IOb-Ibex serves as a wrapper for the Ibex core. The main purpose of this project was to allow the integration of this CPU with IOb-SoC-Ibex. For that, a couple of adaptations were required. This README intends to explain those steps and walk you through what you can find here.
IOb-Ibex cannot be used to run the cpu. It's only purpose is to gather the files needed and to copy them to the build directory. In order to actually run this cpu, IOb-SoC-Ibex should be used - see it's README for instructions. This repository serves other purposes.
First of all, all modified and developed RTL files for Ibex are here, in hardware/src
. If new files were to be created/modified, they should be added there. For example, in order to integrate Ibex with an AXI interface,
was developed.
Other directories inside this repository can receive files, check the following explanation to understand.
The second purpose of IOb-Ibex is to use a custom fork of FuseSoC to gather all needed RTL files and dependencies of Ibex, and copy them to the build directory.
There are three targets in this Makefile:
generate-ibex - enters the Ibex submodule and generates/gathers the RTL files and dependencies;
copy-ibex - copies the set of defined files to the build directory;
clean-ibex - cleans the gathered (not the copies) files;
The files can be gathered using a FuseSoC command. In order to prevent the need for prerequesite's installation, a Nix environment is used. Since a complex structure of dependencies is in place, this repository uses the Nix environment created for Ibex-Demo-System.
Our flake.nix
file serves only as an intermediate, that inherits the packages of the submodules/ibex-demo-system/flake.nix
That's why Ibex-Demo-System is added as a submodule.
In the nix environment, we can run the command detailed in the Ibex repository:
fusesoc --cores-root . run --target=lint --setup --build-root $(SETUP_DIR) lowrisc:ibex:ibex_top
The generate-ibex
Makefile target does all this work.
Nix Flakes are still experimental, thus the flags used in the Makefile when the environment is called. We had to use them to avoid building a new Nix Shell environment from scratch.
As mentioned, to run Ibex, IOb-SoC-Ibex should be used. This SoC uses Py2HWSW framework to setup and run the system. The way it works, a Build Directory is created with all the sources and makefiles to build and run various tools on the SoC.
The framework will create the directory and populate it with files and folders according to a specific struture (available in the Py2HWSW documentation). As a consequence, the files in hardware/src/
will automatically be copied to the build directory.
The Makefile is responsible to copy the remaining files. Some flags are used that allow the system to only copy a specific set of files (to avoid copying hardware/src/
files again, or primitives that are deemed unnecessary).
allows the user to list files that will not be copied by the Makefile. As a default,
will be copied by the framework, not the Makefile, so it is listed there as an example.
Py2HWSW allows it's users to avoid developing in Verilog, instead a python file is required that is used to generate Verilog code -
The version of Py2HWSW used while developing did not allow for System Verilog generation, so
was manually created and added to hardware/src
. Still, the python file is mandatory, so this parameter is essential:
"generate_hw": False
Without it, the framework would generate an iob_ibex.v
file that would corrupt the system.
In hardware/src/
two other files can be found. An Ibex interface for the AXI protocol, and
. The latter is also generated by generate-ibex
, but must not be copied with copy-ibex
This file is the top module for the cpu and configures the Ibex core. Since a specific configuration is required by the work being done, it must be kept here. If it were to be eleminated, Ibex would run with the default configuration.