An enhanced clone of cowsay written in C# aiming to implement more features, such as different speech bubble styles and backgrounds.
A preliminary implementation has been completed. I have made an ASCII rendition of Eevee as test data, which gave the project its initial namesake for being the test subject. The ASCII art used by the program is currently hard-coded, but will be moved in its entirety to the project wiki as example data. As veesay is in pre-alpha state, code will change drastically as new features are implemented.
While veesay isn't ready for common use yet, it does function for what little it currently does. Ensure you have the .NET 5 SDK installed and available in your system's PATH
To make an exectutable for testing veesay early, type the following:
dotnet publish -c Release
Simply run the resulting executable VeeSay
in bin/Release/net5.0/publish/
relative to the project directory followed by some text.
For traditionalists who do not want the enhanced features in veesay, you may install the provided eevee.cow file in /usr/share/cowsay/cows, then specify the eevee cow: cowsay -f eevee