Daggerfall Unity 0.15.2 Beta [Pre-release]
Pre-releasePreview Release
Due to the large number of bug fixes and other incremental changes, this release is marked as a preview / pre-release of 0.15.
If you do not wish to test upcoming changes or provide feedback to developers and modders, please download the previous stable Beta release Daggerfall Unity 0.14.5 instead.
Impact to Mods
Changes in 0.15.x are considered "low-moderate impact" to mods. Mods compatible with 0.14.5 should generally remain compatible with this release. Some mods could be impacted depending on which part of the game mod targets. Mod creators please test your mods to confirm compatible with this release and update/rebuild if needed. This ensures your mod is ready for the next general release.
If you are a mod creator and encounter any difficulties rebuilding your mod for 0.15.x, please reach out on the forums for help.
Providing Feedback
Please help mod authors by testing their updated mods with this release and providing them with your feedback on Nexus or on the forums.
If you encounter any new issues in this release not present in the previous general release, please post details to Help & Support on the forums.
Featured Changes
Interkarma - Localization Upgrade
Continuing the localization upgrade in 0.15.x, further localization support has been added in 0.15.2. New CSV files have been added to Master Localization CSV Files 0.15.2.zip. For previous localization path notes, see 0.15.1 release.
The following localization support has been added in this release:
- Support larger replacement alphabets. Some alphabets required more characters for writing translations. Increased character support of font replacement atlas to fit approx. 5000 total characters.
- Ingredient/Weapon/Armor format strings can now be localized using ingredientFormatString, longWeaponNameFormatString, longArmorNameFormatString in Internal_Strings.csv.
- Remaining settings text (e.g. slider control values) now in Internal_Settings.csv.
- Spell names now in Internal_Spells.csv.
- Item template names now in Internal_Items.csv.
- Artifact and magic item template names now in Internal_MagicItems.csv.
- Faction names now in Internal_Factions.csv.
- Attribute ratings (e.g. "very strong", "cunning") now in Internal_Strings.csv.
Note On Text Caching
When localizing Daggerfall Unity, some text data is cached in various places and may still display in default English even though you've translated properly. Below are the main cases you will encounter this during translation, and some tips to work around.
- Item and spell names already in saves. Any spells and items already instantiated and present in player's save data will not be localized. Player may set custom names for their created spells and items, so this cannot be changed without potentially overwriting player's custom names. New spells and items created from template will be created using localized template names.
- Names of discovered buildings. When changing faction names impacting buildings (e.g. translating "The Mages Guild"), any buildings already discovered by player will have their names cached to DiscoveryData.txt in player save. Use console command "refresh_buildingnames" to reset all building names in discovery data at current location. Delete file DiscoveryData.txt from save to reset this globally. Note the latter will clear all player discovery state.
- Rumours involving factions. Some rumours involving factions (e.g. Faction X is now at war with Faction Y) are pre-expanded and cached to ConversationData.txt in player save. To workaround, travel for over 38 days to cycle in fresh rumours or delete ConversationData.txt from save.
- Names in active quests. Names and locations in active quests will not be localized until quest ends and recompiles. Use console command "purgeallquests" or delete QuestData.txt from save to clear all quests. Then restart quest using localized version.
General Fixes & Improvements
- Moved EnemyEntity methods to FormulaHelper for mod override #2493
- Don't call ChangeDye for artifact weapons and armour aaa943a
- Micromap QoL enabled by default dc48808
- Support larger replacement alphabets b058866
- Localize ingredient and weapon/armor format strings 05047fb
- Fix quest text: "haggline" to "haggling" 8e2a44a
- Added characters œ, Œ to default font f0a5251
- Halve default WeaponAttackThreshold 7a1dae6
- Embed AudioSynthesis code and remove DLL #2509
- Fix culture sensitive string comparisons in AudioSynthesis 2f66d8e 27f75e0
- Don't convert artifact display name to enum value 95209c0
- Update Master Localization CSV Files zip 0a44c59
- Add "refresh_buildingnames" console command a003609