Releases: Hernanm0g/meteor_vuetify
Releases · Hernanm0g/meteor_vuetify
Back To Meteor's Bundler
- Thanks to meteor-vuetify-loader, we dont need webpack anymore to Load vuetify components on the fly.
npm run test
, unit testing and code coverage.- Layouts Based UI. Now you can create your layouts and tell vue-router wich layout uses every route.
API_NAME=books npm run create Api
, now you can create collections from scripts
Now with Webpack as bundle
This boilerplate is now configured with webpack bundler, this makes your app pretty much lighter than with Meteor's legacy bundler.
Updated to Vuetify 2.0.
Now you can use v-slot directive (required in [email protected])
Working Meteor + Vue + Vuetify + Auth0
Merge pull request #1 from Hernanm0g/Auth0&Vuex Added Auth0, Vue Router, Vuex and meteor-files
Working Meteor + Vue + Vuetify
[email protected] + [email protected] + [email protected]
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.02