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Elimination principles for GroupCoeq #2184

128 changes: 77 additions & 51 deletions theories/Algebra/Groups/FreeProduct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Coproducts.
Require Import Cubical.DPath.
Require Import Spaces.List.Core Spaces.List.Theory.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.Group.
Require Import WildCat.

Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Expand All @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.

(** We wish to define the amalgamated free product of a span of group homomorphisms f : G -> H, g : G -> K as the following HIT:

HIT M(f,g)
| amal_eta : list (H + K) -> M(f,g)
| mu_H : forall (x y : list (H + K)) (h1 h2 : H),
Expand All @@ -26,14 +27,15 @@ Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
amal_eta (x ++ [inl mon_unit] ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ y)
| omega_K : forall (x y : list (H + K)),
amal_eta (x ++ [inr mon_unit] ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ y).

We will build this HIT up successively out of coequalizers. *)

(** We will call M [amal_type] and prefix all the constructors with [amal_] (for amalgamated free product). *)

Section FreeProduct.
Section AmalgamatedFreeProduct.

Context (G H K : Group)
Context {G H K : Group}
(f : GroupHomomorphism G H) (g : GroupHomomorphism G K).

Local Definition Words : Type := list (H + K).
Expand All @@ -57,7 +59,6 @@ Section FreeProduct.
destruct x; rhs napply app_assoc; f_ap.

(** There are five source types for the path constructors. We will construct this HIT as the colimit of five forks going into [Words]. We can bundle up this colimit as a single coequalizer. *)

(** Source types of path constructors *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +243,8 @@ Section FreeProduct.
(e : forall w, P (amal_eta w))
: forall x, P x.
srapply amal_type_ind.
snapply amal_type_ind.
1: exact _.
1: exact e.
all: intros; apply path_ishprop.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,12 +274,15 @@ Section FreeProduct.

(** Now for the group structure *)

(** We will frequently need to use that path types in [amal_type] are hprops, and so it speeds things up to create this instance. It is fast to use [_] here, but when the terms are large below, it becomes slower. *)
Local Instance ishprop_paths_amal_type (x y : amal_type) : IsHProp (x = y) := _.

(** The group operation is concatenation of the underlying list. Most of the work is spent showing that it respects the path constructors. *)
#[export] Instance sgop_amal_type : SgOp amal_type.
Local Instance sgop_amal_type : SgOp amal_type.
intros x y; revert x.
srapply amal_type_rec; intros x; revert y.
{ srapply amal_type_rec; intros y.
snapply amal_type_rec; only 1: exact _; intros x; revert y.
{ snapply amal_type_rec; only 1: exact _; intros y.
1: exact (amal_eta (x ++ y)).
{ intros z h1 h2.
refine (ap amal_eta _ @ _ @ ap amal_eta _^).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,12 +355,12 @@ Section FreeProduct.

(** The identity element is the empty list *)
#[export] Instance monunit_amal_type : MonUnit amal_type.
Local Instance monunit_amal_type : MonUnit amal_type.
exact (amal_eta nil).

#[export] Instance inverse_amal_type : Inverse amal_type.
Local Instance inverse_amal_type : Inverse amal_type.
srapply amal_type_rec.
{ intros w.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,7 +425,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.
apply amal_omega_K. }

#[export] Instance associative_sgop_m : Associative sg_op.
Local Instance associative_sgop_m : Associative sg_op.
intros x y.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop; intro z; revert y.
Expand All @@ -430,13 +435,13 @@ Section FreeProduct.
rapply app_assoc.

#[export] Instance leftidentity_sgop_amal_type : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit.
Local Instance leftidentity_sgop_amal_type : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop; intro x.

#[export] Instance rightidentity_sgop_amal_type : RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit.
Local Instance rightidentity_sgop_amal_type : RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop; intro x.
napply (ap amal_eta).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,13 +510,13 @@ Section FreeProduct.
apply amal_omega_K.

#[export] Instance leftinverse_sgop_amal_type : LeftInverse (.*.) (^) mon_unit.
Local Instance leftinverse_sgop_amal_type : LeftInverse (.*.) (^) mon_unit.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop; intro x.
apply amal_eta_word_concat_Vw.

#[export] Instance rightinverse_sgop_amal_type : RightInverse (.*.) (^) mon_unit.
Local Instance rightinverse_sgop_amal_type : RightInverse (.*.) (^) mon_unit.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop; intro x.
apply amal_eta_word_concat_wV.
Expand All @@ -522,11 +527,25 @@ Section FreeProduct.
snapply (Build_Group amal_type); repeat split; exact _.

End AmalgamatedFreeProduct.

Arguments amal_eta {G H K f g} x.
Arguments amal_mu_H {G H K f g} x y.
Arguments amal_mu_K {G H K f g} x y.
Arguments amal_tau {G H K f g} x y z.
Arguments amal_omega_H {G H K f g} x y.
Arguments amal_omega_K {G H K f g} x y.

Section RecInd.

Context {G H K : Group}
{f : GroupHomomorphism G H} {g : GroupHomomorphism G K}.

(** Using foldr. It's important that we use foldr as foldl is near impossible to reason about. *)
Definition AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec' (X : Group)
(h : GroupHomomorphism H X) (k : GroupHomomorphism K X)
(p : h o f == k o g)
: AmalgamatedFreeProduct -> X.
: AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g -> X.
srapply amal_type_rec.
{ intro w.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,7 +583,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.
rapply left_identity. }

#[export] Instance issemigrouppreserving_AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec'
Local Instance issemigrouppreserving_AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec'
(X : Group) (h : GroupHomomorphism H X) (k : GroupHomomorphism K X)
(p : h o f == k o g)
: IsSemiGroupPreserving (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec' X h k p).
Expand All @@ -587,14 +606,14 @@ Section FreeProduct.
Definition AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec (X : Group)
(h : H $-> X) (k : K $-> X)
(p : h $o f $== k $o g)
: AmalgamatedFreeProduct $-> X.
: AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g $-> X.
snapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
1: srapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec' X h k p).
exact _.

Definition amal_inl : H $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
Definition amal_inl : H $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g.
snapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
{ intro x.
Expand All @@ -606,7 +625,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.

Definition amal_inr : K $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
Definition amal_inr : K $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g.
snapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
{ intro x.
Expand All @@ -624,8 +643,8 @@ Section FreeProduct.

Theorem equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_rec `{Funext} (X : Group)
: {h : GroupHomomorphism H X & {k : GroupHomomorphism K X & h o f == k o g }}
<~> GroupHomomorphism AmalgamatedFreeProduct X.
: {h : H $-> X & {k : K $-> X & h $o f $== k $o g }}
<~> (AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g $-> X).
snapply equiv_adjointify.
1: intros [h [k p]]; exact (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec X h k p).
Expand All @@ -650,8 +669,8 @@ Section FreeProduct.
rapply (grp_homo_op r (amal_eta [_]) (amal_eta x)). }
intro hkp.
rapply (equiv_ap' (equiv_sigma_prod
(fun hk : GroupHomomorphism H X * GroupHomomorphism K X
tapply (equiv_ap' (equiv_sigma_prod
(fun hk : (H $-> X) * (K $-> X)
=> fst hk o f == snd hk o g)) _ _)^-1%equiv.
rapply path_sigma_hprop.
destruct hkp as [h [k p]].
Expand All @@ -660,7 +679,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.
intro; simpl; rapply right_identity.

Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop (P : AmalgamatedFreeProduct -> Type)
Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop (P : AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g -> Type)
`{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
(l : forall a, P (amal_inl a)) (r : forall b, P (amal_inr b))
(Hop : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (x * y))
Expand All @@ -678,60 +697,67 @@ Section FreeProduct.
by apply Hop.

Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy
{k k' : AmalgamatedFreeProduct $-> G}
Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy {P : Group}
{k k' : AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g $-> P}
(l : k $o amal_inl $== k' $o amal_inl)
(r : k $o amal_inr $== k' $o amal_inr)
: k $== k'.
rapply (amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop _ l r).
intros x y; napply grp_homo_op_agree. (* A bit slow, ~0.05s *)
Defined. (* A bit slow, ~0.05s *)
intros x y; napply grp_homo_op_agree.

End FreeProduct.
Definition equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy `{Funext} {P : Group}
(k k' : AmalgamatedFreeProduct f g $-> P)
: (k $o amal_inl $== k' $o amal_inl) * (k $o amal_inr $== k' $o amal_inr)
<~> k $== k'.
rapply equiv_iff_hprop.
- exact (uncurry amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy).
- intros p; split; exact (p $@R _).

Arguments amal_eta {G H K f g} x.
Arguments amal_inl {G H K f g}.
Arguments amal_inr {G H K f g}.
Arguments AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec {G H K f g}.
Arguments amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop {G H K f g} _ {_}.
Arguments amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy {G H K f g _}.
Arguments amal_glue {G H K f g}.
End RecInd.

Definition FreeProduct (G H : Group) : Group
:= AmalgamatedFreeProduct grp_trivial G H (grp_trivial_rec _) (grp_trivial_rec _).
:= AmalgamatedFreeProduct (grp_trivial_rec G) (grp_trivial_rec H).

Definition freeproduct_inl {G H : Group} : GroupHomomorphism G (FreeProduct G H)
:= amal_inl.

Definition freeproduct_inr {G H : Group} : GroupHomomorphism H (FreeProduct G H)
:= amal_inr.

Definition FreeProduct_rec {G H K : Group} (f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
: FreeProduct G H $-> K.
snapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec _ f g).
intros [].
exact (grp_homo_unit _ @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).

Definition freeproduct_ind_hprop {G H} (P : FreeProduct G H -> Type)
`{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
(l : forall g, P (freeproduct_inl g))
(r : forall h, P (freeproduct_inr h))
(Hop : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (x * y))
: forall x, P x
:= amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop P l r Hop.
(* The above is slow, ~0.15s. *)
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I'm surprised by how slow the above is. I tried various things, and couldn't improve it. Even providing the term with exact_no_check and all implicit arguments is slow:

Time Definition freeproduct_ind_hprop {G H} (P : FreeProduct G H -> Type)
  `{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
  (l : forall g, P (freeproduct_inl g))
  (r : forall h, P (freeproduct_inr h))
  (Hop : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (x * y))
  : forall x, P x.
  unfold FreeProduct in *.
  unfold freeproduct_inl, freeproduct_inr in *.
  Time exact_no_check (@amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop grp_trivial G H (grp_trivial_rec G) 
  (grp_trivial_rec H) P H0 l r Hop).  (* 0.075s *)
Time Defined. (* 0.075s *)

Definition freeproduct_ind_homotopy {G H K : Group}
{f f' : FreeProduct G H $-> K}
(l : f $o freeproduct_inl $== f' $o freeproduct_inl)
(r : f $o freeproduct_inr $== f' $o freeproduct_inr)
: f $== f'.
: f $== f'
:= amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy l r.

Definition equiv_freeproduct_ind_homotopy {Funext : Funext} {G H K : Group}
(f f' : FreeProduct G H $-> K)
: (f $o freeproduct_inl $== f' $o freeproduct_inl)
* (f $o freeproduct_inr $== f' $o freeproduct_inr)
<~> f $== f'
:= equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy _ _.

Definition FreeProduct_rec {G H K : Group} (f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
: FreeProduct G H $-> K.
rapply (freeproduct_ind_hprop _ l r).
intros x y; napply grp_homo_op_agree. (* Slow, ~0.2s. *)
Defined. (* Slow, ~0.15s. *)
srapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec _ f g).
intros [].
exact (grp_homo_unit f @ (grp_homo_unit g)^).

Definition freeproduct_rec_beta_inl {G H K : Group}
(f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
Expand All @@ -747,7 +773,7 @@ Definition equiv_freeproduct_rec `{funext : Funext} (G H K : Group)
: (GroupHomomorphism G K) * (GroupHomomorphism H K)
<~> GroupHomomorphism (FreeProduct G H) K.
refine (equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_rec _ _ _ _ _ K oE _^-1).
refine (equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_rec K oE _^-1).
refine (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ oE equiv_functor_sigma_id (fun _ => equiv_sigma_contr _)).
intros f.
rapply contr_forall.
Expand Down