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…cture, and the script that process the raw StormData reports CSV file, as well as the output from said script.
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humberva committed Sep 1, 2020
1 parent ee1404e commit bf7a5ad
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Showing 166 changed files with 8,476 additions and 1 deletion.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
# Flash Floods (FF) Products Thresholds

This repository hosts analysis data and programming scripts supporting the definition of threshold levels for products used in US NOAA NWS warning operations for flash floods. The analysis data were derived from archived raster data from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) – Flooded Locations And Simulated Hydrographs (FLASH) system.
This repository hosts analysis data and programming scripts supporting the study by Gourley and Vergara (2020) on the definition of threshold levels for products used in US NOAA NWS warning operations for flash floods. The analysis data were derived from archived raster data from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) – Flooded Locations And Simulated Hydrographs (FLASH) system. The study period was June 2018 through May 2019. The flash flood products considered were:

Rainfall Accumulations for 30-min, 1-hr, 3-hr, 6-hr, 12-hr and 24-hr accumulation intervals
Unit Streamflow from the three water balance models in FLASH: CREST, SAC-SMA, HP Unit
Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE)-to-Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) Ratio for 30-min, 1-hr, 3-hr, 6-hr, 12-hr and 24-hr accumulation intervals
Rainfall Annual Recurrence Intervals (ARIs) for 30-min, 1-hr, 3-hr, 6-hr, 12-hr and 24-hr accumulation intervals

Binary file added auxiliary/corrected_conus_regions_mask50km.tif
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Binary file added auxiliary/flash_conus_mask1km.tif
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Binary file added auxiliary/flash_conus_mask50km.tif
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Binary file added auxiliary/max_1km_BasinImperviousness_50km.tif
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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions scripts/template_preProcess_reports_imAnalysis.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
%Geoinfo for CONUS grid
mapinfo1km = geotiffinfo('../auxiliary/flash_conus_mask1km.tif');
regions_grid = imread('../auxiliary/corrected_conus_regions_mask50km.tif');

fid = fopen('../source_data/events_A4875356EB81004A1C6C9C960CF48888.csv', 'r');
reports = textscan(fid, '%q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q %q', 'Delimiter', ',', 'HeaderLines', 1);

%Index of fields with lat/lons in the file
lat_idxs = 28:3:49;
lon_idxs = 29:3:50;

%Time Zone field
tz_idx = 11;

%Reports are in local time, need to convert to UTC
%reports{6} - Time Zone
reports_date_i = datenum(reports{5}, 'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS');
reports_date_f = datenum(reports{6}, 'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS');

%Convert local time to UTC
%Time zones in Continental United States
time_zones = {'PST' -8; 'PDT' -7; 'MST' -7; 'MDT' -6; 'CST' -6; 'CDT' -5; 'EST' -5; 'EDT' -4};
timeZtable = cell2table(time_zones, 'VariableNames', {'ZONE', 'UTCoffset'});
for tz = 1:8
reports_date_i(strcmp(reports{tz_idx}, timeZtable.ZONE{tz})==1) = reports_date_i(strcmp(reports{tz_idx}, timeZtable.ZONE{tz})==1) - timeZtable.UTCoffset(tz)/24;
reports_date_f(strcmp(reports{tz_idx}, timeZtable.ZONE{tz})==1) = reports_date_f(strcmp(reports{tz_idx}, timeZtable.ZONE{tz})==1) - timeZtable.UTCoffset(tz)/24;

mapinfo50km = geotiffinfo('../auxiliary/flash_conus_mask50km.tif');
nrows50 = mapinfo50km.Height;
ncols50 = mapinfo50km.Width;

imperviousness = imread('../auxiliary/max_1km_BasinImperviousness_50km.tif');
class_lo = [0, 6, 50];
class_hi = [6, 50, 101];

class = {CLASS};

%Period configuration
tstep = 1/24;
start_date = '{STARTDATE}';
end_date = '{ENDDATE}';

period = datenum(start_date, 'yyyymmdd.HHMM'):tstep:datenum(end_date, 'yyyymmdd.HHMM');
period_24h = period(1):1:period(end);

%Initialization of output variable
time_agg = 24;
n_steps = numel(period(1):time_agg/24:period(end));
all_reports_events = cell(n_steps,1);
poly_all_reports_events = cell(n_steps,1);

for t_i = 1:n_steps
all_reports_events{t_i} = [];
poly_all_reports_events{t_i} = [];

%Loop through period of study
n_steps24h = round(1/tstep); elem_24h = 1;

for t = period_24h
%Reports within 1-day time frame
sel_reports = find(reports_date_i >= t & reports_date_i < t+1);
if (isempty(sel_reports) == 1)
pixels50km = [];
%Compute both centroids and whole polygon
all_rep_lat = zeros(1,numel(sel_reports));
all_rep_lon = zeros(1,numel(sel_reports));

for rep_i = 1:numel(sel_reports)
this_rep_lats = [];
this_rep_lons = [];
for coord_i = 1:8
this_rep_lats = [this_rep_lats; str2double(reports{lat_idxs(coord_i)}(sel_reports(rep_i)))];
this_rep_lons = [this_rep_lons; str2double(reports{lon_idxs(coord_i)}(sel_reports(rep_i)))];

this_coord_idx = find(isnan(this_rep_lats) == 0 & isnan(this_rep_lons) == 0);
this_rep_lats = this_rep_lats(this_coord_idx);
this_rep_lons = this_rep_lons(this_coord_idx);

%Compute centroid
all_rep_lat(rep_i) = mean(this_rep_lats);
all_rep_lon(rep_i) = mean(this_rep_lons);

%Convert to lat/lon
[pix_rows,pix_cols] = latlon2pix(mapinfo50km.RefMatrix,all_rep_lat,all_rep_lon);
pix_rows = round(pix_rows);
pix_cols = round(pix_cols);
in_pix = find(pix_rows >= 1 & pix_rows <= nrows50 & pix_cols >= 1 & pix_cols <= ncols50);
pix_rows = pix_rows(in_pix);
pix_cols = pix_cols(in_pix);
pixels50km = sub2ind([nrows50 ncols50],pix_rows,pix_cols);

%Only keep pixels in the same imperviouness class
pixels50km = pixels50km(imperviousness(pixels50km) >= class_lo(class) & imperviousness(pixels50km) < class_hi(class));

%Save exceedances at different time aggregations
all_reports_events{elem_24h} = unique(pixels50km);

elem_24h = elem_24h + 1;

%Save once the run is complete
save(['../outputs/imperviousness_analysis/Reports_IM_', num2str(class_lo(class)), '-', num2str(class_hi(class)), '_MultiThreshold_', datestr(period(1), 'yyyymmddHHMM'), '-', datestr(period(end), 'yyyymmddHHMM'), '.mat'], 'all_reports_events');


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