HoosatUI is a user interface library for React made with CSS styling that provides set of reusable UI components to quickly build beautiful and responsive user interfaces.
Create new React project.
npx create-react-app project_name --template typescript
Then you need to install few more dependancies to your React project since HoosatUI depends on react-markdown.
- react-markdown
- remark-gfm
- rehype-highlight
npm install react-markdown remark-gfm rehype-highlight
Change directory to the React project src folder.
cd src
Install HoosatUI as git submodule in the src folder.
git submodule add https://github.com/hoosat-oy/HoosatUI
Then you can import HoosatUI components like this in your components.
import { Flex } from '../HoosatUI';
Create new Remix project.
npx create-remix@latest
Change directory to the remix project after the project has been created.
cd project_name
Initialize Git for the project, since Remix npx script does not do it.
git init
Then you need to install few more dependancies to your Remix project since HoosatUI depends on react-markdown.
- react-markdown
- remark-gfm
- rehype-highlight
npm install react-markdown remark-gfm rehype-highlight
Change directory to Remix project /app folder then install HoosatUI as git submodule.
cd app && git submodule add https://github.com/hoosat-oy/HoosatUI
Since Remix has ESM only package problem and there is no other good solution, we must include everything to in the bundle.
So include serverDependanciesBundle in remix.config.js
module.exports = {
serverDependenciesToBundle: [/.*/],
Then you can import HoosatUI components like this
import { Flex } from '../HoosatUI';
To use HoosatUI CSS you also must include Hoosat CSS in Remix route components
import HoosatUICSS from '../HoosatUI/index.css';
export const links: LinksFunction = () => {
return [
{ rel: "stylesheet", href: HoosatUICSS },
Import any component from HoosatUI and use it in your React application:
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from '@tonto/hoosat-ui';
const App = () => {
return (
<Button onClick={() => if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") console.log('clicked!')}>Click me!</Button>
export default App;
HoosatUI currently provides the following components:
- Button: A button element
- Checkbox: A checkbox input
- Combobox: A select input with an editable text input
- Input: A text input
- Label: A label for an input
- Select: A select input
- Option: An option for a select input
- Textarea: A text area input
- Flex: A container for creating flexible layouts with child elements
- FlexItem: An item within a Flex container
- Grid: A container for creating grid layouts with child elements
- GridItem: An item within a Grid container
- Heading: A heading element with options for h1 through h6
- Paragraph: A paragraph element
- List: A list element
- ListItem: An item within a List
- Table: A table element
- THead: A table head element
- TBody: A table body element
- Tr: A table row element
- Th: A table header cell element
- Td: A table data cell element
- Source: A source element used within an Audio or Video
- Video: A video element for playing video files
- Image: An image element
- ImageMap: An image map element
- Audio: An audio element for playing audio files
- Anchor: An anchor element for linking to another page or section within the same page
- Area: An area element used within an ImageMap
- Message: A message element for displaying information or feedback to the user
- Modal: A modal element for displaying content in a layer over the rest of the page
- ModalBody: The body of a modal element
- ModalFooter: The footer of a modal element
- ModalHeader: The header of a modal element
Contributions to HoosatUI are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub. If you would like to contribute code, please open a pull request with your changes.
Please ensure that your code passes the existing tests and add new tests as appropriate.
HoosatUI is licensed under the MIT License.