Welcome to our data repository! We host here the complete parameters of the model used for the study presented in our paper.
This repository contains:
(1) An "easy-to-read" Spreadsheet with all model parameters including sources and notes
You can find a complete description of the model structure, assumptions and validation results at the Original Paper
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite the original paper:
S. Feng, L. Floeer, F. Goerzel, D. M. Joeckel, J. Barbosa and F. Steinke, "Towards Low-Carbon Multi-Energy Systems: The Hessian Energy Transition," PESS 2021; Power and Energy Student Summit, 2021, pp. 1-6.
For Bibtex you can use the following:
author={Feng, Sizhang and Floeer, Leon and Goerzel, Felix and Joeckel, Dennis Michael and Barbosa, Julia and Steinke, Florian},
booktitle={PESS 2021; Power and Energy Student Summit},
title={Towards Low-Carbon Multi-Energy Systems: The Hessian Energy Transition},