A menu-driven program with the following options To call a recursive function, which raises a number to the power(whole number) Must work for negative as well as positive values. Ask a user for the values of the base and the power To call a recursive function, that produce the sum of the squares for the first n terms of the series (11)+(22)+(33)+...(nn)-[staring with 1] Output sample: 1+(22)+(33)= 14; output to be produced by the recursive function Positive numbers only Ask a user for the number of terms To call a recursive function to add the first n terms of the series (nn)+...+(33)+(22)+(11) [ starting with n] Output sample (33)+(22) +1 =14; output to be produced by the recursive function Positive numbers only Ask a user for the number of terms to quit
Ask a user for the values of n and x Validate all user inputs User should be able to run menu as many times as user wants