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Data-Informed Behavioural Segmentation // Machine learning library for accurate & consistent behavioural segmentation utilizing DLC as a backbone

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DIBS: Data-Informed Behavioural Segmentation


DIBS is a package built on top of DeepLabCut (commonly recognized as "DLC") that aims to automate and standardize animal behaviour recognition for video analysis.

Often times, human analysts are asked to gauge and record animal behaviours for an experiment, but scoring between researchers can vary greatly due to differences in unavoidable subjective perspective. DIBS aims to reduce the human-error element from the equation and instead uses a data-centric approach to cluster similar behaviours together and then standardize the behaviour recognition process. By having just one set of "rules" (more on this later) that DIBS uses to recognize distinct behaviours, it reduces instances of researcher error due to things like overlooked behaviours or split decisions on short-duration behaviours. On top of all this, DIBS comes replete with a web app platform that allows for non-programmers to utilize the package without any prior programming knowledge. Just follow the package installation instructions, the usage guide, and enjoy!

Note: DIBS is currently in a functional state, but is also a work-in-progress. If you notice any bugs or have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our lab at [email protected]. Thank you for your support.

Installation & Setup

  • Ensure that you have Python installed
    • To ensure that you have Python installed, try running: python --version
    • Make sure that you have Python 3.7 or newer installed
  • Ensure that you have Anaconda/Miniconda installed
  • Miniconda is preferred as it takes less space and only installs required packages by this project.
  • You can ensure you have conda installed by running: conda --version
    • Run the following command to create your environment: conda create -n dibs && conda activate dibs
    • Run the following command to install all required libraries used by DIBS: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • For windows users, also use the following command: conda install -y pywin32 winpty
  • If you have problems with starting Jupyter Notebooks, try running the following command: pip install --upgrade pyzmq


Web app option: Streamlit

To run normally, run: streamlit run streamlit

To run the Streamlit app with an existing Pipeline file, run:

  • streamlit run streamlit -- -p '/absolute/path/to/existing.pipeline'
    • This works with any operating system so long as the path is absolute, and
    • Ensure that the path to the pipeline is in single quotes so that it is evaluated as-is (or else Windows users may encounter problems with backslashes being evaluated and other weird character quirks)

Bare package use option (WIP)

Currently, the process for importing DIBS as a modular package is still being developed. Stay tuned for more information.

For clear examples on how best to use the DIBS Pipeline, open a local instance of jupyter notebook and open the Try-Me! notebook.

Configuring runtime and default variables

A user may configure these variables at config.ini.

Since some labs have different naming conventions for items that they track with DLC, it is likely that you will need to change some variables within config.ini


To see the FAQ, read here:

Parameter Tuning

It is important to note that the colouring of the clustering is not indicative of the quality of clustering. As well, distance between clusters is not indicative of quality of clustering. Good clustering is qualified by how distinct each group of points is.

Here is an example of bad clustering:


Notice how indistinct the clustering is between like groups. In this case, it doesn't matter how many colours are used to identify the clusters; the clustering between groups is not distinct and therefore the t-SNE parameters are suboptimal.


Below is an example of better clustering:


Notice how the groups are much more distinct -- this is indicative of an improved set of t-SNE parameters. Changing the number of GMM clusters present will not alter the clustering arrangement, but can improve the clarity of how the clusters are assigned. In this case, it looks as though increasing the number of cluster assignments (in the GMM parameters set) will improve the visual clarity between clusters, but optimizing the t-SNE parameters for distinctness of clustering should take priority.


To run the test suite, execute the following command: python -m unittest discover DIBS/tests

Note: you may see much more debug information during each test than you were expecting. Each user can change their threshold for logging output by altering the variables in config.ini under the [TESTING] section (namely the [TESTING][STREAM_LOG_LEVEL] variable). Changing the level of output from DEBUG to WARNING will greatly reduce the amount of output to stdout.

Spare words. Ignore the below.

  • Run the following command to automate creation of the environment: conda env create -n dibs -f env_windows.yml


Data-Informed Behavioural Segmentation // Machine learning library for accurate & consistent behavioural segmentation utilizing DLC as a backbone







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