Pull requests that update a dependency file
For issues or PRs related to managing project dependencies: updating, adding, removing.
This issue or pull request is open for general discussion
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue is currently being drafted and has not been finalized yet.
This issue or pull request already exists
A few days effort (less than a week)
Can be done in a few hours (less than a day)
Can be done within an hour
Extra attention is needed
Tasks related to setting up, maintaining, or optimizing resources supporting the system.
Pull requests that update javascript code
This issue couldn't be reproduced and needs additional information
Enhancements to be implemented based on QA's findings
Further information is requested
Require attention from the maintainers to evaluate and decide how to proceed
Work in Progress (WIP) Issues
The issue has been resolved, and the changes are awaiting verification or testing
To be applied to issues that are already fixed and deployed
Groups multiple user stories. Can be grouped under a theme.
Update request on the contant