Hylé's issues for hackathons & external contributions.
Hylé is a lean blockchain to help you build provable apps that are minimally, yet sufficiently, on-chain.
- Rust
- Hylé supports several proving schemes: choose your favorite. For some issues, we will add a recommendation on which proving scheme to use; for most issues, you can build with whichever stack you're more comfortable with.
Register on OnlyDust to get rewarded for your contributions. Do not apply to issues on GitHub: apply on the OnlyDust platform.
PRs submitted without prior assignment will NOT be accepted.
If this is your first contribution to our project:
- Introduce yourself very briefly. Keep in mind that we can see your OnlyDust profile: no need to rehash your entire resume!
- Describe how you plan to address the issue. You don't need to be extremely specific, we just want to be sure you know where you're going.
- Join our Telegram group.
If we notice that your application is AI-generated, we'll assume that you won't use your brain to think about the issue. That's not a good sign. We don't want a perfect application, but we want an honest one, so please keep it human. (You can obviously use any tools you want for development itself.)
- Comment on the issue through OnlyDust to indicate that you are available and interested.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the fork.
- Create a new branch.
- Create a folder with a clear name that allows us to easily link it to an existing issue.
- Keep your commits small and focused. During the hackathon, feel free to reach out to us on Telegram if you have any question, we'll be happy to support you.
- [To be confirmed] Test your feature with the provided CI.
- Create a pull request to the original repository when you are done building your solution.