Adv2Game | Advanced Adventure Game on Haskell | |
5 | @qnikst/TcpServers | Skeleton for haskell tcpservers | |
5 | @knsd/crypto-pubkey-openss… | OpenSSH keys decoder/encoder | |
4 | @l29ah/9ptorrent | a bittorrent client with a filesystem interface | |
4 | @l29ah/Network-NineP | A library providing one with a somewhat higher level interface to 9P2000 protocol than existing implementations. Designed to facilitate rapid development of synthetic filesystems. | |
3 | @Elemir/network-ninep | High-level 9p haskell library | |
3 | @graninas/Quest-Tutorial-Code | Quest Tutorial Code for Haskell Quest Tutorial articles | |
3 | @qnikst/distributed-process-… | 0MQ backend for distributed-process. | |
2 | @qnikst/libvirt-hs | libvirt haskell bindings | |
2 | @qrilka/yesod-crud-test | Playing with yesod scaffolding and Yesod.Helpers.Crud | |
2 | @l29ah/monad-peel | taking over andersk's hackage package | |
2 | @l29ah/9ph | implementation of the 9P2000 protocol for haskell | |
2 | @dmatveev/mutators | Automatically generate "setters" for complex data structures | |
2 | @l29ah/xmonad-config |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
136 | @Shestak/ShestakUI | User Interface for World of Warcraft | |
10 | @Shestak/ShestakUI_Extra | Extra modules for ShestakUI | |
8 | @Disinterpreter/ClassicDM-MTA | My test gamemod. Not recommend taking yourself :D | |
5 | @mniip/xsTPTIRC | IRC client for The Powder Toy (http://powdertoy.co.uk) | |
5 | @mniip/yt | youtube downloader in lua | |
5 | @claygod/Rumba | Micro framework Rumba written in Lua language for web development faster and light sites or CMS that are hosted on Apache (with mod_lua module) | |
2 | @spike-spb/local-mexes | ||
2 | @Shestak/ShestakUI_Media | Extra media for third-party addons with LibSharedMedia |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
88 | @Bihaqo/TensorNet | ||
7 | @Bihaqo/TT-MRF |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1866 | @kolyvan/kxmovie | movie player for iOS using ffmpeg | |
1423 | @kolyvan/kxmenu | KxMenu is a vertical popup menu for using in iOS applications | |
721 | @Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController | iOS side menu view controller shows left and right views on top of everything by pressing button or gesture | |
385 | @Friend-LGA/LGAlertView | Customizable implementation of UIAlertViewController, UIAlertView and UIActionSheet. All in one. You can customize every detail. Make AlertView of your dream! :) | |
257 | @Friend-LGA/LGPlusButtonsView | iOS implementation of Floating Action Button (Google Plus Button, fab), that shows more options | |
173 | @EugeneTrapeznikov/ETFoursquareImages | Places' top images page like in Foursqaure app. | |
168 | @kolyvan/kxtorrent | torrent (bittorrent) client for iPhone | |
162 | @kolyvan/kxsmb | KxSMB is objective-c wrapper for libsmbclient (samba.org) lib. | |
142 | @Friend-LGA/LGRefreshView | iOS pull to refresh for UIScrollView, UITableView and UICollectionView | |
119 | @Friend-LGA/LGActionSheet | Customizable implementation of UIActionSheet | |
115 | @opedge/DrawReport | Report UI issues, live long, be happy. | |
109 | @Friend-LGA/LGFilterView | View shows and applies different filters in iOS app | |
107 | @slavikus/Icy | Icy is a lightweight DPKG-based installer for the iPhone. | |
98 | @opedge/OMAMovingAnnotations | Moving annotations for iOS MapView | |
69 | @EugeneTrapeznikov/ETActivityIndicatorV… | Windows Phone like activity indicator for ios | |
67 | @kolyvan/kxintro | KxIntro is a small set of objective-c classes for showing of introduction in iOS app | |
61 | @Friend-LGA/LGDrawer | iOS helper draws UIImages programmatically | |
55 | @Friend-LGA/LGPlaceholderView | View covers everything inside view controller, and shows some alert text, progress bar or other view, when you need to hide content | |
50 | @Friend-LGA/LGViews | Classes extends abilities of UILabel, UIButton, UITextField and UITextView | |
38 | @EugeneTrapeznikov/ETSwipeCell | UITableViewCell's subclass with gestures | |
33 | @Kentzo/IKSegmentedControl | OpenSource analog of UISegmentedControl. Allows you to customize segment view. | |
32 | @Friend-LGA/LGHelper | iOS helper contains a lot of useful macrosses, methods and hints for every day | |
29 | @etolstoy/UIViewController-Rou… | Better Navigation in iOS | |
28 | @mureev/CMDataStorage | Simple and powerful API to work with NSData in IOS Cache, Documents and Temp folder. | |
25 | @mureev/CMSlideController | UIViewController container with awesome iOS 7 slide menu, parallax menu and UIKit Dynamics. | |
23 | @mureev/CMActionSheet | Beautifully done UIActionSheet replacement for iOS (Inspired by TweetBot, RDActionSheet and BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets repos) | |
22 | @Friend-LGA/LGRadioButtonsView | iOS implementation of radio buttons | |
22 | @chebur/CHRTextFieldFormatte… | Provides UITextField formatting masks. Such as phone number and credit card number formatters. | |
21 | @Friend-LGA/LGAudioStreamHelper | iOS helper for easy recording audio stream, getting metadata and type of stream | |
20 | @slavikus/Hood | Lightweight WiFi, GPRS, etc switcher for iOS | |
16 | @Friend-LGA/LGSharing | iOS helper for easy sharing with email, message or social networks like facebook, twitter, google+ and vkontakte | |
15 | @etolstoy/ParseRevealer | Pentesting apps using Parse as a backend | |
14 | @mureev/ObjCMacros | ObjCMacros is set of macros and constants that speed up development without adding any new classes and categories. | |
14 | @Kentzo/IKNetworkActivityMan… | The IKNetworkActivityManager class simplifies work with UIApplication network activity indicator. It turns your networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES/NO code to add/removeNetworkUser:, so you don't need to remember about objects that can use network anymore. | |
13 | @Friend-LGA/LGHelper-NS | iOS helper extends NSArray, NSData, NSDate, NSDictionary and other NS* classes | |
13 | @kolyvan/kxhtml | simple and lightweight HTML renderer for iOS | |
13 | @Friend-LGA/LGViewControllers | Classes extends abilities of UITableViewController, UICollectionViewController, and more | |
13 | @Kentzo/IKConnectionDelegate | The IKConnectionDelegate class simplifies your NSURLConnection-related code by using GCD and blocks. | |
12 | @Friend-LGA/LGConnection | iOS wrapper around AFNetworking makes it easy to use | |
10 | @Friend-LGA/LGHelper-UI | iOS helper extends UIColor, UIImage, UILabel, and other UI* classes | |
8 | @kolyvan/kxtools | a small collection of objective-c categories, classes and macros | |
8 | @kolyvan/kxgridmenu | A grid menu with a blurred background for iOS 8. | |
8 | @Kentzo/IKApplicationPrefere… | Simple and beautiful way to add preferences to your Mac application. Mac OS X 10.6+, 64bit, ARC | |
8 | @Kentzo/Xcode-Singleton-Temp… | Xcode template for an NSObject Singleton subclass | |
5 | @chebur/ELActionCell | An exact copy of the Mail.app cell behavior | |
5 | @Kentzo/Iceberg | Unofficial git fork of Iceberg | |
4 | @Kentzo/DBPrefsWindowControl… | Allows you to create preferences window like in Apple's apps. | |
4 | @etolstoy/MultipleStoryboardsS… | ||
4 | @Kentzo/RecentlyClosedTabs | This plugin allows you to keep history of closed tabs in Safari | |
4 | @Kentzo/ShortcutRecorderDemo | Demo for ShortcutRecorder | |
4 | @ArtemKyslicyn/DivRssReader | ||
3 | @kolyvan/DTCoreTextLab | sample of DTCoreText | |
3 | @Kentzo/WhereAreYou | App for topcoders competition http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/doc… | |
3 | @kolyvan/kxutils | A set of useful components and categories for iOS | |
3 | @Kentzo/IKPowerSources | ||
2 | @azimin/FoodlePayPal | ||
2 | @kolyvan/kxvif2ne | iOS application for viewing VIF2NE.RU forum |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
83 | @berekuk/Ubic | Polymorphic service manager. | |
76 | @kappa/yadisk-sync | Linux syncronizer for Yandex.Disk | |
24 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-m… | Mojolcious plugin for send mail | |
15 | @kappa/perl-httpd-benchmark… | Searching for fastest small Perl httpd | |
15 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-s… | Mojolicious::Plugin::ShareHelpers - A Mojolicious Plugin for generate share urls, buttons and meta for Twitter, Facebook, VK, MyMailRU and Google Plus | |
13 | @olegwtf/proxyhunter | Yet another proxy hunter | |
12 | @GreenKakadu/mojolicious-plugin-d… | simple DBI plugin for Mojolicious | |
11 | @xoma/Russian-translate-of… | Перевод документации и рецептов для Perl-фреймворка Mojolicious | |
10 | @kappa/App-ThinPacker | Make scripts autoinstall their dependencies | |
9 | @kappa/checkvist-backup | A tool to backup your checkvist.com data | |
9 | @kappa/shutter-yandex-disk | Shutter upload plugin for Yandex.Disk service | |
8 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-g… | Mojolicious::Plugin::GeoLocation - Geo Location Mojolicious Plugin | |
8 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-i… | Internationalization Plugin for Mojolicious 5.x and higher | |
7 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-u… | A lot of util helpers for a Mojolicious apps | |
6 | @sharifulin/acme-cpanauthors-rus… | Acme::CPANAuthors::Russian – We are Russian CPAN authors | |
6 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-plugin-j… | Mojolicious::Plugin::JsonToXml – JSON to XML Mojolicious Plugin | |
6 | @sharifulin/net-lastfm-submissio… | Net::LastFM::Submission – Perl interface to the Last.fm Submissions Protocol | |
5 | @kappa/gdocs-backup-perl | Backup Google Docs | |
5 | @kappa/app-cpanhubble | Web frontend to CPAN and Github search functions. | |
5 | @bessarabov/felix | ||
5 | @nordicdyno/todostat | Collect and show statistic for special comments | |
5 | @berekuk/cpan2deb | ||
5 | @afiskon/p5-vk-mp3 | VK::MP3 - searches for mp3 on vkontakte.ru, also known as vk.com | |
5 | @kappa/plack-middleware-rew… | URL-rewriting engine | |
5 | @bessarabov/bessarabov_blog | Markdown texts with blog posts at https://ivan.bessarabov.ru/blog | |
4 | @berekuk/Dist-Zilla-Deb | Debian-specific commands and plugins for Dist::Zilla | |
4 | @bessarabov/Test-Whitespaces | test source code for errors in whitespaces | |
4 | @bessarabov/Trac-RPC | Perl module to access Trac via XML-RPC Plugin | |
4 | @berekuk/guitarpro-perl | GuitarPro files parser. gt1, gp2 and gp4 formats are supported. This code is incomplete and abandoned, use with caution. | |
3 | @sharifulin/mojolicious-command-… | Mojolicious::Command::Generate::Shariful… – App Generator Command Sharifulin Style | |
3 | @ichesnokov/yapc-russia-2011 | Презентация "Использование исключений при разработке на Perl" | |
3 | @kappa/taka2pdf | takahashi.xul slides to PDF converter | |
3 | @kappa/jobber | jobs.planetperl.ru source | |
3 | @olegwtf/p5-IO-Socket-Socks | Extension to IO::Socket providing SOCKS proxy support | |
3 | @sharifulin/poe-component-client… | POE::Component::Client::Icecast - non-blocking client to Icecast server for getting tags | |
3 | @sharifulin/acme-cpanauthors-ukr… | Acme::CPANAuthors::Ukrainian – We are Ukrainian CPAN authors | |
2 | @n4kz/meepo | Template engine compatible with HTML::Template syntax and Perl/JavaScript source code output | |
2 | @olegwtf/p5-AnyEvent-Whois-Ra… | Non-blocking wrapper for Net::Whois::Raw | |
2 | @olegwtf/p5-Coro-PatchSet | fix Coro as much as possible | |
2 | @kappa/CGI-Application-Disp… | PSGI adapter for CGI::Application | |
2 | @bessarabov/Weightbot-API | Get Weightbot iPhone app data from weightbot.com | |
2 | @kappa/pogoda | Social weather service | |
2 | @n4kz/alleria | Simple xmpp bot | |
2 | @n4kz/File-Dropbox | Convenient and fast Dropbox API abstraction | |
2 | @vovkasm/dbicx-txninsert | Allows DBIx-Class to wrap all inserts in the transaction | |
2 | @vovkasm/Class-Accessor-Inher… | Fast XS inherited, object and class accessors | |
2 | @Meettya/Config-YAML-Modern | Modern YAML-based config loader from file or directory | |
2 | @avkhozov/pproxy | TCP proxy on Perl | |
2 | @Meettya/Botox | Object::Botox - simple perl OO beauty-shot. | |
2 | @avkhozov/Test-Mojo-Session | Test::Mojo::Session | |
2 | @Meettya/DetectCharset | Detect Russian Charset from text OR file | |
2 | @berekuk/Ubic-Service-Memcach… | Run memcached as ubic service | |
2 | @Meettya/Mojolicious-Plugin-R… | Simply use Redis in Mojolicious | |
2 | @robotomize/twiilog | Application for notification of server load via twitter. | |
2 | @bessarabov/App-Comparator | Compare Perl CPAN modules. | |
2 | @berekuk/Ubic-Service-Cocaine | ||
2 | @olegwtf/p5-Mojo-SMTP-Client | SMTP client based on Mojo::IOLoop | |
2 | @bessarabov/WWW-Questhub | questhub.io API | |
2 | @kappa/google-contacts-dump | Google Contacts dumper | |
2 | @GreenKakadu/bootylicious-plugin-… | this plugin provides your Bootylicious application with stable, reliable, high speed, globally available access to all of the most popular, open source JavaScript libraries (by using content distribution network Google AJAX Libraries API | |
2 | @GreenKakadu/bootylicious-plugin-… | load TOC (Table of Contents) jQuery plugin for bootylicious articles | |
2 | @sharifulin/pod2-ru | POD2::RU - Russian translation of Perl core documentation | |
2 | @GreenKakadu/bootylicious-plugin-… | Bootylicious::Plugin::Gallery - Gallery plugin for Bootylicious | |
2 | @sharifulin/acme-cpanauthors-nor… | Acme::CPANAuthors::Norwegian – We are Norwegian CPAN authors | |
2 | @n4kz/japh | Perl programs |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1301 | @kakserpom/phpdaemon | Asynchronous server-side framework for network applications implemented in PHP using libevent | |
543 | @yupe/yupe | Юпи! - интернет-магазин на Yiiframework демо - http://demo.yupe.ru/store Сайт | |
316 | @indeyets/appserver-in-php | Generic HTTP applications approach for PHP5.3+ (inspired by Rack and WSGI) | |
277 | @samdark/yii2-shop | Example project implementing simple shop using Yii 2.0 | |
256 | @creocoder/yii2-nested-sets | The nested sets behavior for the Yii framework. | |
213 | @samdark/sitemap | Sitemap and sitemap index builder | |
190 | @indeyets/pake | pake is a PHP automation tool with capabilities similar to make | |
132 | @creocoder/yii2-flysystem | The Flysystem integration for the Yii framework. | |
128 | @samdark/yii2-webshell | Web shell allows to run yii console commands using a browser | |
96 | @samdark/Yeeki | Yii 1.1-based wiki | |
92 | @creocoder/yii2-taggable | The taggable behavior for the Yii framework. | |
85 | @samdark/Typograph | Класс для автоматического применения правил русской типографики для веб | |
79 | @samdark/yii2-minimal | Yii 2 minimal application template | |
73 | @samdark/yii-application-cook… | Code of the second edition of Yii Application Development Cookbook | |
70 | @lisachenko/php-deal | Design by Contract framework for PHP | |
67 | @kovshenin/post-options-api | Post Options API is an alternative to Custom Fields | |
67 | @samdark/yiifeed | Pre-moderated news aggregator | |
66 | @zelenin/yii2-i18n-module | Yii2 i18n (internalization) module makes the translation of your application so simple | |
65 | @kovshenin/escape-ngg | Escape NextGen Gallery | |
61 | @zelenin/yii2-semantic-ui | Semantic UI extension for Yii2 | |
57 | @zelenin/sms_ru | PHP-класс для работы с api сервиса sms.ru | |
54 | @bezumkin/miniShop2 | Second version of simple online shop for MODX Revolution | |
51 | @bezumkin/miniShop | Project is closed and not supported | |
46 | @creocoder/yii2-translateable | The translateable behavior for the Yii framework. | |
43 | @bezumkin/pdoTools | Small library for creating fast snippets for MODX Revolution that works through PDO. | |
39 | @samdark/realpath_cache_tuner | Simple script that helps tuning PHP realpath cache | |
37 | @zelenin/telegram-bot-api | Telegram Bot API Client | |
35 | @kakserpom/quicky | Quicky - template engine for PHP, which supports Smarty and Blitz syntax as well. Quicky has many own features and capabilites. Quicky is very very fast (it was designed for highload projects). | |
31 | @samdark/yiiframework-ru | yiiframework.ru | |
31 | @zelenin/yii2-slug-behavior | Yii2 slug behavior | |
30 | @lisachenko/protocol-fcgi | FastCGI (FCGI) Protocol implementation for PHP | |
30 | @samdark/yii-jobs | A module and an application for Yii that provides a job-portal-like functionality | |
26 | @indeyets/MySQL-Query-Builder | Simple object-oriented API for composing PDO::MySQL Queries | |
26 | @bezumkin/Tickets | Tickets system for MODX Revolution | |
25 | @samdark/yii-fullajax | fullajax Yii playground | |
24 | @kovshenin/debug-bar-slow-actio… | Ever wondered which actions and filters were slowing down your WordPress site? You're welcome. | |
23 | @samdark/yii-db-profiler | Yii profiler adjusted to deal with MySQL performance optimizations | |
22 | @zelenin/yii2-rbac-module | Yii2 RBAC module with generating assignments to DB from RBAC data store file rbac.php | |
21 | @nkt/flame | The PDO wrapper with comfortable API for placeholders | |
19 | @bezumkin/modExtra | A base MODx Extra template to begin development on | |
15 | @samdark/intl-icu-data-tables | PHP intl extension, ICU data tables | |
15 | @zelenin/VK | PHP class for VK API | |
14 | @lisachenko/warlock | PHP Warlock is a bridge that integrates AOP and DIC into one powerful component | |
14 | @bezumkin/modx-hybridauth | MODX component for social sign on | |
13 | @zelenin/yii2-rss | Yii2 RSS extension adds RSS-feed to your site | |
13 | @nkt/doctrine-columns | Doctrine columns | |
13 | @zelenin/yii2-sms_ru | Yii2 extension for sms.ru | |
13 | @bezumkin/AjaxForm | Simple component for MODX Revolution, that allows you to send any form through ajax. | |
12 | @samdark/yii2-league-oauth2-s… | Yii 2.0 implementation of PHP league OAuth2 server interfaces | |
12 | @bezumkin/mxManager | Server side component for iOS application "mxManager" | |
10 | @bezumkin/debugParser | Component for display verbose information about processing tags in modParser of MODX Revolution | |
9 | @kovshenin/technical-support | Technical Support for WordPress Plugin | |
9 | @creocoder/yii2-app-ninja | The ninja application template for the Yii framework. | |
9 | @memphys/silex-capistrano | test project for devconf presentation | |
9 | @bezumkin/MinifyX | MinifyX is a MODX® Revolution addon that allows you to combine and minify JS and CSS files to speed up your site and reduce server load | |
9 | @lisachenko/zf2-aspect | Playground for integration of aspect-oriented programming into ZF2 | |
8 | @AgelxNash/diffplugin4modx | Плагин сохранения истории изменений сниппетов, чанков, плагинов, модулей и шаблонов в modx evolution [Не поддерживается] | |
8 | @zelenin/RSS-Generator | PHP class for generating of RSS feeds. Full support of [RSSboard specification](http://www.rssboard.org/r… | |
8 | @AgelxNash/SEOPagination | Laravel SEO Pagination | |
8 | @AgelxNash/MODXComposer | Долой репозитории, давай composer для MODX Evolution | |
8 | @zelenin/elo | A PHP implementation of Elo rating system | |
7 | @stamm/yii-console-completi… | ||
7 | @kovshenin/minimalgeorgia | Minimal Georgia Theme for WordPress | |
7 | @lisachenko/go-prototype-php | Prototype programming library for PHP | |
6 | @kovshenin/twitter-blockquotes | Twitter Blockquotes Plugin for WordPress | |
6 | @nkt/php-scalar | Methods for PHP scalars | |
6 | @AgelxNash/MinifyX-for-Evolutio… | Component MinifyX for MODX Evolution | |
6 | @zelenin/yii2-request-log-mod… | Yii2 request log module | |
5 | @zelenin/ddd-core | Core for Domain-driven design concepts | |
5 | @bezumkin/Sendex | Subscriptions for MODX Revolution | |
5 | @zelenin/yii-sms_ru | Расширение Yii для работы с api sms.ru | |
5 | @bezumkin/MODX-SMF | MODX + SMF two-way synchronization | |
5 | @memphys/zf2-capistrano | ||
5 | @mrmlnc/October-Russian-Lang… | 📝 Полный перевод языковых файлов OctoberCMS на русский язык. | |
5 | @zelenin/Instagram | A PHP implementation of the Instagram API | |
4 | @bezumkin/eventsCalendar2 | Calendar for MODX Revolution | |
4 | @zelenin/yii2-semantic-ui-dem… | Semantic UI extension for Yii2 demo | |
4 | @bezumkin/mSearch | Search snippet with russian morphology for MODx Revolution | |
4 | @memphys/zf-capistrano | ||
4 | @bezumkin/modx-markdown | Markdown for MODX Revolution | |
4 | @indeyets/php-protobuf | Protocol Buffers implementation for PHP | |
4 | @stamm/wp2e2 | This script parse articles from wordpress to e2 | |
4 | @stamm/yii.blog | ||
4 | @zelenin/Tor | The Old Reader API (PHP implementation). | |
4 | @samdark/yii2-iconized-menu-w… | Menu with favicons for each item. | |
4 | @kakserpom/phpdaemon-BTtracker | BitTorrent tracker written in phpDaemon. | |
4 | @AgelxNash/modLaravel | Launch snippets from content (by CMS MODX Evolution) | |
3 | @AgelxNash/MODX.IDEHelperGenera… | IDE helper | |
3 | @kovshenin/crapcha | Protect your WordPress site with a completely ridiculous and phony captcha that hassles for amusement. | |
3 | @bezumkin/modx-jevix | HTML validator and filter | |
3 | @bezumkin/modx-loginza | Loginza implementation for MODX Revolution | |
3 | @zelenin/zend-expressive-conf… | Zend Expressive config manager | |
3 | @kovshenin/twitter-friendly-lin… | Twitter Friendly Links for WordPress | |
3 | @kakserpom/fail2ban_reporter | Tiny tool which is keeping an eye on your fail2ban logs and automatically sends Abuse Reports to mailboxes from RIPE DB. Let's try to make Internet a bit cleaner. | |
3 | @Fi1osof/modBlog | MODX Revolution extra for creation blogs | |
3 | @bezumkin/dateAgo | Snippet for MODX, that makes dates looks cool | |
2 | @kovshenin/sharedaddy-retweet | Retweet button for Sharedaddy (Jetpack) | |
2 | @nkt/symfony-app | The Symfony application skeleton | |
2 | @indeyets/php-twitterdata | PHP library for parsing and emitting TwitterData | |
2 | @indeyets/bliki | bliki-engine working on top of appserver-in-php | |
2 | @indeyets/midcom | MVC framework for PHP and the Midgard content repository | |
2 | @stamm/yii-autocomplete | Autocomplete in PhpStorm for yii | |
2 | @bezumkin/AjaxSnippet | Simple component for MODX Revolution, that allows you to run any snippet through ajax. | |
2 | @stamm/yii-socials | ||
2 | @bezumkin/BannerY | ||
2 | @AgelxNash/summary | Truncates the HTML string to the specified length (and snippet for MODX evolugin/revolution) | |
2 | @AgelxNash/CK4ME | Cache Kohana for MODX Evolution [Не поддерживается] | |
2 | @bezumkin/miniPayment | Component for work with payments on MODX Revolution | |
2 | @bezumkin/PageBreaker | Component for MODX Revolution that splits a single large page into several smaller | |
2 | @AgelxNash/l4-confirm-action | ||
2 | @bezumkin/Schedule | Component for building custom schedule on MODX Revolution | |
2 | @kovshenin/camptix-admin-flags | An addon for CampTix that allows admins to configure and set private per-attendee flags. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
21068 | @nvbn/thefuck | Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command. | |
3056 | @klen/python-mode | Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box. | |
1303 | @Suor/funcy | A fancy and practical functional tools | |
1100 | @sobolevn/wemake-python-styleguide | The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever! | |
1300 | @sobolevn/dry-python/returns | Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! | |
1098 | @nvbn/everpad | Evernote client well integrated with linux desktop | |
733 | @kmmbvnr/django-jenkins | Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins | |
664 | @kmmbvnr/django-fsm | Django friendly finite state machine support | |
571 | @kmike/django-widget-tweaks | Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. CSS classes and HTML attributes can be altered. | |
555 | @Suor/django-cacheops | A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation. | |
438 | @nvbn/django-bower | Easy way to use bower with your django project | |
374 | @klen/graphite-beacon | Simple alerting system for Graphite metrics | |
351 | @kmike/pymorphy2 | Morphological analyzer / inflection engine for Russian and Ukrainian languages. | |
339 | @klen/muffin | Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3 | |
315 | @klen/mixer | Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects. | |
207 | @klen/py-frameworks-bench | Another benchmark for some python frameworks | |
192 | @dreadatour/Flake8Lint | Sublime Text plugin for lint Python files | |
190 | @idlesign/django-sitetree | Reusable application for Django introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. | |
186 | @klen/pylama | Code audit tool for python. | |
182 | @Suor/sublime-reform | A Sublime Text plugin to move through and reform things | |
155 | @klen/Flask-Foundation | Quick start with Flask | |
138 | @Suor/patterns | Pattern matching for python | |
129 | @zhovner/Skype-iplookup | Perform obscure ip lookup for online skype accounts. Can find local and remote ip address. Require craked SkypeKit with deobfuscated debug logs. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3899… | |
120 | @smira/txZMQ | ZeroMQ bindings for Twisted | |
95 | @vlasovskikh/funcparserlib | Recurisve descent parsing library for Python based on functional combinators | |
80 | @kmmbvnr/django-any | Unobtrusive test models creation for django | |
79 | @nvbn/rhythmbox-gmusic | Rhythmbox Google Play Music Plugin | |
69 | @klen/python-scss | Python scss parser. | |
64 | @nvbn/python-yamusic | Python yandex music Library | |
64 | @klen/atmark | Awk+Sed for humans | |
63 | @Suor/handy | Handy django tools | |
61 | @nvbn/import_from_github_c… | Python module finder/loader from github, like in golang | |
55 | @klen/zeta-library | Css, scss, js parser and linker. Also framework for working with static files | |
55 | @kmike/vkontakte | vkontakte.ru python API wrapper | |
54 | @Suor/whatever | Easy anonymous functions by partial application of operators | |
46 | @kmike/django-coverage | Yet another django test coverage app with nice custom html reports. The official git mirror. | |
46 | @klen/makesite | makesite is a collection of scripts for deploying and managing web projects | |
46 | @kmike/django-admin-user-st… | This app provides django-admin-tools dashboard modules with user registration stats/charts. | |
44 | @klen/adrest | Another django rest framework | |
44 | @kmike/django-robokassa | РАЗЫСКИВАЮТСЯ РАЗРАБОТЧИКИ! ПРОЕКТ ПОКА НЕ ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ. Приложение для интеграции платежной системы ROBOKASSA в проекты django. Лицензия - MIT. | |
42 | @klen/django-netauth | django auth backend | |
41 | @nvbn/djang0byte | Lightweight social networks engine written in python+django, that aims to bear great workloads. | |
40 | @bobuk/ypload | Simple script for upload and publish a file to Yandex.Disk | |
40 | @kmike/tornado-slacker | (experiment!) This package provides an easy API for moving the work out of the tornado process / event loop. | |
40 | @klen/dealer | Make some staff | |
38 | @nvbn/series_list | Easy to use tool for automatically downloading episodes with subtitles | |
37 | @Suor/django-pickling | Efficient pickling for django models | |
34 | @lavrton/sublime-better-types… | Typescript syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more for Sublime Text.https://github.com/lavrton/sublime-… | |
33 | @Suor/flaws | Finds flaws in your python code | |
33 | @idlesign/django-sitemetrics | Reusable application for Django that offers easy integration with different site metrics service providers. | |
33 | @klen/Flask-Collect | Collect static files in flask application | |
32 | @klen/aioauth-client | OAuth client for aiohttp | |
30 | @daevaorn/django-composition | DSL for smart database fields denormalization | |
29 | @FZambia/cyclone-sse | Server-Sent Events (EventSource) broadcasting server based on top of cyclone web server. | |
29 | @barbuza/supercaptcha | captchafield for django newforms | |
28 | @zhovner/mfdread | Mifare 1k/4k dumps parser in human readable format | |
27 | @idlesign/django-sitegate | Reusable application for Django to ease sign up & sign in processes | |
27 | @klen/peewee_migrate | Simple migration engine for Peewee | |
27 | @idlesign/django-sitemessage | Reusable application for Django introducing a message delivery framework | |
26 | @kmike/opencorpora-tools | Python interface to http://opencorpora.org/ | |
26 | @andreypopp/routr | Request routing for WebOb based WSGI applications | |
24 | @klen/rope-vim | Pathogen compatable ropevim plugin. Dont need install rope libs in system. | |
24 | @nvbn/vkvideo | Vkontakte video lens | |
23 | @nvbn/coviolations_web | Tool for collecting and visualasing code violations. | |
23 | @daevaorn/django-query-exchang… | Django application for handling GET query params for url creation | |
21 | @andreypopp/generic | Generic programming library for Python | |
21 | @lavrton/SublimeLinter-contri… | tslint plugin for SublimeLinter. Lint your typescript code. | |
20 | @zhovner/airport-sniffer | Very simple Wi-Fi sniffer and dump parser for built-in macbook AirPort Extreme card. Only native MacOS tools used. | |
20 | @bobuk/ruhdtv-plex | Plex application for ruhd.tv | |
19 | @idlesign/django-oauthost | Reusable application for Django, introducing OAuth2 server functionality. | |
18 | @nvbn/pytest-docker-pexpec… | pytest plugin for writing functional tests with pexpect and docker | |
18 | @vlasovskikh/convoread | Command-line tool for Convore.com | |
17 | @idlesign/deluge-webapi | Plugin for Deluge WebUI providing sane JSON API | |
17 | @barbuza/hamly | fast haml for python | |
17 | @dreadatour/Pep8Lint | Sublime Text 2 plugin / check Python files against some of the style conventions in PEP8 | |
16 | @barbuza/contract | validate arbitrary data structures in python and javascript | |
16 | @andreypopp/jsonpublish | Configurable JSON encoder for publishing Python objects as JSON documents | |
16 | @idlesign/django-siteblocks | Reusable application for Django to build blocks of static or dynamic data that could be used in templates. | |
16 | @idlesign/torrentool | The tool to work with torrent files. | |
16 | @idlesign/torrt | Automates torrent updates for you | |
16 | @nvbn/cantailme-server | Server side of cantail.me | |
15 | @Kagami/chaptcha | Break 2ch CAPTCHA using OpenCV and FANN | |
15 | @klen/django-gitrevision | Django git revision, simple add current git revision to request object for use in tempaltes and views. | |
15 | @Suor/django-easymoney | Easy MoneyField for Django | |
14 | @idlesign/pythonz | Место, где делают pythonz.net | |
14 | @Suor/django-counters | Redis based counters for Django models | |
14 | @Kagami/webm.py | Encode WebM videos | |
14 | @dreadatour/sentry-statsd | A Sentry extension which send errors stats to StatsD | |
14 | @bobuk/c | Simple shell command to work with files in console. Copy-paste style like in Finder or Explorer. | |
13 | @zhovner/skypebot | Skype bot based on skypekit that can host live conference call. | |
13 | @kmike/yandex-maps | [ НЕ ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ. ПИШИТЕ НА [email protected], ЕСЛИ ХОТИТЕ ПОМОЧЬ ] Библиотека для работы с API Яндекс-карт. | |
13 | @kmike/fabric-taskset | Expose methods as Fabric tasks | |
13 | @smira/fmspy | FMSPy provides implementation of RTMP protocol upon Twisted Framework. On top of protocol implementation it builds server for Flash/Flex/Haxe/... clients. | |
13 | @idlesign/django-sitecats | Django reusable application for content categorization. | |
13 | @dreadatour/lazy | Lazy token | |
13 | @kmike/django-eml-email-bac… | Django email backend that saves emails to .eml files. Such files can be opened directly in Outlook or Mail.app. | |
12 | @klen/bottle-peewee | Integrate Peewee ORM to Bottle framework | |
12 | @idlesign/deluge-updatorr | Deluge plugin for automatic torrents updates | |
12 | @smira/py-numa | Python interface to NUMA Linux library | |
12 | @kmike/russian-tagsets | Russian morphological tagset converters library. | |
12 | @andreypopp/configure | Configuration toolkit based on YAML | |
12 | @Suor/overload | Overload python 2 functions | |
12 | @idlesign/django-admirarchy | Django Admin addon to navigate through hierarchies. | |
11 | @idlesign/steampak | Nicely packed tools to work with Steam APIs | |
11 | @barbuza/jsroutes | use 'reverse' from javascript | |
11 | @kmike/pymorphy2-dicts | Scripts for updating pymorphy2 dictionaries | |
10 | @Kagami/kisa | XMPP stress tool | |
10 | @idlesign/pyyaru | Python interface for ya.ru blog service API. Python-интерфейс для API блог-сервиса ya.ru. | |
10 | @idlesign/pysyge | API to access data from Sypex Geo IP database files from your Python code | |
9 | @idlesign/django-siteprefs | Reusable app for Django introducing site preferences system | |
9 | @kmike/port-for | port-for is a command-line utility and a python library that helps with local TCP ports managment. port-for <foo> script finds an unused port and associates it with <foo> . Subsequent calls will return the same port number. |
8 | @idlesign/imhodump | Экспорт оценок из imhonet.ru | |
8 | @klen/flask-pw | Peewee ORM integration for Flask framework | |
8 | @bobuk/jsonwsp-client | Quiet simple realization of jsonwsp with excelent python-requests | |
8 | @kmike/django-vkontakte-ifr… | Django app for developing vk.com (aka vkontakte.ru largest, Russian social network) iframe applications. Handles user authentication and registration. Official git mirror. | |
8 | @andreypopp/extracty | a set of tools to extract metadata from HTML documents (WIP) | |
8 | @kmike/text-unidecode | The most basic Text::Unidecode port (licensed under Artistic License) | |
7 | @idlesign/django-dev | Tools to facilitate application development for Django | |
7 | @kmike/django-generic-image… | This app provides image model (with useful managers, fields, utility methods and advanced admin image uploader) that can be attached to any other Django model using generic relations. | |
7 | @nvbn/cantailme-client | Console client-sender for cantail.me | |
7 | @idlesign/django-siteflags | Reusable application for Django allowing users to flag/bookmark site objects | |
7 | @idlesign/bowerer | Bower for pythoneers | |
7 | @kmike/django-admin-decorat… | Extra decorators for django admin | |
7 | @kmike/ruscorpora-tools | Python interface to a free corpus subset available at http://ruscorpora.ru | |
7 | @nvbn/roboarm | Python library for controlling owi robotic arm edge | |
6 | @andreypopp/contentlet | Framework for creating composable and reusable web UI. | |
6 | @kmike/greatape | Client library for the MailChimp API v1.2. | |
6 | @daevaorn/djapian | High level Xapian integration for Django | |
6 | @nvbn/coviolations_app | coviolations.io | |
5 | @daevaorn/hollow | Django ORM mocking library | |
5 | @idlesign/pypusher | pypusher pushes stuff from Python. Apple Push. | |
5 | @idlesign/calibre-bookradar | Calibre plugin. Searches for books metadata on bookradar.org | |
4 | @dreadatour/jenkins-achtung | Jenkins achtung | |
4 | @smira/spamfighter | Web-service fighting spam and other unsolicited messages (comments, chat etc.) | |
4 | @klen/bottle-jade | Provide Jade templates for Bottle framework | |
4 | @andreypopp/sphinxalchemy | SphinxQL dialect for SQLAlchemy (uses MySQLdb-Python for wire protocol) | |
4 | @kmike/fabtest | Test Fabric scripts on VirtualBox VMs | |
4 | @idlesign/django-etc | Tiny stuff for Django that won't fit into separate apps. | |
4 | @nvbn/mcoll | Modern API for python collections | |
4 | @klen/django-gishelper | Useful commands for geodjango | |
4 | @vlasovskikh/whatsnew33-demo | What's new in Python 3.3. | |
4 | @Suor/django-dirty | Track dirty fields on django model | |
4 | @andreypopp/diffbot | DiffBot API wrapper (uses urllib3) | |
4 | @nvbn/findZbomb | Write robot, find bomb and remove! | |
3 | @barbuza/django-robust | robust background queue for django | |
3 | @andreypopp/fb.py | Python bindings for Facebook Graph API | |
3 | @kmike/django-mailru-money | Django app for money.mail.ru. It was not tested in production! | |
3 | @kmike/django-pony | A pony for your django project. | |
3 | @andreypopp/docgen.mk | a set of utilities and make macros for static site generation | |
3 | @klen/muffin-session | Session for Muffin Framework | |
3 | @klen/muffin-admin | Admin interface for Muffin Framework | |
3 | @klen/muffin-redis | Redis support for Muffin framework | |
3 | @klen/pyserve | Serve local dirs (human version) | |
3 | @klen/muffin-peewee | Peewee integration to Muffin framework | |
3 | @nvbn/pyboard-play | A few games for pyboard/micropython | |
3 | @Suor/gzip-reader | Streaming gzip decoder | |
3 | @FZambia/django-expand | Easily create rest skeleton based on django model, including templates, views when starting project. | |
3 | @idlesign/pycbrf | Tools to query Bank of Russia | |
3 | @FZambia/django-realtime-tick… | authorize django users in realtime(asynchronous) backends using Redis expiring tickets | |
3 | @idlesign/makeapp | Simplifies Python application rollout by providing its basic structure. | |
3 | @andreypopp/ipsql | Intelligent PostgreSQL shell (concept) | |
3 | @daevaorn/gae-urlfetcher | Wrapper around native Google App Engine urlfetch module | |
3 | @nvbn/evilshortgen | Shortest and hackish tornado assync calls | |
3 | @idlesign/django-firebird | Firebird backend for Django 1.2+ | |
3 | @nvbn/pytoppa | Python package to ppa | |
3 | @Suor/autolink | Convert URL-like and email-like strings into links | |
3 | @nvbn/debman | apt frontend with pacman syntax | |
3 | @nadako/dungeons | Misc roguelike-related stuff | |
2 | @klen/muffin-sentry | Sentry integration to Muffin Framework. | |
2 | @Suor/django-union | Unite several querysets into one. | |
2 | @Suor/debug-cache | Cache to speed up debugging | |
2 | @andreypopp/schemify | simple schema validation for Python | |
2 | @andreypopp/statics | Static site generator | |
2 | @Suor/rebind | Rebind hard-coded constants on the fly | |
2 | @daevaorn/django-legacy | Smart rewrites for old urls | |
2 | @daevaorn/django-reflection | Provides API to reflect changes in the instances of different models | |
2 | @dreadatour/django-fest | django-fest | |
2 | @zhovner/RPi-hijacker | Raspberry Pi based WiFi self-contained cookie hijacker. | |
2 | @barbuza/delay | because postgres is mongo too | |
2 | @nadako/myplay | Very simple music playing service | |
2 | @barbuza/scoped | easily add scopes to django models | |
2 | @nvbn/robocam | OWI Robotic Arm + Raspberry pi + Arduino dashboard | |
2 | @Kagami/shitsu | Tiny and flexible XMPP bot framework | |
2 | @nvbn/microasync | Green threads and CSP for micropython | |
2 | @vlasovskikh/git-subdirs | Small wrapper for performing git commands on nested repositories in subdirectories. | |
2 | @nvbn/pyfunc | Examples for habr post | |
2 | @kmmbvnr/viewflow-intro | Viewflow in action: 10 Minutes introduction | |
2 | @kmike/funny-codes | Generate randoms strings of a given pattern | |
2 | @nadako/pyrogue | ||
2 | @klen/fquest | ZeroQuest lazy RPG. Moscow Facebook Hackday. | |
2 | @idlesign/letmehear | Audio book batch processor (resplitter) | |
2 | @andreypopp/pyevent2 | Python bindings for libevent 2.x |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
10 | @mephistopheies/ml-r | Code for ML course |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2142 | @gazay/gon | Your Rails variables in your JS | |
897 | @kostya/eye | Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. | |
839 | @ai/autoprefixer-rails | Autoprefixer for Ruby and Ruby on Rails | |
733 | @the-teacher/the_role | Authorization for Rails + GUI. Semantic, Flexible, Lightweight | |
522 | @the-teacher/the_sortable_tree | Nested Set + Drag&Drop GUI. Very fast! Best render helper! 2000 nodes/sec. Ready for rails 4 | |
481 | @ai/r18n | I18n tool to translate your Ruby application. | |
424 | @yaroslav/russian | Russian language support for Ruby and Rails | Поддержка русского языка для Ruby и Rails |
394 | @brainopia/sidekiq-limit_fetch | Sidekiq strategy to support an advanced queue control – limiting, pausing, blocking, querying | |
351 | @davydovanton/sidekiq-statistic | See statistic about your workers | |
310 | @the-teacher/the_comments | Comments with threading for Rails 4 | |
149 | @gazay/ids_please | Helps to get IDs or screen names from links to social network accounts | |
108 | @ai/rails-sass-images | Sass functions and mixins to inline images and get images size | |
107 | @gazay/talks | Talking hooks for long lasted cli tools | |
106 | @zzet/ansible-rbenv-role | Ansible role for installing rbenv. | |
96 | @ai/evil-front | Helpers for frontend from Evil Martians | |
93 | @mokevnin/railsify | rails best practices | |
90 | @brainopia/symbolic | Symbolic math for ruby | |
80 | @davydovanton/awesome-hanami | A collection of awesome Hanami Gems and projects | |
73 | @gazay/gon-sinatra | Your Sinatra variables in your JS | |
63 | @yaroslav/yandex_inflect | Web service client for Yandex.Inflect Russian language inflection service | Клиент веб-сервиса Яндекс.Склонятор |
57 | @mokevnin/ipgeobase | География российских и украинских IP-адресов. Поиск местонахождения (города) IP-адреса | |
56 | @ai/jquery-cdn | Best way to use latest jQuery in Ruby app | |
53 | @oruen/oa-vkontakte | Расширение OmniAuth и Devise для аутентификации через "ВКонтакте" | |
48 | @funny-falcon/activerecord-postgre… | PostgreSQL array awarness for ActiveRecord | |
42 | @ai/fotoramajs | Fotorama for Ruby on Rails | |
40 | @dustalov/myaso | Myaso, a nice morphological analyzer. | |
39 | @zzet/elasticsearch-git | Elasticsearch integrations for git repositories. Provide index repository and full-text search code or commits in repository. | |
36 | @brainopia/em-easy | Asynchronous programming (based on EventMachine) without trouble of callbacks | |
35 | @shell/rails3_before_render | Plugin to empower rails3 with before_render filter | |
28 | @funny-falcon/bin_utils | Alternative to Array#pack and String#unpack | |
27 | @gazay/share_some_love | Share some love to our buddies rubyists! | |
27 | @brainopia/backport_new_rendere… | Backport render anywhere feature from Rails 5. | |
23 | @gazay/tonic | gh-pages with sass, haml, coffee (and compass) | |
23 | @davydovanton/shallow_attributes | Simple and lightweight Virtus analog. | |
22 | @ai/about-postcss | Keynotes about PostCSS | |
20 | @kostya/pg_csv | Fast Ruby PG csv export. Uses pg function 'copy to csv'. Effective on millions rows. | |
19 | @ai/plain_record | Data persistence with human readable and editable storage. | |
18 | @niquola/strong_concerns | Gem strong_concerns is technically helping you to create concerns in a right way, minimizing and making explicit interface between object and concern. | |
18 | @niquola/angularjs-on-rails | angularjs and ruby on rails integration practice | |
18 | @davydovanton/AnyBar_rb | Ruby wrapper for AnyBar.app | |
17 | @gazay/odnoklassniki | Ruby wrapper for Odnoklassniki API | |
17 | @ai/twitter2vk | Script to automatically repost statuses from Twitter to VK (В Контакте) | |
16 | @davydovanton/rspec-hanami | RSpec Matchers for Hanami | |
16 | @funny-falcon/em-zmq-tp10 | Implementation of ZMQ2.x transport protocol - ZMTP1.0 | |
15 | @mokevnin/dogma | Orm (based on data mapper pattern). unit of work, identity map, repository. | |
15 | @brainopia/brain | Implementation of fundamental types of neural networks which includes multilayer perceptron, Kohonen net and Hopfield net. | |
14 | @ai/darian | Darian Mars calendar converter | |
13 | @gazay/spik | Let spik with Rails! | |
12 | @oruen/backstab | My experiment on creating a multiplayer game. | |
11 | @dustalov/greeb | Greeb is a simple Unicode-aware regexp-based tokenizer. | |
11 | @kostya/pgq | Queues system for AR/Rails based on PgQ Skytools for PostgreSQL, like Resque on Redis. Rails 2.3 and 3 compatible. | |
11 | @dustalov/gistup | Gistup: Use Gists | |
11 | @dustalov/strawberry | Tree-Oriented Table Data Storage. | |
10 | @kostya/ruby-app | Ruby micro framework for easy create ruby applications (daemons, EventMachine-apps, db-apps, cli...). Features: bundler, environments, activesupport, rails dirs tree. Fast loading and low memory using. | |
9 | @niquola/health_seven | ruby hl7 2.x support | |
9 | @niquola/cLean-Architecture | Illustration of architecture ideas, accumulated during 5y of ehr development | |
9 | @niquola/fhir-ruby | ||
9 | @funny-falcon/thin-fun_embed | trim of Thin web server for embedding into eventmachined application | |
7 | @kostya/eye-rotate | Log rotate for the Eye gem. | |
7 | @kostya/confuddle | Utility for work with unfuddle.com account from console | |
7 | @dustalov/myasorubka | Morphological data processor, in Ruby. | |
7 | @oruen/rails_admin-treeview | Tree-style sidebar navigation | |
7 | @ai/d2na | D²NA language for пenetic programming | |
7 | @davydovanton/rodauth_hanami | Example app for integrate rodauth server to hanami app | |
7 | @niquola/ruby-cda | lib for parse & generation of HL7 cda documents | |
7 | @niquola/pg_gnostic | rails and postgresql integration | |
6 | @TimothyKlim/typescript-ruby | Ruby TypeScript Compiler | |
6 | @kostya/eye-http | Http interface for the Eye gem | |
6 | @kostya/sidekiq-kawai | Syntax sugar for Sidekiq consumers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and custom logger. | |
6 | @kostya/nagios_helper | Gem for writing, testing, executing Nagios checks inside Rails application. Checks running throught http or script. | |
6 | @funny-falcon/ru_excel | Port of pyExcelerator | |
6 | @kostya/pg_reindex | Console utility for gracefully rebuild indexes/pkeys for PostgreSQL, with minimal locking in semi-auto mode. | |
6 | @kostya/bin_script | Easy writing and executing bins(executable scripts) in Rails Application (especially for crontab or god). For my purposes much better than Rake, Thor and Rails Runner. | |
5 | @funny-falcon/tarantool16-ruby | Ruby driver for Tarantool 1.6 | |
5 | @brainopia/cassandra-flow | Flexible workflow for cassandra | |
5 | @brainopia/robocup-client | Code for a robocup team in simulation 3d league | |
5 | @mokevnin/capybara-rails | Special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner | |
5 | @niquola/dojo_on_rails | dojo and rails integration. Moved to depo | |
5 | @AlekSi/redmine_code_review | Automated mirror + my patches; see wiki for details | |
4 | @ai/dis.spbstu.ru | Department homepage | |
4 | @dustalov/TesuckThesis | Research and Development of Automatic Keyphrase Extraction System from Natural Language Text. | |
4 | @oruen/vk_api | Ruby wrapper for VK.com API | |
4 | @r3nya/simple_store | Example store on RoR 4 | |
4 | @davydovanton/hanami-bench | Benchmarks for hanami | |
4 | @funny-falcon/funfig | Configuration schema with calculable but overwriteable defaults | |
4 | @kostya/resque-kawai | Syntax sugar for Resque consumers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and custom logger. | |
4 | @kostya/idn_ffi | LibIdn FFI ruby binding | |
4 | @AlekSi/redmine_hudson | Automated mirror + my patches; see wiki for details | |
4 | @brainopia/cassandra-mapper | Cassandra mapper | |
4 | @niquola/simple_rest | ActionControllers helper methods for restful response handling | |
4 | @niquola/famili | Yet another ObjectMother pattern implementation for rails testing | |
4 | @gazay/is | Small simple tool for finding points in polygons | |
4 | @gazay/repka | Repka will help you easily gather stats from controllers if you use mongoid | |
3 | @kostya/forking | Simple processes forking, and restarting. Master process starts as daemon. | |
3 | @zzet/persey | Persey help you easily manage the configuration, depending on the environment. | |
3 | @funny-falcon/rails_db_browser | Simple Rails web db console | |
3 | @davydovanton/hanami-rodauth | Roudauth wrapper for hanami apps | |
3 | @dustalov/utochki | Swim and deploy your files over FTP. | |
3 | @shell/radiant-mygengo-exte… | Extension to RadiantCMS that brings integration with myGengo API | |
3 | @ai/ruby2jar | Ruby2Jar builds JAR from a Ruby script | |
3 | @gazay/diffit | A simple solution to track changes in your tables. | |
3 | @niquola/depo | Dojo and Rails integration plugin | |
3 | @brainopia/floq | Queues | |
3 | @brainopia/workstation | chef workstation setup | |
3 | @ai/wsd2013 | Презентация «Автопрефиксер: мир без CSS-префиксов» | |
3 | @niquola/hstored_document | Store and efficiently retrieve deep ruby hash into postgresql table with hstore field | |
3 | @davydovanton/link-shortener | Simple hanami link shortener application | |
3 | @ai/sitnik.ru | My homepage content and scripts | |
2 | @brainopia/flow | Stream processing framework | |
2 | @dustalov/cograge | OpenGL Exercises for Computer Graphics and Geometry Course in USTU-UPI. | |
2 | @funny-falcon/split_pgdump | Turn postgresql dump in a set of small sorted files | |
2 | @dustalov/laces | Laces on Shoes. | |
2 | @gazay/mnemonic | Simple logger to show where is leaking by many-many puts | |
2 | @zzet/ecwid_gateway | api wrapper for ecwid | |
2 | @dustalov/dotscripts | A couple of useful scripts from me. | |
2 | @alexclear/pinba-munin-plugins | A couple of plugins for collecting and visualising PINBA data | |
2 | @alexclear/mysql_utils | Various utilities to manage MySQL DBs | |
2 | @shell/penkin.co.uk | blog | |
2 | @niquola/dojo_src | Dojo packaged as a gem | |
2 | @ai/plague | Blog/book Plague engine | |
2 | @niquola/ubiquitous-language | ubiquitous language (DDD) implimentation in ruby | |
2 | @yaroslav/pluralized_models | Funky experimental plugin for ActiveRecord: you can now type Posts.all/find/scoped instead of Post.all/find/scoped. | |
2 | @gazay/friendly_admin | Friendly admin | |
2 | @AlekSi/graytoad | Graylog2 + Hoptoad | |
2 | @niquola/kung_figure | Simple Ruby configuration DSL | |
2 | @dustalov/quoreux | Quoreux: Sinatra, rQRCode, GD2 | |
2 | @zzet/Ecwid | Synchronization Models with Ecwid store data | |
2 | @kostya/pgq_web | Web interface for pgq gem. Inspect pgq and londiste queues | |
2 | @dustalov/ruby-jetspade | Ruby/JetSpade Interface | |
2 | @kostya/encoding-kawai | EncodingKawai - little sintax sugar for ruby force_encoding, also working on 1.8.7. | |
2 | @dustalov/myaso-web | An user interface for the Myaso analyzer. | |
2 | @kostya/msgpack_protocol | Msgpack protocol for eventmachine | |
2 | @niquola/conditioner | simple conditions builder for active record |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
44 | @btd/luna | Git Review Tool. Pages | |
13 | @ezh/HelloWorldJNIwithReg… | Scala Hello World with JNI and RegisterNatives | |
12 | @VladimirNik/sprinter | Tool for generating source code from Scala ASTs | |
6 | @ezh/android-component-Di… | DigiSSHD component for DigiControl, based on Dropbear SSH Server and OpenSSH SFTP Server | |
5 | @alexbool/spray-playground | ||
5 | @btd/scala-freemarker | From curcumflex-ftl. With some changes freemarker adoptation to Scala | |
5 | @alexbool/macrobuf | Protocol Buffers for Scala done right | |
4 | @VladimirNik/tasty | tasty project for Scala | |
3 | @btd/lift-jetty-session-c… | This repo show how to make working embedded jetty instance with mongo db session replication | |
2 | @sergei-romanenko/mrsc-trs | Domain-specific supercompilation for transition systems (based on the MRSC toolkit). | |
2 | @ezh/android-DigiLib | common code for all android-digiNNN projects | |
2 | @sergei-romanenko/mrsct | A variation of mrsc based on traits + self-types | |
2 | @sergei-romanenko/sat4j-experiments | Experiments with Sat4j. | |
2 | @Pchelolo/Quotter |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
20 | @jcmvbkbc/xtensa-toolchain-bui… | Xtensa toolchain building scripts | |
5 | @ryzhovau/rrdstorm | RRD-driven graph statistics for routers | |
4 | @vitlav/eterbackup | Etersoft backup tools for journaling backup | |
4 | @backbone/snail | nVidia Optimus on GNU/Linux | |
3 | @kbakba/git-hooks-contrib | some git-hooks | |
3 | @backbone/overlay | Backbone’s Portage overlay. | |
2 | @vitlav/etersoft-build-utils | A set of rpm build utilities from Etersoft | |
2 | @vitlav/autosshd | Run autossh as system service | |
2 | @backbone/findcruftfiles | Portage cruft files search. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3 | @almas-dev/APMAlertController | AlertController written in Swift |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1810 | @morhetz/gruvbox | Retro groove color scheme for Vim | |
135 | @gorkunov/smartpairs.vim | Fantastic selection for VIM | |
52 | @gorkunov/smartgf.vim | Vim 'goto file' on steroids! | |
51 | @zenbro/mirror.vim | Efficient way to edit remote files on multiple environments with Vim. | |
22 | @avakhov/vim-yaml | indent yaml | |
6 | @magny/dotfiles | My config files for bash, vim, etc. | |
4 | @morhetz/rnavcr | Rnavcr's not another vim config repo | |
3 | @gorkunov/vimconfig | my vim config | |
3 | @morhetz/vim-termitr | Some vim terminal integration | |
2 | @zaa/dotfiles | zaa's dot files |
const madeInRussia = require("made-in-russia");
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A list of neat projects made in Russia
- Number
: Param descrpition. - Number
: Param descrpition.
- Number Return description.
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
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