Daggerfall Unity 0.14.2 Beta [Pre-release]
Pre-releasePreview Release
Due to the large number of bug fixes and other incremental changes, this release is marked as a preview / pre-release of 0.14.
If you do not wish to test upcoming changes or provide feedback to developers and modders, please download the previous stable Beta release Daggerfall Unity 0.13.5 instead.
Impact to Mods
Changes in this release are considered "low impact" to mods. Mods compatible with 0.13.5+ should generally remain compatible with this release. Some mods could be impacted depending on which part of the game mod targets. Mod creators please test your mods to confirm compatible with this release and update/rebuild if needed. This ensures your mod is ready for the next general release.
If you are a mod creator and encounter any difficulties rebuilding your mod for 0.14.x, please reach out on the forums for help.
Providing Feedback
Please help mod authors by testing their updated mods with this release and providing them with your feedback on Nexus or on the forums.
If you encounter any new issues in this release not present in the previous general release, please post details to Help & Support on the forums.
Upcoming Stable Release
If this release proves to be stable and no major problems are raised, the next release (0.14.3) will be considered a stable beta release for general play.
Featured Changes
Interkarma - Update to Unity 2019.4.40f1 LTS #2379
Unity engine runtime has been updated to latest 2019.4 Long Term Support version for all recent bug fixes. Of particular note, this fixes the MacOS problem of mouselook camera jerking to one side when closing a UI window.
This is an engine point update and is not expected to break mods. Several popular mods have been tested against this engine release without any issues raised.
General Fixes & Improvements
- Fix accidentally closing multiple windows at once #2329
- K0C0XY01 fix #2388