Daggerfall Unity 0.14.1 Beta [Pre-release]
Pre-releasePreview Release
Due to the large number of bug fixes and other incremental changes, this release is marked as a preview / pre-release of 0.14.
If you do not wish to test upcoming changes or provide feedback to developers and modders, please download the previous stable Beta release Daggerfall Unity 0.13.5 instead.
Impact to Mods
Changes in this release are considered "low impact" to mods. Mods compatible with 0.13.5+ should generally remain compatible with this release. Some mods could be impacted depending on which part of the game mod targets. Mod creators please test your mods to confirm compatible with this release and update/rebuild if needed. This ensures your mod is ready for the next general release.
If you are a mod creator and encounter any difficulties rebuilding your mod for 0.14.x, please reach out on the forums for help.
Providing Feedback
Please help mod authors by testing their updated mods with this release and providing them with your feedback on Nexus or on the forums.
If you encounter any new issues in this release not present in the previous general release, please post details to Help & Support on the forums.
Featured Changes
Cliffworms - World Data Editor Object Data additions and organization #2371
Cliffworms has grouped thousands of records for models, billboards, and other assets found in Daggerfall's data files with descriptive names. This will help creators using the World Data Editor find objects for expressive environments in their world data mods. A good example of this kind of mod is Cliffworms' own Finding My Religion mod which details temples around the Illiac Bay.
Magicono43 - Micromap QoL Option #2384
The standard dungeon micromap is a yellow blob displayed to the left-hand side of a dungeon map. This small map is a representation of the overall dungeon layout, which each square representing a dungeon "block". With Magicono43's QoL enhancement for the micromap, it is now easier to distinguish between a border block and interior block while navigating dungeons. This setting is found in the accessibility page of launcher.
Interkarma - Fix bright UI rendering on Mac #2378
The change to linear colour space in 0.13 unfortunately resulted in overly bright UI textures for Mac systems. This should now be fixed for all Mac users. Combined with Pango's fix for ground texture seams in 0.14.0, Mac users can enjoy the game looking the way it should. Example of UI below before and after fix.
Mac users will also be happy to know a fix for the camera jumping around when closing a UI window is coming in next preview release (0.14.2).
General Fixes & Improvements
- WorldDataEditor bugfix and QoL features (editor only) #2361
- Allow overriding temple and knightly orders #2362
- World Data Editor fixes #2369
- Apply one time quest filtering to social group quests #2375
- Change key binds for left/right page in mod settings #2377
- Enable enhanced item lists by default #2380
- Allow building greeting message boxes to be disabled by mods #2381
- Fix editor warning #2382
- Add model replacement NPC rotation component #2385
- Quest fixes end June 2022 #2372
- Update Jetbrains Rider Editor package to latest version #2365
- Log exceptions that occur when importing a Classic save #2366